The Hunter Festival

Looking down I let his hand go looking around nervously before I gasp when he nods. I scream happily before I hug him tightly before realizing what I'm doing, I go to move back before I feel Mourning hug me back as after a few minutes he lets go as I smile to him thinking.

Amari: Why don't you come to watch the Hunter Festival, you will just have to remain hidden but it would be nice to have someone I know watching.

Mourning: It would be an honour to watch you Little Dagger.

I smile at him as he purrs softly making me giggle before we back inside as I quickly head for my cupboard to get changed, I hadn't realized it but I had grabbed an old huntress outfit instead of my new one. Quickly getting changed I grab the strap that holds my bows before I strap it onto the outfit. Looking at the quivers I quickly count the arrows before pulling them out to make sure they are all sharp and not broken. Once all done I walk downstairs and into the living room before I turn to look to Mourning.

Amari: I think we should head to the festival now, it may be an hour early but I need to speak with the elder and Mister Wales, even if they are the same person.

I head out to Nutmegs stable as I quickly saddle her up before I hop onto her, looking to Mourning I motion for us to go as I click my tongue moving Nutmeg into a steady trot down the path to the village. The trees were starting to grow leaves again and the snow was almost gone, there was a faint smell in the air as the flowers were starting to bloom again. Smiling to myself as I hear the tweets of the birds flying over us I look to the trees on my left as Mourning moves stealthily among them using his camouflage/ invisibility thing.

Turning back to face the front I smile seeing we were at the start of the village, I watched as people were starting to bring out their tables to get ready to trade things while others started hanging up festive decorations. Getting off of Nutmeg I leave her at the edge of the village since she didn't like the loud music that normally came from it.

Walking through the village, I wave to the people before I head to the other end of the town as a huge tent sat there with little ones planted next to it. I walk to the big tent slowly parting the curtain as I walk through before bowing my head to Mister Wales.

Wales: Hello my child, are you excited for the festival this year?

Amari: Very much Elder, I came as u requested, what is it about my ranking that u wish to talk about if I may ask?

Wales: When you first came to me claiming you wanted to be Hunter, I had laughed and called u too young. I remember how u walked though the tent and signed up without my permission, only to then bring back a whole basket of hares, three elderly elk all with only one shot and a middle-aged bear. You have followed our rules and creed down to the very last word and have never disrespected another Brother. For the matter of ur ranking I wish to rank u up from scout to Master Trainer, with ur help we could bring more people into the hunter group and with your help, we could train them to follow the codes and rules as u have...what do you say, Amari, do u accept the Ranking Challenge?

I stared at him before quickly putting my hand over my heart nodding fast as my excitement begins to grow more.

Amari: Of course Elder I...I would be a great honour.

Wales: Good, now for the challenge of ur ranking, u must only kill elk or deer that are middle or elderly aged, if u complete that then the ranking is yours.

Amari: Alright ...before I go Elder I need to speak with you on a more private matter.

Wales: What is it, Amari?

Amari: Well I broke my coffee table the other day and I was wondering if u could make me a new one and if so then I would need to know the pricing?

Wales: A new coffee table, yes I can make it, and for the pricing, I wish to trade for the horns of male elk that u hunt and kill.

Amari: Deal, I must be going now, Good Hunting to u Elder.

Bowing my head I leave quickly as I head over to the sign-up table, writing my name down I smirk seeing the sheriff already claiming to challenge me. Once done I walk over to my tent before going inside as I look at the paints that I can choose from before I grab the black paint as I paint over my eyelids and the bride of my nose with it before I grab the white paint and put dots under my right eye, grabbing a small feather I dip it in red paint before I put it just under the dots, creating a red feather. Removing it I smile to myself before I walk out heading into the forest beside the tents.

Turning around when I hear a snap I quickly catch Mourning's hand as I smirk to him.

Amari: I'm getting better at hearing your footsteps, the festival will be starting soon and so will the Hunting, will u remain here or follow us?

Mourning: I will follow you Little Dagger...what is that substance on ur face?

Amari: Oh its paint, we use it just for fun but I think it makes it more tribal and cool.

Smiling to him I pat his shoulder as I head back into the village once I hear the horn blow meaning the festival has started. I smile watching as people danced to the music, as the kids ran around having fun and while some people sat eating the food that was prepared.

Wales: Good day everyone, Today we celebrate the great Hunting day but we also celebrate another great winter that has past, may all the next winter be as great as the ones that have past. We will be starting the Hunting in 30 minutes so hunters and huntress please be ready for when ur name is called.

I smile to him as I watch him leave the stage, turning around I quickly head over to Daniel. Grabbing the coffee in his hands I pull him aside as I look around to make sure no one is following.

Amari: How is the Shadow?

Shadow: I am right here Amari

I jump slightly before I chuckle nodding as I drink Daniels coffee making him glare at me.

Daniel: That was my coffee also where is your hunter?

I blush at what he said before I shake my head pointing up as Mourning drops down beside Shadow. Turning back to face Daniel as the two Yautja talk in private I look out at the people celebrating.

