Turning towards the door when it bangs open, I face Mourning who held a look of worry on his face but before I could get up he was already there hugging me close to him while looking around for something. Dropping the daggers onto the floor I relax in his hold as the weight of what had just happened settles into my mind."I was once again nearly killed... and this time when Mourning could have helped me he wasn't here..." Looking up at him quickly I push my self from him glaring at him as I keep myself from crying.


Mourning: I...I was fixing my device ooman, I heard ur scream and came as fast as I could.

Stilling my anger I take a deep breath as a tear rolls onto my cheek before I look at him again, grabbing his hand I drag him to the window before pointing to the ground below the window.

Amari: I was attacked by this giant black serpent... I ..I managed to kill it and dump its body outside because its blood is acidic b..but I ...

I look down crossing my arms over my chest to comfort myself as the room falls into an uneasy silence before a soft purr cut through it. Looking up to Mourning I was surprised to see a mixture of pride, happiness, and worry in his eyes causing them to shine brighter than normal but before I could ask him about it he had already jumped out the window.

Watching him from where I was, I watched curiously as he snapped off the claws before turning to face me, motioning me to come to him. Gulping I jump down landing in the snow as it softened my landing, getting to my feet I was met by Mourning's face.

Mourning: Hold still Little dagger

Freezing in my spot I watched as he brought the claw to my face. Fear quickly set into my mind but a short growl from Mourning kept me from running. Bracing myself for the pain, I hiss lowly as he started drawing a marking on my forehead, flinching slightly I try to remain still as I begin to shake from the pain, it was nearly as bad as when he poured the whiskey on my arm.

Watching him move away I quickly dive headfirst into the snow as I relax when the coldness takes away most of the pain. Looking back to him I watch as he clicks his tusks together observing me with a smile. Forcing a smile to my face I get up looking to him.

Amari: You have some explaining to do but first let's get inside.

Heading back to the front of the house I was happy to find it wasn't barracked with snow, walking inside I run over to the fireplace to warm up, my fingers were stone cold and I didn't even want to see what colour my toes were since my sleepers were wet from the snow. Turning to the door I could see Mourning hanging the creature up outside the house, shivering slightly I turn back to the fire before I glance behind me to the Yautja Dagger/duel swords.

Grabbing them I look over the blade to see how much damage there was but it was still perfect only dulled slightly. Glancing up to Mourning I smile to him thinking before I point to my forehead.

Amari: This marking is it like Hunter Marking? It reminds me of the trails I had to go through to get my Hunting privilege.

Chuckling I move letting him sit beside me before I crawl into his lap shivering slightly from the heat that pouring out from his body. Looking up to his face I smile softly seeing the guilt fulled look on his face while his eyes still held the pride.

Mourning: The marking shows that you are a Blooded Hunter, that you have faced ur Chiva and come out successful but it is also the marking of my clan, each clan has their marking.

Amari: Yah that explains a few things, so it's like a Right of Passage then.

Quickly getting up I run over to the mirror to look at the marking before I flinch when I touch it seeing it was still sensitive. Walking over to the first aid kit I grab the cream, spreading some over my fingers before massaging it into the marking. Turning back to Mourning I could still see the look of guilt on his face. Walking over to him I put my hand on his cheek looking at him as he leans into my hand purring.

Amari: Whats wrong Tiger, why are you so down.

Mourning: I regret that I wasn't here to protect u little Dagger, I cannot bear to think about what would have happened to you.

Amari: Hey hey I'm fine aren't I, I'm not even hurt, just a bit spooked...hey wait how did it even get in. I would have heard it if it had broken a window or door down to get in.

Mourning: I must have left the window in the guestroom open after I left...

Gasping I quickly get up running to look at the window, and sure enough, it was wide open. Claw marks ran along the window frame, looking around quickly I quickly get onto my hands and knees looking under the bed. Relaxing I pull the puppies from under the bed cuddling them to my chest as I walk downstairs chucking.

Amari: They survived ... Hey, they are getting quite big maybe we can start teaching them defence training.

Walking back over to Mourning, I sit in his lap petting the puppies as they get out my lap walking around."I will need to start teaching them how to hunt their food soon or at least give them meat and not milk or dog biscuits."

Turning to face Mourning I blush thinking before I peck his tusk before I sit down looking away as embarrassment washes over me like a rainfall. Getting up I turn to head for my bedroom before a clawed hand pulls me back down to Mourning lap, turning to look at him I shocked to fight his cheeks glowing a bright green blush before a hand pushes me to lay my head on his chest.

Mourning: Sleep Little Dagger, we will clean up when we wake up next.

Sighing I chuckle curling up in his lap falling asleep, not noticing the look of love in his eyes or the increased glow on his cheeks.