Chapter 5

Harris opened the door as he heard someone's knocking.

"BOOM!" Stanley surprised him.

Harris punched him in the face out of his shock not realize it was Stanley.

"Agh! O-ouch! Hey boys, it's me!"

"Oh! it's you! Sorry Sorry..." said Harris while touching Stanley's face "I was just surprised." he added.

"Ahahaha! Oh well... Forget about it." Stanley said while entering the room then tapped Harris's shoulder.

Harris noticed that Stanley's behavior was different from what it used to be, but he didn't want to make a big deal out of it and choose to think that Stanley is just kidding around.

"Hey there Cutie Joy, How's your feeling now? I'm glad that you're awake..."

Jasmine blushed "U-Ummm... Thank you Stanley." she said.

Stanley sat on the sofa near Jasmine and looked at her while smiling.

"Geez! By the way... Where did you go? You suddenly disappeared while we're running over here." Harris said as he cut Stanley and Jasmine from staring at each other.

Stanley diverts his gaze from Jasmine and lay down on the sofa.

"I just went out for a while, sorry for that."

(Went out? But, where did he go?) Harris said to his mind.

"Ahh, I see... It's okay. What's important now is, my sister is fine." Harris said with mixed astonishment on his mind.


When night came, Lance stood in front of a mysterious tree in the forest.

"Long time no see ..." He said then turned his gaze to the tree.

A big voice answered "HAHAHAHA! So... It's been a while."

The face of the mysterious tree suddenly appeared.

"Tch! I'm just here to visit you, Harlow."

"HAHAHA! stop joking. I know you need something." Harlow replied.

Lance looked back and suddenly threw a dagger at Harlow and to immediately protect himself from the dagger, he used his strength so that the dagger hit the rock and did not hit him.

"Surprising. You feel it when someone tries to kill you. I'm just trying to get you." Lance said with a sarcastic smile on his face.

"HAHAHA! Of course... I need to protect my life until I get to this world."

"Tsk! Don't be selfish. Our world needs to conquer this real-world to become one. Hahahahaha." Laun said while his eyes are changing into white shiny color "So, first... I need to do something. THAT SOMETHING...! THAT SOMETHING... WHICH I DID NOT FINISH BEFORE! SO, THIS TIME... I WILL MAKE SURE TO KILL THOSE INSECTS WHO KILLED MY FAMILY!" he added as his body shiver from anger.

"So what do you need from me?"

"I need you to take me back to the other world for a while... Let me finish the mission that I've been left there. I'll catch their one and only child once I get back here afterward. Because their dearest child is still fucking alive and living here."

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! What an awful story of yours. Well, if that's what you want. Brace yourself!."

Lance closed his eyes and waited for Harlow to teleport him to the other world.

*Harlow used his mind power*

"Good luck on your journey my friend. HAAA!!!"

Lance disappeared in an instant and safely reached the other world where he belongs "Finally ... Hahahaha!" he said full of longing written on his face "It is time to finish my unfinished mission. It is time to pay!" he said as he looked around at the forest.


A sweat running on Ruth's face, she seems to like having a nightmare "No... N-no... NOOO!" She shouted as she was trying to stop something from happening but, the nightmare was cut as she wakes up.

Ruth loud shout wakes Yosef up. He quickly goes to Ruth's room "RUTH!" he worriedly shouted her name while running towards her.

Yosef found Ruth crying, despite shock he managed to get close to her.

"Why? what happened? Tell me... Please... What happened?" Yosef said and he pulled her into a hug to calm her down.

"M-my parents..."

Yosef faced her "Parents? your parents? why... is there anything wrong?" he curiously asked and worried at the same time.

"T-they are... They are in danger. I need to save them." Said Ruth while standing up from the bed.

"What do you mean? I don't understand. Why you need to save them?"

Ruth hurriedly prepares herself "Forget it. Just let me go. Please!" She said as he felt that Yosef would stop her.

"Where are you going? I will not allow you to leave. You're still weak. Please, don't do this Ruth. I'm begging you. I will just call the police to protect your Parents." Yosef said and tried to stop her.

"I told you before right? That we don't have any relation. I don't know you... And You don't know me. So, please... Just let me go!"



Ruth doesn't bug and refuses to listen to him. She starts to march out of the house but, Yosef followed her and grab her wrist.

Suddenly Ruth's eyes have turned into Shiny light Blue and faced Yosef.

Yosef's eyes widened and became out of words. He can't grasp what he just witnessed.

Ruth uses that chance to put him on sleep through to her mind power. Yosef immediately falls asleep.

"I'm sorry... I need to do this. I'm very sorry... I need to go to our world... My family needs me." Ruth said while apologetically staring at Yosef.

She made sure that Yosef is comfortable in his sleep by putting a pillow to Yosef's head and cover him with a blanket so he won't catch a cold before leaving.

After Ruth leaves, An electricity spark came out on Yosef's fingers.


*Phone rings*

A sleeping guy didn't hear the phone call because of the headset he was wearing not until his dog tried to wake him up by soft biting.

"A....ah...hmm...hey Scarlet ssssshh! don't bite me... I'm sleeping..."

*Still the dog didn't stop*

"Oh my..." He said with annoyance and removed the headset from his ears, he was about to scold the dog but, he heard his phone is ringing again. And get up from lying down.

"Oh, geez! who's calling at this hour? It's midnight already" he said while trying to keep her eyes open. He picked up the phone. And walks towards the kitchen to get some water.

