Friend or Foe

Looking at the twins I quickly move over to wounded yautja, grabbing the cloth that hung over the wounded hunter I look at the wound that covered his arm and across his chest. Shaking my head I stare at the wounds before turning to look at the twins.

Amari: how long ago did u find him?

Daniel: A day at most, we tried to stop the bleeding but it hasn't helped much...WAIT how do u even know what that thing is ?!

Amari: I saved one from been killed just a few days ago, he's up in my cabin now, he's healed as well...It's a good thing I came when I did or else this one would have had to have his arm amputated.

Dapple: W...what do u mean?

Amari: I'm no doctor or nurse but by the sights of the wound on his arm, it may be the start of an infection.

Dapple: What do u need?

Amari: Bring me ur first aid kit and Daniel, ill need u to hold him down cutting the infection away will hurt him even in his sleep and he will struggle.

Grabbing some gloves I put an old apron on before I turn to daniel seeing him getting into place, to hold the hunter down by his shoulders." I hope u don't wake up big guy because if u do I am gonna hate having to knock u back out " Look over to dapple when he places to Medkit by me, I nod thanks to him.

Amari: Ill try to make this as quick as I can but please hold tightly, Dapple grab his legs please and don't let go.

Looking over to Dapple to make sure he held tightly, I steady my shaking hands and grabbing the small scissors and I begin cutting away the infect skin of the wound. The wound itself was long and deep, around the wound his skin was bright green from the blood that had dried up.

Nearly jumping at the pain-filled roar that ripped from the hunter's mouth, I quickly start again to cut away the infected skin as I glance at the hunter's eyes seeing them darting around in a daze. Gulping I quickly finish cutting away the skin but before I can pull my hand back, the hunter breaks his nonwounded arm free and grabs mine squeezing heavily. Crying out from the pain I do the only thing I can think of in my panicked state...I hit his head with a chair that was nearby...

Staring at the hunter in shock as he passes out once more, I remain frozen until Dapples calling shakes me from my shock. Glancing back down to the hunter's wounded arm, I quickly grab the disinfectant pouring it all over the wound. Not even looking at the hunter when he roars again I grab the needle and thread before I start sowing up his wounds.

By the time I'm done Daniel and Dapple lay on the ground panting from how hard they had to try to restrain the Hunter. Grabbing the hunter's arm I move it back under the cloth as I look to the Twins.

Amari: I want answers now and don't try lying, also I want to buy a few things from ur store so get up off ur asses and let's go back upstairs.

Taking the gloves and apron off, I was happy to see no blood had gotten onto my clothes. Looking at the twins once more I glared at Daniel before at his arm as I could tell there was something wrong, glancing at Dapple's hand I could see they were bruised from how tightly they were holding the Hunters legs down. Sighing I grab the medkit and open it once more to get the cream I would need for Dapples' hands and the bandages for Daniels's arm.

Amari: We can do this the easy way or the hard way boys...

Chuckling when they both sit on the chairs near them, I walk over to Dapple first and start to gently rub the cream over his bruises. The cream itself was only sold here in the village because the plant it was made from only grew in the forest around the village and mountain. Putting the cream down I turn to Daniel.

Grabbing his arm gently I roll up his sleeve as I touch over his whole arm until he winces at one point, grabbing the bandages I roll them over his arm on the spot.

Amari: I'm very curious about how u did this Daniel.

Daniel: A isle fall and it hit my arm, how bad is it?

Amari: Not to bad, the muscle is bruised and the bone is cracked but within a few days, it should be fine and healed.

Clipping the bandage in place I grab the cream putting it back in the medkit as I hand it to Daniel. Walking up the stairs and out back into the shop before over to the counter, I wait a few minutes before the twins walk out the basement and over to where I was.

Daniel: Before u ask ill just tell u everything, It was last night around midnight and I was getting ready for bed. Dapple was asleep already and I had just finished cleaning the shop and getting things ready for the next day when suddenly I heard wood break but it wasn't on this level, it was in the basement. So wielding my broom I walked down into the basement switched on the light and there on the ground was that creature.

