Chapter 24- The Hero's Triumph

After the war, Elven Forest is beginning it's recovery process both in military and economy. Kazuki and his troops stayed there for a month helping people plant seeds and build houses. The Holy kingdom also sent envoys bringing food supplies and gold donations to help the people recover.

A day before their departure, Holy kingdom sent it's last envoy. It was Maggie and Sakura, and behind them were wagons filled with weapons and armor. Gimel wrote letters of thanks to Griffin for the help and passed it to Sakura to deliver, and they immediately left. Kazuki on the other hand, didn't know about the envoy and just heard it from the guards. He was upset because his friends didn't bother seeing him, but he shrugged off that emotion and went to sleep.

The next morning, Kazuki was preparing the troops for departure when Gimel came to him. " Thank you sir hero. We will be forever grateful in what you've done for us" he said as he bowed down.

Kazuki was embarrassed seeing a king bow down to him so he told him there's no need for formalities. Gimel called out Gamel and she stepped forward holding a green book. It was as thick as his palm and has an emerald sticking at its cover.

" Mr. Kazuki would you please touch this book?" Gimel requested. Kazuki trusts Gimel so he touched the book and the emerald at the cover glowed brightly that it could be seen from a distance. Gamel was shocked upon seeing this. She never expected Kazuki to have the same level of Nature affinity as her.

(Note: Checking magic affinities require gems. Ruby for fire, emerald for nature, topaz for earth, aquamarine for water, amethyst for dark, quartz for wind, diamond for light, and onyx for null. The brighter the stones glow, the greater you affinity for that element is.)

" It seems you affinity for nature is as great as my sister's" Gimel said as he looked at Gamel teasingly.

The surrounding soldiers who heard what Gimel said began to gossip things like " The hero could become the eighth supreme mage" or " As expected for the one that will save the continent."

Gamel facepalmed as she heard what the soldiers said. Being a supreme mage means that you have high affinity in three of more elements, so having high affinity for one element is not gonna be a big deal. Although she was displaying a poker face, she was actually curious about Kazuki's affinity for different elements.

The only way they would know Kazuki's affinity on different element's is by using other stones or using the crystal ball at the magic academy. The crystal ball is used to measure all the affinities of a person but there is only one in existence and the magic academy holds it.

They gave Kazuki the book in order for him to learn nature magic. When the time of their departure arrived, they went out of the Elven gates carrying glory on their way home.

After two days of travelling, they finally arrived at the Holy Kingdom. As they marched inside the gates, cheers from people can be heard. All the know is that the commander is that the hero is within the army but they don't know who. No one suspected Kazuki even though he was riding Pegasus because he was just a kid.

When they entered the castle, a feast was prepared for the soldiers who fought for their motherland. After the feast, the soldiers returned to their barracks while Kazuki was greeted by Griffin.

He turned to Sakura and Maggie to have them explain why they ignored him back at the Elven forest. " You see, we were in a hurry because we were carrying a sealed letter from king Gimel to sir Griffin" Sakura explained with a poker face while Maggie was smiling weirdly.

Kazuki thought " I wonder what their up to."