Talking to a Fellow Hunter

Staring at the oomen female I notice she was cleaning my armour, the ones she was finished with sat next to her looking almost brand new. Wincing I slowly sit up and click my tusks together startling the oomen female.

Amari Pov now

I was so deep in my thoughts and my job, I could swear I nearly felt my heart detach itself from my body and explode, whipping around quickly I groan feeling whiplash set in as I look at the Hunter before me ...awake and staring at my with very big eyes. His eyes were like a fire, bright and glowing with intelligence, a mixture of red and orange with hints of yellow, I could stare at them for eternity.

Coughing softly I turn my head away, I glance at him before I sigh calming down, looking over his wounds I see the bandages were starting to get covered in green blood I quickly get up and walk to the first aid kit, bring it to the couch as I sit on the edge and reach my hand out slowly so as not to alarm him or make him mad. I cut away the bandages and throw them in the fire before tracing the wounds lightly, moving my hand back I grab the bandages and look to him to see if I could bandage him up only to see him about to fall asleep.

Wrapping his chest I push him to lay back down as I replace the hide before putting the first aid away, walking back to the fire I finish polishing the hunter's armour before I turn to him seeing his eyes still closed almost wishing they were still open, I push the armour into the corner and pack away my polish and fibre cloth. Grabbing the daggers I put them away in my cupboard before I walk to the kitchen to start making dinner, the sun was setting already and I was starved after the hard work I had done today. Frying up some eggs and bacon I toast some bread before I grab an apple and sit at the table by the window eating my food.

"He will be starved when he wakes up...I wonder what he eats....his eyes were so beautiful I wonder if that is normal for his race...I need a name for him, I can't just keep calling him hunter or predator ..." Washing my plate once I was finished eating, I turn around about to go to my room when a clawed hand grabs me around my wrist gently. Turning quickly I find the hunter awake and trying to talk to me, listening to the hunter click his tusks together I rub my neck confused.

Looking at him again I saw he was pointing at the fruit, smiling I nod grabbing the fruit bowl and placing it down letting him try what he wanted. Staring at him pick at the different fruits and sniff them make me chuckle before I look at his teeth ." He's a carnivore, maybe he eats raw meat ..." Getting up I walk over to my freezer pulling out a leg of lamb before I start to defrost it in hot water, it was the quickest way I could think of for now.

Walking over to him once more I sit on the table and look at him wondering if he could understand me.

Amari: Hello Hunter, can u understand a word I am saying?

Watching him tilt his head at me, I smiled softly since his action reminded me of a curious dog. Getting up after a few minutes of us just staring at each other I walk over to the meat pulling it out the hot water and placing it on a plate before I walk over to him putting it down. The speed his hand shot out to take the meat was amazingly fast, like I had only blinked and he was eating the meat.

Grabbing the plate I put it in the sink before walking back to him sighing.

Amari: My name is Amari, u were wounded so I brought u back to my house to help heal u, please do not break anything or harm my animals. The meat is in the freezer if u wish to have more. Good night.

Waving to him I get up heading to my room, grabbing my clothes I quickly get changed and jump into bed. Falling asleep, all I could dream about was his eyes...

Next Morning

Waking to the distressed clucking of my chickens I run to my window and facepalms seeing the hunter scaring the chickens. Getting changed quickly I run down the stairs and out the door stomping over to him placing my hands on my hips I glare at him.

Amari: Stop scaring my poor chicken Mister Hunter or I will shove a shovel right up ur ass!!

Standing my ground as the hunter turned to me, appearing to be in quite a foul mood I continued to stand my ground as he stood his full height and roared at me causing my ears to ring heavily. Folding my arms I glare harder at him before I grab his tusk pulling him down to my height and looking him straight in the eyes.

Amari: I hope u can understand me because the next time u stalk or scare my chickens I will make sure u will be begging to see death, understand me?

Watching his posture I could tell he knew he had angered me and was quite tense as expecting me to lash out at him. I let his tusk go before I walk back inside closing my door, walking to the kitchen I start making coffee for my self alongside a huge Breakfast for my guest and i.

"Tiger ...that's what I shall call him from now on..."