Getting to know them

I started carving off the skin and hides of the animals, I might either sell to the village or keep them for my self I still have yet to make my mind up on that matter, dropping my knife back on the cloth I grab the bucket and starts taking the intestines of the animal. The meat was next, carving it in the half I dig big chunks for Tiger and small ones for me.

On my third bunny, I was so focused on my work that I didn't even hear the footsteps coming to me until a clicking jolted me from my focus causing me to jump slightly while looking around until I saw it was just tiger. Crossing my arms I glare at him blushing from my embarrassment before flinching when he roars laughing, realizing he was just laughing I chuckle shaking my head.

Amari: I should have seen that coming since ur hunter I should have guessed ur footsteps would be silent.

Chuckling I go back to carving the beat until a clawed hand grabs mine gently stopping from carving, glancing up at him I nod letting him handle the knife as I go to walk away until he stops me sitting me back down and starts to carve the meat the again. " Is he trying to teach me how to carve meat ... HOW DARE HE!?" Gripping my arms I go to grab my Knife before I stop and freeze seeing his eyes on me, staring at them I relax. " He's just trying to help me, so instead of getting my panties in a knot I need to calm down and watch ..." Turning to look at the meat again I was shocked to see the meat he had cut was a much more clear-cut than mine.

Sighing I look to him seeing him patiently watching me I motion for him to show me again causing him to smirk in his way. For the rest of the day, he sits teaching me the correct ways of cleaning the meat, carving the meat and then even for the fun of it I tried to teach him that my chickens were not demon spawn from hell out to eat him whenever his back was turned but thought that whole time I could see something was bothering him badly.

As the sunset casting red and orange rays to shine over the mountains I sat on the couch drinking my coffee thinking about how I should go about asking him what was wrong. I couldn't ask him even if I wanted to, we don't speak the same language. Sighing I lay back on the couch putting my coffee down as I slowly fall off to sleep.

Gasping awake I hold my ears as all I can hear is ringing while not even realizing that a mask is been removed from my face, I snap my eyes opens staring right into the flame-coloured eyes of Tiger.

Amari: W...what happened why won't my ears stop ringing and why was ur mask on me?

Tiger: I used the neural interface technology in my mask to imprint my kinds language into ur brain.

Amari: What ...

Tiger: I made it so u can understand me now ooman, or has the mask not worked?

Amari: no no it's worked, I can understand u perfectly I'm just in shock, here I was thinking about how I was gonna communicate with u and now I can.

Tiger: U wished to communicate with me earlier, what for?

Amari: This afternoon u could tell that something was bothering u through the whole day and I wanted to understand what was wrong but without been able to talk to u like I am now it would have been nearly impossible to ask u what was wrong but first introductions, My names Amari Dagger Savage and who might u be honourable hunter?

Tiger: My name is Mourning Quiver, son of Honourable Huntress Thwei N'ritja and Honourable Hunter Bakuub.

I nod looking at him before I chuckle softly rubbing my neck.

Amari: Now then what was bothering u Mourning? It must have been something really big if u are still troubled by it.

Mourning: I was sent to this planet to hunt the hard meat that plagued this area but it was a trap and now I am stuck here, while I was fighting the two bad blood a third one must have gotten into my ship and has destroyed my communication device. Without it, I can not contact my sire and I cant not fix it because I neglected to see if I had any tools for repairing.

Watching Mourning curl and curl his fists I look down thinking before I look to him thinking on what to do, getting up I sigh softly.

Amari: Ur welcome to stay here as long as u want Mourning, ill try and find a way to help but I can't promise much I'm sorry.

Mourning: Am..ami

Amari: Just call me Dagger if that helps

Mourning: Dagger u have helped me already, u healed my wounds and saved me from meeting the Dark-Hunter.

Amari: I still wish to help u find a way off my planet and back to ur family but for now how about I start cooking some dinner?

Walking past Mourning I walk into the kitchen and grabs 2 big pieces of meat for Mourning and a few small ones for me, I will need to portion out for each day if I wanted to make it through the winter this year. Actually thinking about it, winter was coming to close soon but the cold will still be here it always is.