Daniel: U need to be careful Amari, some weird things have been happening. Dapple says that he spotted a lot of black vans coming down the road to the village and he thinks they might be working for the government, so try to keep a down low on Mourning.

Amari: Same to you, I wonder how they figured out Mourning was here maybe it was when he landed?

Daniel: I don't know but as I said, keep an eye on ur hunter.

Nodding I leave Daniel and head out to the waiting spot for the hunters. Grabbing my bow I quickly aim at the tree before I place it down and start to clean my arrows to make sure no dirt was on them, I would only celebrate this festival after the hunting when I can truly enjoy it. Looking down I start thinking over the areas I have last seen elder elk and deer, jump slightly when a hand touches my shoulder I whip around glaring at the sheriff who holds an evil grin on his face.

Amari: Good luck brother

I nearly growl the word brother as he walks past me holding a confident sway in his step, the bastard must think I'm scared of this year's hunt. Sighing I take deep breaths to calm myself before I get ready going to the line.

Wales: The first rivals this year will be non-other then Shadow Huntress and Black Shot, hunters to ur hunting spots, remember to follow the codes and rules and may ur hunts be a success!!

Grabbing Nutmegs Reins I quickly run heading to my hunting spot which happened to be quite far from the village, whistling to get Nutmeg to stay I wait for the go. As the sound of shot been made pieces the air I take off with a fast jog to the first spot I would be camping. Taking 5 minutes of my time I came to the spot and my luck, two large elk stood eating the fresh spring grass.

Readying my Hunter bow with two arrows, I slowly breathe out before shooting piecing both of the elk's heads. Grabbing my rope I quickly hang both the elk up high before I jump from the tree landing into a bush. Quickly jogging to my second spot I had to keep myself from flinching when a gunshot rings into the air, the sheriff has made his first kill.

Walking to the edge of an opening my luck was still with me, an elder elk and middle-aged deer were drinking the water from the small puddle of melted snow. Aiming once more I let go sending the arrows into the back of their heads, running quickly to them I grab my rope again before I drag them back to my other two kills.

For the next hour of my time, I had found no other elk or deer and by the time the finishing shot rang to call us back I had only killed 5 deer and elk all together, I had managed to track a deer just before the ending shot was fired. Loading my Kills into the back of the carriage I clean my arrows before putting them back into my quiver, two of them had broken when I was hunting the last deer.

Looking around I was disappointed, I hadn't seen Mourning though the whole of my hunting. Shaking my head I get out the carriage carrying my kills to the stand before I head into my tent laying down on the bed. Three hours past before all the hunters were finally called back to the stage where the Elder would tell everyone who made the heaviest kill, the least heavy kill and then the most number of kills.

Wales: I hope everyone has been enjoying themselves because now is the highlight of the festival. Let's begin with who got the heaviest kill.... and that would be Jack! Coming in with an elk weighing 315 pounds.

I smile patting Jack shoulder as he goes to the prize table, looking back to the stage I rub my neck nervously.

Wales: And the place of least heavy kill goes to ...Brad! Good luck next year my son ...and now for the moment we are all waiting for ...Who Brought in the most kills....which happens to be...well this is a surprise ...the place goes to Black Shot! Holding over 10 kills in his carriage!!

I sigh softly as I watch the sheriff head to the prize counter before I watch as one of the other hunters runs to the Elder holding a bear trap and fishing wire.


Wales: What is it my son, tell me and show me.

Brother: This bear trap was found in the sheriff truck with fresh blood on it, and one of our brothers saw him carrying it into the woods just before the hunting festival, I went to go look in his hunting spots and I found traps of fish wire netting that was used to trip the elk and that is not even the worse things... He has only hunted 1 elk today the rest of those elk are days old and are just covered in the first elk's blood.

The whole village crowd gasped as two of the other hunters grabbed the sheriff pulling him back to the stage.

Wales: Sheriff what do u have to say for yourself, u have broken not only the Hunter Clan codes and rules but also the festivals hunting rules... I cannot let this slide by like I have the other 6 times u have done this...

Sheriff: Please I swear I won't do it again, I SWEAR !!

Wales: By the crimes of breaking nearly all the rules and codes of the Hunter clan, u and ur bloodline are banished from ever been accepted into the Hunter clan. Take him back to his house he may not partake in this festival again ...

With that the whole village watched as the angry screaming cussing sheriff was taken back to his house, I look back to the elder as I see him nod to me, slowly making my way to the stage I look to the Elder

Wales: Shadow Huntress... Amari u were the second to bring in the most kills and therefore have won the place of most kills but u have also completed the Ranking Challenge. From now on u will be a guide to any young hunters or huntress, u have earned ur ranking well done.

I smile to him as I walk over to the prize table as I place my sticker prize on the brown couch that sat there along with the set of beautiful engraved Daggers. Walking back to Daniel I smile to him and dapple.

Amari: Let's go celebrate !!