The plan, Time to Escape

"It looks like I need a code for Mourning's container, then how will I get the guards and scientists away from Shadow. I need a distraction-"Snapping out of my thoughts by the sound of the door opening, I quickly turn around seeing the guard about to yell at me, dashing forward I grab him before I spin pushing him against the wall hard enough to stun him before I close the door. Grabbing the handcuffs on his waist I handcuff his wrists together before I pull him to sit in a chair as I slap his cheek hard enough to shake him from his daze.

Amari: Unless u want to die, you'll tell me what the code is for the yautja's container and don't even try to scream or ill cut ur tongue off.

Guard: How do you know of the yautja, human?

Amari: I'm his girlfriend ...wait you called me human, why?

Chuckling when I hear his curse, I freeze when I hear him curse in yautja before I narrow my eyes at him. Grabbing his gun I aim it at his head while glaring at him suspiciously.

Jackson: My name is Jackson and I'm an agent sent by the yautja to keep an eye on the humans to make sure they don't capture one of ours.

Amari: How do I know ur not lying, I mean you could just be mimicking the yautja language.

Jackson: If I was then why would I bare their symbol, hm, and if u don't believe me then check my neck.

I slowly move behind him while moving his hair aside since it was shoulder length as I look at the symbol seeing its the same as Mournings, chuckling I rub my neck before I uncuff him, handing him back his gun.

Amari: Sorry about that, I have every right, right now to be suspicious, given the situation I'm in...I need ur help getting Mourning and Shadow out of this place but I don't have a plan.

Jackson: Lucky for you, I do have one, you'll go and get ur big boyfriend and ill get his friend then meet me up at the entrance.

Amari: Alright, wait what is the code for Mourning's container, and how many guards will there be?

Jackson: Just wait for my signal, all the guards will leave and then u can get Mourning. The passcode is 8892, don't mix it up or the alarm will ring and then I won't be able to help you then.

Amari: Alright, I'm lucky this place is small.

Looking to the screen that shows Mourning's container, I quickly memorize the directions before I run out the door activating the invisibility cloak. Running along the halls I stick close to the wall, just in case I need to find a room to hide in, following the directions I quickly come to the room Mournings container is in before I hide in the corner behind a huge pot plant." I wonder what he meant when he said to wait for the signal-"

A huge explosion causes the alarm to ring out as I curl up closer to the wall as I realize this is what he meant by the signal, looking up I watch as the door opens as 6 guards run out with the scientists. Getting up I walk inside before I walk over to Mourning's container sighing when I realize I can't carry him by myself. Looking around quickly I smirk seeing a gurney parked against the wall on the far side of the room, running over I grab it wheeling it closer to the container before I turn to the number pad before I freeze making sure I have the right passcode. Pressing in the code quickly I smirk seeing I remembered it correctly as I quickly grab Mourning before he can fall out the container.

Pushing him to lay on the gurney, I lay him back quickly before I move his feet on it. Looking at the wheels I nod seeing the gurney holding, looking around I quickly grab all his armour and weapons before I place them on his lap as I push the gurney out the room.

Getting Mourning to the elevator unnoticed was easy, I guess whatever that exploded was, was very important to them. The alarms had stopped ringing and the halls were silent again besides Mourning's breathing and my footsteps. Hearing quick footsteps down the hall I quickly set Mournings invisibility cloak on as I activate mine while I park us against the wall.

Jackson: You know if I was a guard I would have still been able to see you, correct?

Turning around I meet Jackson's eyes as I stare at him shocked since he was carrying Shadow as if he was a sack of potatoes. Shaking my head I uncloak as he puts Shadow on the gurney with Mourning and to my amazement, it still held up even under their combined weight.

Amari: Let's get going before they realize what we are doing.

Jackson: Right though we have to be careful, now follow me. You push and ill pull.

Nodding I start pushing the gurney as we hurry in the direction of the elevator. Looking around I saw the bodies of dead guards laying the hallways, looking forward I keep my mouth shut so as not to distract Jackson as I look at Mourning before back up at the hallway.

Coming to a stop at the elevator I wait for it to come down as I look around carefully before I grab one of the guard's guns making Jackson look at me questionably.

Amari: I get the feeling ill need it later on.

I hook it onto my back as I wheel the gurney into the elevator before I watch the door shut, waiting a few seconds the doors open again showing the top level of the facility, wheeling the gurney out, I stop for a few seconds before I quickly wheel the gurney slowly behind some crates as the entrance to the facility opens wide showing multiple guards with heavy-duty guns.

Guard: Come out with your hands in the air, you are surrounded, you have 3 seconds to come out before we come in and get you!!

Keeping hidden behind the crates, I look to Jackson who seemed to be thinking over something but before I can ask I watch as he walks out from the crates and into the middle of the Facility with his hands up.

Jackson: It's just me guys, why don't we put down those weapons-

I gasp watching as they open fire on him, killing Jackson within seconds, shaking heavily I glance out from the crate only to hide again when they fire at me. Looking around I quickly look for a way out before I look at Mourning's plasma caster, taking a deep breath I steady myself as I pick it up seeing the button to fire it. Activating my invisibility I walk out from behind the crates as I see the guards aim at me, I quickly aim the plasma caster at them before I look up slightly seeing a connecting beam right above them, aiming at it I quickly fire as it hits its mark causing the beam to break and fall crushing 8 guys. Grabbing my gun I open fire on the men killing half of them with headshots, leaving behind 6 unconscious.

Walking back to the gurney I wheel it out into the snow before I whistle loudly, leaning against the wall I wait a few minutes knowing Nutmeg was on her way. Cover my eyes with my arm, I keep myself from crying as I hear the sound of Nutmegs hooves against snow look up at her when I feel her but her head against mine, I pet her head before I look at Shadow. Sighing I grab him pulling him onto Nutmegs saddle before I lower the Gurney until its flat against the ground.

Running back into the facility I look around before I spot some rope, grabbing it I run back, tying Mourning to the gurney and then the gurney to Nutmegs saddle, grabbing her reins I lead her back to my cabin.

By the time we got back to the cabin, my legs hurt and Nutmeg couldn't stop whining, the poor girl was tired and needed food. Stopping at the porch of my cabin, I sigh tiredly as I heave Shadow inside onto the floor before I haul Mourning inside and onto my bed. Running back down I lead Nutmeg into her stable as I get rid of the saddle while I refresh her water, grabbing a few apples I put them in her bucket while I put fresh hay down for her, free her of the rein I hang it up before I walk out leaving the stable open.

Walking inside I walk over to the wolf pups as I throw them a huge piece of deer and elk to eat, leaning against the wall I let myself slide down it as my eyes droop from how emotionally, mentally and physically tired I was.

"Please j..just let this be the end of all the torment, please just let me live in peace..."