Chapter 1

One day, two kids have decided to go to a place called wishing well. They are both 12 years old at that time. Harris was about to go home but, Stanley came to fetch Harris and ask him to come with him and he immediately agreed. They went there together after school.

"Harris, do you have a coin?"

"Ummm..." Harris dug into his pocket "Oh! here you go!'' he happily gave it to Stanley.

Stanley threw the coin on the wishing well then he closed his eyes and wish silently.

"Ummm, Stanley? what did you wish for?" Harris asked while looking at Stanley's face

"My wish is for us..." he looked at Harris and smiled at him.

Harris asked with the touched expression written all over his cute face "For us? Like... what?"

"Hmmm... I wished that our friendship will be strong and will last forever and ever!" he hugged Harris.

"O-of course we are! you are my best friend forever---"


*10 Years later*

Harris becomes an engineer, while Stanley is just a restaurant waiter. After Harris's duty, he called Stanley.

*Talking on Phone*

"Hey! are you free now?"

"Yea, sure! where are you now?"

Harris slowly walks as he approaches Stanley's back

"At your back!" Harris answer as he pushed Stanley's back

Stanley fell down and jokingly act like he's mad by glaring at Harris.

"H-hey! I'm just teasing you!" Harris laughs as he slowly runs away to distance himself from Stanley.

"What's funny? Do you think you're funny?! Huh! Huh! come here!" Stanley said as he started to chase Harris.

While they are busy chasing each other, A woman suddenly pops up and had a collision with Harris.

"Ouch!" he claims while the woman loses her consciousness and falls on his chest, with some blood pouring down her head.

Stanley stops running and touched Harris's shoulder to check them. "Are you guys okay?"

"WAAAAH!!" Harris exclaimed after seeing the blood running down the woman's face.

"Hey! Hey! are you okay?! Hey! Miss? Wake up!" Harris tapped her shoulder. But the woman did not respond. Stanley asks Harris to check her vitals.

Harris touched her wrist and check her vitals "Her vitals is still beating! Let's get her to the hospital, quick!" he said with mixed concern written on his face. He carried the woman on his back "Stanley, you should call a taxi right now dude!"

Stanley hurriedly looking for a ride, until a vehicle has passed by "TAXI! TAXI!" he shouted while his left hand is waving to the driver.

The vehicle stops in front of Stanley and hurriedly told Harris to get inside, and when they finally get in. Harris laid the woman's head in his lap. They are in the back seat while Stanley is sitting on the passenger seat alongside with taxi driver.

"Please take us to a nearby hospital!" Harris said to the driver and the driver starts his engine.

The woman suddenly moved her head. Harris felt it and looked at her, he realizes that there is something that the woman wants to tell.

"Don't! plea- please don...t--" she said while the tears on her eyes drop, she slowly touched Harris face then collapsed again.

"Wha-what?! Hey miss?! What are you trying to say? miss? miss?" Harris said while tapping her cheek two times.

"I think… she died!" Stanley said while intensely looking at Harris.

"She's still alive... her heart is still beating. You are crazy! This is not the time to joke!" 

*Cellphone ringing*

"Hey! answer your phone. Your girlfriend is calling... " Stanley said with his silly face looking at Harris.

"Stupid! I don't have a girlfriend yet. And that's not my phone. I think it's yours!" Harris responds as he looked at the window.

"Errr! that's not my ringtone... I think it's the driver's phone?"

"No, it's not mine." the driver said.

Harris and Stanley shockingly looked at each other.

"I-I think it's her phone?" said Harris and looked at the woman's face.

"Yea, I guess so? Check her pockets!" Stanley said as he commanding Harris.

"Go ahead!" Harris said as he commands back.

"I don't want it! I'm scared that I might touch her butt!" Stanley said while turning his head in front.

Harris sighs at Stanley's nonsense jokes "You're crazy! Geez!" he said with annoyance written on his face.

The driver suddenly steps on the brake and the girl's phone fell on Harris's feet.

The phone is still ringing.

Harris looked at the phone "Oh! I think, it's her boyfriend who's calling" he said in a serious voice.

"How can you say?" Stanley asked as he looked at Harris.

"Umm, Look! the caller's name was Babe... you answer!" Harris threw the phone to Stanley.

"Oh my! How dare you to thew it to me!" he said as he catches the phone and looked at it before picking it up.


