chapter 9-should i change the genre

She did not cry but once again, she was reminded.

Why she hated the book "The Lazy Lucky Princess".


That night terror begins.

It happens slowly at first, little flickers of uneasiness. It's subtle until she becomes aware of them as her body tenses and she sits up to look around.

When she does, her skin crawls at the sight of what lies in wait for her.

The shadows shift and move.

They appear and disappear unpredictably.

In their wake, a sense of dread settles over her like an oppressive blanket. She knows that they are only there, but she cannot find it in herself to call out to them when the fear takes hold. The shadows have always been with her since birth, though never this strong. Now, her eyes follow each movement from corner to corner of her room. Her heart thuds wildly against her ribcage. The silence weighs heavy on her as she watches in horror and anticipation for what will come next. For a time she thinks perhaps she is having another nightmare, but then she sees him. He is standing just outside the doorway. As soon as his form is illuminated by the moonlight, he appears solid and real. Even if she had the courage to scream, the sound would still echo down the hall like an empty shell. She is stuck with the knowledge that it isn't really him standing in the doorway. Not anymore.