Dapple: When the wood had broken I had woken up, I went downstairs to see what had happened when my brother came running up from the basement covered in green paint or so I thought but before I could ask him he grabbed my hand pulling me downstairs yelling for me to grab something to stop the bleeding and well after a few hours of changing the clothes over his wounds they start to dry up ...

Daniel: Once we thought it was ok to move him we got him onto the table and just put a cloth over him, we were too tired to do anything else so we didn't even notice his wounds were dirty were sorry

Amari: It's ok, I just hope he will be friendly when he wakes up but anyway you'll need a lot of meat for when he wakes up they are carnivorous but can eat fruit...But anyway I was wondering if u had any more of that special polish for me.

Daniel: The third aisle on ur right we also have the fibre cloths if u want them as well.

Amari: Yah I do I'm nearly finished mine.

Grabbing two clothes and polish, I walk back to the counter until a sketch pad catches my attention. Walking over to the shelf it was on I grab it looking through it until the box next it catches my eye as well, grabbing the box I stare at it in amazement. It was a whole set of Hunter Gear, grabbing the sketch pad I walk back to the counter putting down both the items as I hand the twins the correct amount of money.

Daniel: Come back soon ok Amari, we miss seeing u around here.

Grabbing my things I put them in a bag chuckling before I look to the twins.

Amari: U only love me here is because I normally buy things while we talk.

Waving to the twins I head out the shop and back over to Nutmeg, petting her mane as i hook the bag up to her saddle. Clicking my tongue I look around the town as Nutmeg starts moving going in the direction of the cabin...

Looking at the trees, I sigh wondering who that Hunter was and if he was the one who broke Tigers' communication device. Looking down I gasp stopping Nutmeg as blood lay in front of us, red blood meaning it was either human or animal. Jumping off Nutmeg I run to follow the blood until I stop at the sight before me, a mother wolf lay dead in the snow but what broke my heart, even more, was the 3 wolf pups that lay at her side trying to keep warm and hidden from the cold.

Looking around quickly to make sure no other wolves were around, I take my cape off getting it in the snow as I grab the pups putting them in my cape. The poor things were too weak to even move or growl at me, once I got them all I fold up the cape before picking it up and running back to Nutmeg.

Getting onto her saddle I nug her side commander her to gallop home, holding onto her reins tightly I keep an eye on the pups to make sure they don't fall from my lap as we come into the front yard. Jumping off Nutmeg I pull her into the stables before i close the door running to the house and inside over to the fire as I lay my cape down in front of it.

Sitting down i start rubbing the pups trying to help heat them, panicking slightly I look around on what I should do. Jumping slightly when a clawed hand comes over my shoulder I turn to face Mourning in a panic before I slowly calm down slightly.

Mourning: Ooman what is wrong, why are u in such a panic, I could smell it from before u even got close to the house.

Amari: On my way back I saw blood on the ground so I followed it and found theses pups under their dead mom's body. They're not responding, their cold and I don't know what to do

Crying I look up at him helpless as I nearly jump when he sits next to me, grabbing me and placing me in his lap as a strong purr emits from him as he grabs the last pup rubbing it gently with the cape.

Mourning: Breath little Ooman, be patient if the pups are strong they will pup through. There is nothing more u can do for them -

A low whine of one of the pups makes me look to it sighing in relief. For the next hour, we continue to hold the pups until their bodies were warm enough before we placed them in the cape. Staying the way we were with me still in his lap I look at the pups thinking before I snap my head to Mourning's hand that held my wrist as a soft growl came from him.

Mourning: Little Ooman how did u get hurt, and why do u smell like another Yautja?

Looking at my arm I was shocked to have not noticed the huge bruise that was forming, it was a deep purple and covered the whole of half my forearm, small puncher marks with blood running down them were in the middle of it ." Guess like I was so busy worrying about others that I didn't notice my wound..."

Amari: Mourning when I was in town I found another Hunter...