"Who are you?" asked the caller.

(Is this a gay...? why his voice is so warm? Argh!) Stanley talks to his mind.

"U-umm, I'm Stanley, how about you?"

"Why are you holding my girlfriend's cellphone?!" said the caller with an angry voice.

(is he mad or what? geez!)

"Umm... We're on the way to the hos--"


"Hospi... Hospital. Yea, that's right!

HOSPITAL... w-with your girlfriend. Because she collapsed and---"

"What hospital?! I'll go! Tell me where to please!"

(*Sigh* He keeps talking while I'm still talking!)

"H-hey calm down. I'll text you the address of the hospital if we're there already. So, calm yourself first..."

"How can I calm down?! Fine. Text me right away!"

*Caller hung up the phone*

"But...H-hello? HELLO!"

"Oh, crap! is he mad at me or what? I didn't do anything wrong. But look how he hung up like that! he did not even say his name? what a dude!" Stanley said angrily while glaring at the phone.

"Ssshhh! Tone down your voice! this woman will hear you. Let's talk about it later after we take her to the hospital" Harris whispered to him.

A minute later the driver suddenly stops driving "Oh! We're here already. Do you guys need help to carry that woman?" he asked.

"No, it's okay sir. we can do it. Thank you. And here's our pay and keep the change." Harris said while handing over the payment.

The woman rushed to the emergency room. Stanley went to the information staff and asked for the full address of the hospital since they both are not familiar with that hospital.

Stanley sent the address to the man who called recently.

*2 hours later*

A doctor came out of the emergency room "Whose the family of the patient?" he said and no one answered.

Stanley and Harris looking at each other, while Stanley whispered to Harris "What are we going to do? Are we going to raise our hands and pretend that we are her family?" he said and Harris seems thinking about what to do.

"I-I don't know... maybe you can pretend as her father?" Harris said and Stanley pinched him "O-ouch! what are you doing?! that hurts! Silly!" he shouts out and pinched him back "Ouch! you're crazy!" and they keep pinching on each other.

Some of the people are looking at them because they are noisy. Then a nurse walks towards them, asking if, they are the ones who brought the woman to the hospital.

So, they told the whole thing that has happened on why they are, who brought the woman to the hospital.

The woman is in the wardroom and still unconscious. The doctor dictated to Harris and Stanley that the woman is in good condition and they only just need to wait until she wakes up.

After the doctor talks to them, they go out of the room and sitting on the bench outside of the wardroom.

Stanley looked at Harris "So, what now? are we going to stay long here?" Stanley questioning Harris and looking at his wristwatch.

"Let's wait until the man who called arrives..." Harris answered while he's laying his head on Stanley's shoulder.

"Geez! that guy! he supposed to be here already! It's almost 2 hours since I texted him!" he said upset.

Harris caressed his head "He may be caught in traffic, calm yourself..." he said with his low gently voice to calm Stanley on being annoyed.

"I don't think so? I think it's time for us to go. It's already 11 pm. Let's just talk to the nurse and ask them to take care of that woman." Stanley said while standing up.

*Harris fell off*

"Ouch! Why did you suddenly stand up without telling me to raise my head! Arg!"

Stanley lifting him "You're overacting! Let's go. I feel bored here!"

"Oh, okay fine. If you say so. Come let's eat. Where do you want to eat?" Harris calmly asked him.

"Sure! Your treat right?"

"Of course not! It's not my birthday to treat you--" Harris said with a smile on his face.

Stanley felt offended "Eh?! Do you think I forgot already what you did to me earlier?" he said with a serious face.

"I-I didn't do anything!" Harris denied and slowly run away from Stanley.

"Hey! Come back here!"

*Someone's running*

Stanley collides with a man who seems to be in a hurry "OUCH! HEY! DO YOU HAVE EYES?!" he shout and seems angry.

A man bowing his head "I'm sorry... I'm sorry I did not see you immediately. Because, I'm in a hurry..." he said while sincerely apologizing.

Harris stops running and lifting Stanley "Calm down. Just forgive him... he did not mean it. Let's just go now. C'mon, I'll treat you."

"Fine! whatever! next time look at where you are going through man."

"Yup! I'm sorry again. I'll go now---" the man answered and hurried to walks away from them.

Harris fixes Stanley's hair "Hey, by the way before we go, we almost forgot that we need to talk to the nurse for that girl right?"

