
[Now don't get it mixed up, you won't go on expeditions immediately but you will receive training from them since I believe that you've learned all you can here.]He asked me which surprised me since I know I've done good but not well enough to garner the attention of people higher up the chain, even if it is just for better training.

[Sir! I rather not join the scouts right now. I'd rather train myself since I believe that would me more beneficial for my own growth.]I said to him since I'd rather have free time and train myself with freedom. For example using Chakra in my titan form since I haven't tried it yet.

[*sigh* Are you sure about this Yaeger?]He asked me after sighing.

[Yes sir I do.]I said and he nodded.

[Ok Yaeger. But if I find out your slacking off or spending your time with your little girlfriend instead of training I'm sending you off to the Scouts, is that clear?]He asked me.

[Yes sir!]I said and then he waved me off signaling for me to leave and I do. After I tell Mikasa, Armin, and Annie who started to sit with us recently in dinner of Keith's proposal and how I denied.

(Week Later)

Right now I'm sparring against Annie and notice something has her distracted so I use that and stop fighting confusing her.

[Hey! What you doing? Come on let's keep going.]She said to me and I could only shake my head at her.

[Whats bothering you?]I asked her after sitting down and pat the ground next to me signaling her to sit and she does and sighs.

[*sigh* How'd you know?]She asked to which I can only chuckle.

[Well when you look like your looking at space and throw weaker punches than usual it's kinda hard not to notice.]I said to her.

[So. Mind sharing what's on your mind?]I asked her and she only sighed again.

[Sorry.]She said to which I can only raise an eyebrow.

[I'm sorry because I can tell you hold back a good amount in our spars but you still spar against me even if it doesn't benefit you.]She said then sighed again but I can feel she was lying about that being the reason, or at least partly. She then starts to stand up but grab her hand surprising her.

[Look. I can tell your lying, or at least partly. So when you're ready to tell the truth or the full one I'll be here to listen, always.]I said to her with a smile and reassuring squeeze to her hand.

[Stop trying to flirt with me Yaeger. I already said you're not my type.]She said with a sneer.

[I don't see you letting go though.]I said to her with a smirk and she finally let go after noticing she was.

[Whatever. Get up so I can beat your ass.]She said and I do and get in our fighting poses and lunge at each other.

(Week Later)

It's been two weeks since I got an offer to join the Survey Corps and during the past year and a half I've been here I noticed that Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie meet once a month in the woods but haven't for almost 3 months but noticed that they were going to have one again. The thing that confused me though is that they don't talk to each other so why would they meet? I was suspicious of them so I decided to follow them this time and as an ex ninja I know how to conceal my presence even if I rarely did so I was able to get close without them noticing.

[So. Why have you been avoiding us Annie? I hope you remember our mission.]Reiner said Annie in harsh tone trying to intimidate her which is funny since she can beat them in a fight, but what mission?

[I know why so why are you bothering me?]She said with slight anger which made them flinch.

[*cough*Your recent actions say otherwise.]Reiner gave a fake cough and said.

[Recent actions? I'm just doing what you're doing Reiner, I don't see a problem. Unless you want to elaborate on what you mean?]Annie said to Reiner and as Reiner was going to reply Berthodlt spoke up.

[You're getting close to them for our benefit, right Annie?]Berthodlt asked Annie nervously.

[And what do you mean by that Berthodlt?]Annie asked him.

[Oh. It's just because even back at Marley you never really interacted with any other warrior in training, it's weird that you with these-]But before Berthodlt could continue Reiner cut him off.

[These Devils!]I he said with extreme anger and hate for some reason and confused about who he's talking about but I assume it's us but why? What did we do to garner such hate? And where do they come from? Whats Marley? With so many questions but so little answers I continue to listen.

[Devils, Reiner? And I thought you stopped considering them as such after being friendly with them for so long.]Annie said too Reiner.

[I'm only trying to gain their trust to solidify myself here. You can't say you're not doing the same.]Reiner said.

[I don't care. But, Eren, Mikasa and Armin are different.]Annie said making Reiner raise an eyebrow.

[Different how?]Reiner asked.

[Different as in they are stronger than anybody I've seen before. They can easily kill me, especially Eren.]She said confusing them.

[They can't kill you in your titan form, right?]Berthodlt asked nervously since Annie is the strongest of them in combat.

[I don't know, but maybe.]She replied to them.

[Annie. While I admit he is gifted, I don't believe he can kill us as titans since even if he had prior training it probably wasn't as harsh as ours. The only reason why you would focus on them so much is-]But Reiner got cut off this time.

[Because she sees them as a possible threat and if she's close to them they will lower their guard and she can eliminate them if they get out of hand!]Berthodlt said.

[With his strength he won't die by pure titans and he'll probably gain the attention of "important people" within the walls. So until something like that happens, I'll stick with them.]Annie said then got up to leave.

[Wait Annie! Where are you going?]Berthodlt asked her after seeing her get up.

[Because we're done here. There's nothing else to speak of, and unless you want people to get suspicious we should stop meeting.]Annie said then left but noticed that her feelings were conflicting. I then left as well confused of what their mission is? And if they're like me and can transform into a titan? And is Annie really only faking being our friends? Along with Reiner and Berthodlt. I leave but know one thing, I need to confront Annie on this and find out whats actually going on here.