"Yes, hello?"

"Hey, Taehyun! what takes you so long to answer the phone?"

"Oh, uncle... I'm sorry. I was in the bathroom. Sorry about that." Taehyun answered with a mixture of lying as he was scared to be scolded.

"I see... Fine. I just need to say something to you. Plus, I need you."

"Hmm? what do you mean uncle? You need me on what?"

"I know how good you are when it comes to technologies. I have some sort of mission and I want you to help me, there is someone I'm suspicious of and it's only you who can help me."

( Huh? a mission? I think my uncle is being ridiculous at this time... Geez!) Taehyun said to his mind.

"Oh, hmm is that so uncle... But, I still don't understand what you mean. Hehehe..." he said and drink the water that he poured in a glass.

His Uncle explained the full details to him on what he wants to do with him and finally, Taehyun understand it and agreed to help his Uncle.

"Ok uncle... Count me in," he answered while sitting on the front of his computer while the dog is licking his feet.


The restaurant has a lot of customers, Howard is responsible for taking the orders then relaying it to the chef. He was about to go into the kitchen when he bumped with a customer.

"What the! Are you crazy or you don't have eyes?!" the customer angrily said then pushed, Howard.

"Honey, stop! He didn't mean it. Let's go home." the customer's wife said while touching his shoulder and trying to pull him out.

Other waiter came to apologize on behalf of Hongseok But the customer is still rude to Howard.

"So, cockroaches... Who do you think you are? You're just a waiter. Hahaha! Do you want money? I can give you. How much do you want?"

Howard looked at the customer to show how his eyes changed color.

"WOAH!" a rude customer exclaimed out of shock

"Huh? what happened honey?!" his wife worriedly ask.


His wife looked at Howard but, she saw that his eyes were normal so, she thinks that her husband is just being crazy.

"There's nothing wrong with his eyes... Tch! C'mon let's go home!" she said and forced to pull her husband out.

"NO! I'M TELLING THE TRUTH!" the rude customer said and looked at Howard again while his wife is pulling him.

(You are a very strange person, But I have to be sure of my thoughts.) Harvey said in his mind while watching Howard from the 2ndfloor.


Meanwhile, in the other world, the sun is about to set when Ruth arrived the other world. She ran as fast as she can with thoughts full of her Parents running in her mind.

"HAHAHA! It's been a long time... Sir and Ma'am. Do you still remember me?" Lance said as he trying to scare Ruth's parents.

"W-why are you here? What do you want from us?"

"AHAHA! I think you know already, why I'm here. Sadly, both of you are already weak, Mister Kazuya and Madam Katsumi AHAHAHA!"

Lance scares the two old people by using mind power to burn the door of the house.

"How's that? HAHAHA! Do you think, I forget what you did for my family before? I am here to get my revenge!"

*Backdoor opened and someone entered*

"STOP!" Ruth gasped "Your family died because of their selfishness, they planned to conquer this world but, they failed. My parents didn't kill your Family intentionally. In this world, we fight to live. Your father and mother intend to kill my father so my father just defended himself and got forced to use his ultimate power to them." said Ruth while protecting her parents.

"HAHAHA! Good timing, I'm glad you came. And do you think you can fool me ?! SILLY! My father's last wish was to kill you all! And I will follow it for them. I would like to put your parents first but, since you are here too. I'll kill you too now. I thought I killed you when you were young because I shot you before. But look! You are so alive HAHAHA! So, what now, if you die at this time? Lance said while forming a fire in his hands.

"Face me!" Ruth's father said suddenly and walked over to Lance.

"Huh? Father!"

"Get out of here Ruth. Let me do this thing. Take your mom with you. BOTH OF YOU, GET OUT OF HERE NOW!" Ruth's father said while forming the lightning power on his hands.



Ruth's mother forced her out of the house.


Jasmine fell asleep after taking her medication when the nurse came to tell Harris that Jasmine can go home.

"Jasmine, wake up... We will go home now."

Jasmine slowly opening her eyes "Ah, umm... Really? Okay." she said while getting up.

Stanley also woke up as he heard noises and looked at Jasmine "Did you sleep well Joy?" he asked while stretching.

"Let's prepare now. Stanley, can you pack these foods? Thanks." Harris said as he interrupts them talking "I'll go to pay the bills for a while. Wait for me here. Stanley don't be silly." he added.

Harris walks towards the clerk to pay for the hospital bills Jasmine but, the clerk said that their bills have been paid already.

"But, ma'am... I didn't pay any yet?"

"The person who brought her here already paid the bill, sir."

(Huh? who?) Harris said to his mind.

"Umm. Okay, ma'am thank you," he answered the clerk with astonishment on his face.

Harris decided to go back to Jasmine's room But, he heard a familiar voice so he peeks it the room where the voice coming from.

His eyes get wide as he saw the person that he heard from that room was Stanley who seems to be arguing with the nurses because he doesn't want to get injected. He entered the room "S-STANLEY?!" he shouts in shock, also he's wondering why Stanley is wearing a patient dress and has a band-aid on his head.

Stanley looked at him "Harris! Please, help me. They are trying to injecting me. I'm scared of that thing!"

Harris realized that there are two Stanley and rushily runs back to Jasmine's room.

Stanley follows him "Hey, wait! Slow down!" he said while following him.

When Harris opened Jasmine's hospital room, no one is there, the only left there was Jasmine's things on the floor.

(It can't be!)