"You stay here, I'll go to talk then..." Stanley answered.

Stanley went to the nurse staff and told them to take care of the woman for a while then after he finished talking with the nurses, he peeked on the door of the wardroom to check on the woman and he saw the man that he recently collided with inside the room.

(So, he's the one huh! the one who hung up the phone before and didn't even let me finish talking!) Stanley talks to his mind.

Stanley went inside without knocking on the door "Hey you!" he said while pointing to the man, all of the people inside the room are shockingly looking at him.

"Huh? Am I the one you are talking to?" the man said as he seems like wondering what is happening.

Stanley slowly take step towards him "Yes, you! do you remember the name Stanley? the one that you just hung up on phone a while ago?!"

"Errr... Ummm... S-so you're the one who picked up the phone of my girlfriend when I called then---"

*Suddenly, Someone's opened the door*

"Hey! What are you doing here? I've been waiting for you!" Harris said as he touching Stanley's shoulder.

"Do you remember who called a while ago on that woman's phone?! Look! It's him!" he pointed out the man again

Harris looked at the man "Eh?" and he suddenly feels awkward but, calmly talks to the man "O-oh, hi mister. Nice to see you again. Do you have any relation with her?"

"I'm her boyfriend..." the man answered as he looking at Stanley.

"Ah, I see. I'm sorry for the disturb--"

Harris pulled out Stanley from the room.

"Hey! what the hell are you doing?! I need to investigate him!" Stanley said upset, while he's trying to remove Harris's hands on his shoulder.

"Crazy! Don't be childish here! He said already that he's her boyfriend. So, can we just leave her to him? It's their own business now... And you're not even police to investigate anything! Understands? So, please let's go now!" Harris said while continuing to pull Stanley out of the room.

"Fine! Fine! Let go of your hands on my shoulder then. Tch!"

The man followed them "Hey, wait!" He stopped them to talk for a while.

Harris heard someone and he looked at him "Ah, yes?" he responded with a smile.

"Give me your account number and I'll pay you back the money that you've spent on my girlfriend's hospital bill."

*Stanley and Harris looked at each other*

Harris smiled looked at the man "No, it's okay. Forget about that. I'm glad that you're girlfriend is in good condition now. Hopefully, that she'll be fully recovered soon."

"Okay, seems you don't want to get paid back. Thanks. But, here's my Identity card. If you need anything. You can visit me at my office anytime..." he handed his calling card to Harris.

(Mackenzie, Yosef...? a lawyer from... hmmm, I see.) Harris talks to his mind while reading the card.

Stanley also looked at the Harris holding the calling card held by the man "Huh? A lawyer?" he shockingly said and strangely looked at the man.

"Okay, sir. I'm very sorry for what happened, on behalf of my friend let me bow on you," said Harris as he slowly bows in front of the man.

"No, no... No need for that. I have also a fault for your friend. Maybe, that's the reason why he's being like that to me..." the man said while looking at Stanley.

Harris felt awkward "O-okay... maybe it's just a misunderstanding. I shall talk to him later. Thank you. So, can we go now? Sir?" he said as he noticed that Stanley and the man are looking at each other.

"Yosef... You can just call me on that."

"Okay, I'm Harris and he is---"

"STANLEY! Yea, I'm Stanley."

Yosef shook hands with Harris first and when he came to Stanley it looked like he was avoiding his hand.

"Okay, so... Nice to meet you both!" Yosef said with a smile on his face "Thank you again and I'm sorry again... I should go now."

"Ya, sure. We will go too now." Harris calmly answered.

"Well, Ruth needs me by her side now. Goodbye guys!" Yosef hurried walks away from them and went back to the room where Ruth is.

(Ruth? So that woman's name was Ruth...?)

Stanley asked in his mind and suddenly a bad memory entered his mind.


A 10 years old Stanley walking home to their house from school, he enjoys walking even when it is raining while carrying his bag

"Rain rain goes away, come again another day--" Stanley stops singing as he heard a girl crying on the side of the tree, he went to check her.

And touched her shoulder "Are you okay?"

and the girl who was almost the same as his age looked slowly at him then, suddenly she hugged him.

Stanley was shocked and wondering why is she hugging him.

(.... Eh?)

"Ple-please stay by my side--"

*Gun's shot sounds*
