Chapter 28- Match in the Arena

After Helgard left, Kazuki proceeded to the classroom without saying a word. The dark aura around him could be seen even by people with weak magic affinity. This made him look more dangerous so people didn't dare approach him. As he entered the room, the whole class became silent. They thought the class adviser entered the room. The atmosphere was heavy that he even controls some of his classmates breathing. The teacher went inside and he also felt the dark aura. It was a mixture of bloodlust and pure darkness that has no depth. It was like he was gazing at the abyss.

" G...good m...morning ev....everyone" he could not control the stuttering of his voice because of fear.

Sakura and Maggie who were beside Kazuki felt guilty. He was in a bad mood because of them and if they didn't entertain those two guys earlier and just ignored them, he wouldn't be put in this situation. They tried inviting Kazuki for lunch but he refused their invitation, which made them feel more guilty.

On the other hand, Kazuki was still pissed in what the two nobles said. He can't tolerate nobles abusing their power. In his eyes, those people are no different from swines. His rage couldn't be controlled that some part of his aura leaked. He was invited by Maggie and Sakura for lunch but he rejected it, because he was making a strategy on how to defeat those two bastards after class. The bell rang and Kazuki returned to his room for afternoon class. It's a good thing the two nobles weren't in the same class or else he would've already killed them.

Their current lesson was alchemy and the teacher was helping every student in getting the procedure in making antidote correct except for Kazuki that is. The atmosphere around him was still heavy and his dark aura was still leaking. This made the seats around him empty, except for his back where Sakura and Maggie were sitting.

Though no one helped Kazuki, he still managed to perfect the antidote. The bell rang but the teacher was still not finished discussing.

" The main focus of alchemy is t-" the teacher and students were surprised when Kazuki suddenly stood. He sent a dangerous glare on the teacher and walked out without saying a word. The teacher who was still discussing trembled and dismissed the whole class.

Meanwhile, Kazuki walked towards the arena. He wanted to play a little trick on the nobles so he suppressed his aura so the atmosphere around him was back to normal. He entered the arena and saw the two nobles along with Helgard standing on the stage.

" By the way, before the match starts you must introduce yourselves to your opponent" Helgard said while giving a smirk. He was expecting Kazuki to introduce himself as the hero and that he was enrolled here by Griffin.

"Hi my name is John Phenel from the earl household and this here is my friend Ray Hermes from the marquees household" he said proudly.

" I'm Kazuki Hashima. An ordinary commoner with a little experience in magic"

Helgard almost spat blood upon hearing these words. He then realized what Kazuki's true intentions were and felt pity for those two. They even got cockier upon hearing that Kazuki has low experience in magic. Helgard could only facepalm because of the two's dense way of thinking.

He went to the middle and both sides took their battle stance. As a veteran in the battlefield, Helgard could see the great difference in strength just by looking at their stance. The two's stance were effective in offense but has many openings, especially in point blank while Kazuki's stance looks simple but it has no flaws. It could easily block attacks from any direction and could easily parry his opponent's attack.

(Note: Though duels in the magic academy uses magic, using of swords are not forbidden. Most students are mages but there are also many mage/fighter.)

Helgard cast a 1st tier explosion spell in the air to mark the beginning of the match. The two nobles immediately activated fire magic to make a flaming sword and charged towards Kazuki.

Kazuki nonchalantly approached their attacks head on. He dodged the first two attacks and then activated [true fear], a 3rd tier dark spell that doubles your aura's effect. Though it's a simple taunt, the ones with weaker mental strength could faint. The two who were charging at him suddenly stopped and trembled. John started to panic and released a 3rd tier explosion spell. The sound of the explosion could be heard from outside the arena so many students went to the arena to watch the duel.

"Time to get serious" the two said while enhancing their weapon using magic.

"Then I'll get serious too" Kazuki smirked as he pulled out his scythe.