Chapter 31- Punishment

Holy Kingdom Supreme Mage's Office

Griffin was checking the list of Magic academy students when he remembered Stella's report regarding Kazuki's stats. He's the strongest student in the academy's history. He was so lost in thought that he didn't notice the messenger entering the room.

"Sir! Earl Phenel came! He speaks about his son's death" the messenger reported.

"Let him in. I'll talk to him myself" Griffin said confidently.

As soon as the messenger left, Earl Phenel entered the room. His face was dark showing great anger.

"Give me back my son's life!" he demanded with a grumpy face. He could not accept the fact that his son was killed in a duel against a commoner and what's more is that the head master was the one that suggested the duel.

As Griffin was about to reply, a portal was opened behind him and Helgard stepped out. His was wearing a poker face showing that he didn't care about the incident. This made Phenel rage in anger.

"I demand a trial! Sir Helgard clearly violated the academy's rights and killed my son in a duel" the earl's face reddened. He was so furious that his words came out without him thinking about what to say.

"Your son used his status as a noble to discriminate another student" Helgard replied casually.

The earl gritted his teeth upon hearing these words. It was absurd that his son was killed because of a simple reason like that. He even thought that it was better if his son was expelled instead of getting killed.

"That's a very unreasonable answer sir Helgard" he tried to argue.

"Then what if the one he insulted was the hero?" Griffin butted in their conversation.

"Hero? That's impossible. The hero can't be a mere child. You're just making reasons to kill my son!" he yelled.

Just then, two paladins entered the room and captured him. Seeing such legendary beings made his jaw drop. But his amazement was mixed with cold blood when they rendered him immobile. This means that Griffin was not lying as the paladins will only obey the hero's orders.

"You are under arrest for speaking ill about our king" one said with a magnetic voice.

"You can't arrest me! I'm an earl!" he shouted. He was planning to use his status to escape but it seemed pointless since the paladin's grip tightened.

"By the authority given to me as a Supreme mage, I hereby strip earl Phenel from his status as part of nobility" Griffin stated. This made the man's face pale. He was preparing his mind in going to jail then one of the paladins said, "He will be executed in the dungeon tomorrow morning."

Fear filled his eyes. As he looked at Helgard to beg for mercy, he received a cold gaze and when he turned to Griffin, he was ignored.

The two paladins dragged him out of the room and Helgard chuckled.

"What's wrong brother? " Griffin asked dumbfounded.

"Nothing. I just thought that this school year will be an interesting one" he said while opening a portal getting ready to leave.