Chapter Three

Man: You're under arrest! Ms. Scott, find the other one.

Woman: Roger!

(Ms. Scott? That name is familiar.)

The woman runs in the opposite direction as the man came closer. I stop and stand still, holding out my hands.

(I'm getting used to this. This shouldn't be normal, should it?)

Man: Good job, I like a compliant prisoner.

He approaches me and pulls out his cuffs.

James: Um, I'm sorry, but what am I being arrested for this time?

I look up and gasp in surprise when I get a good look at his face.

Man: Quiet, please. I'll ask the questions.

James: ... Ryan?

Ryan: Huh?

His eyes widen as he recognizes my face.

Ryan: James?! What the—

Ryan is a longtime friend of mine. We lost contact a few months ago after my promotion. Last I heard, he was training to become a detective. But I didn't expect to meet him again like this.

James: Um, I can explain...

Dumbfounded, he unlocks my cuffs.

Ryan: What on earth are you doing here? I was sent here to pursue a wanted criminal. They sent me after you, but I must have the wrong target...

James: Nope. You've got the right one... The police have been after me all day for a crime I didn't commit. Honestly, this is becoming a normal occurrence for me.

Ryan: What? What do you mean?

I explain the situation. Just then, I hear the woman's voice.

Woman: No, he's not innocent! I've found his accomplice!

Our heads snap around. The woman from earlier is dragging someone along behind her.

(Wait, she looks familiar now that she's closer... And the man she's dragging... Oh no, it's Noah!)

I let out a gasp.

Ryan: Good work, Charlotte. But it seems we have a problem.

(Charlotte? I knew I recognized her! It's the assistant from the interrogation room!)

Charlotte: Yeah, the only problem is this one is trying to get away!

Noah: James! Help! What have you done?!

James: U-Uh...

Charlotte: You! Do you know this man?! Is he your accomplice?

James: That's my friend! He's innocent, so please let him go!

Charlotte: Ha! Innocent? The innocent don't run away!

Ryan: Hold up, Charlotte. I think we've got the wrong guys.

Charlotte: Like hell we do! I don't know this dude, but I sure remember that boy from the police station yesterday.

Ryan: Right. I'm sure you do, but... It seems there was a misunderstanding. He's not the killer. He's my friend.

Ryan explains the situation to her. Charlotte's expression stiffens as she nods in understanding.

(Is it just me or does she seem jealous that he's standing up for me?)

The sound of my stomach suddenly interrupts the whole conversation.

James: ... Sorry. I haven't eating anything today.

Ryan: What? Why not ? That's not good for you, y'know. Maybe you should eat something before we continue.

He pulls a box out of his backpack.

Ryan: Here. you can share this with me.

(Is that a bento box?)

James: Oh, um, I'm okay. Really.

Charlotte: Hey! Isn't that the bento I made you?!

Ryan: Huh? Oh, yeah. But I think he needs this more than I do right now.

James: No, really, it's fine! I can't eat your lunch.

Charlotte: Damn right you can't, boy! I made it for Ryan, not you.

Ryan: Charlotte. Control yourself. Please take Noah to the car and uncuff him. They're both innocent. I need to straighten this out.

Charlotte: Ugh!

Noah: Yeah, about time!

She storms off to the car with Noah, who nods in thanks.

Ryan: Sorry about that. Charlotte can be a bit of a handful.

James: I can see that...

After a while, we hear the car door slam.

Ryan: Oh, Charlotte must be done.

Charlotte: Okay, okay. I did what you asked. He's in the car. Are we done here? Can we go now? I think we have more important things to do than just sit here.

Ryan: You're right.

He turns to me.

Ryan: I think I'd like to question you both myself before letting you go, though. Would you mind coming to my secret hideout? It's safer than the police department. It's actually the hideout my superior uses to conduct his own investigations.

James: Your superior?

Ryan: Yeah. He's a great detective. I'll contact him when we arrive. I'm sure he'd like to meet you.

James: Okay...

We get into the car and he drives into his hideout.

James: Thanks so much for your help, Ryan. I'm glad you beleive me. But how did you know I was innocent?

Ryan: Because I know you, James. You're not a killer. But also, I have another suspect in mind. I'll tell you more at the hideout.

Noah: Hey, James? Speaking of hideout... Don't you have to return to the hideout you escaped from?

James: Oh...

Ryan: What? You mean you were at another hideout?

James: Well, yeah. About that... Before you showed up, another detective helped me. He doesn't know I left though. He's probably pissed...

Ryan: Another detective? Hmm... Well, anyway, once we're done, I'll let you go. You can go back wherever you need to be. I just want you to help me with some evidence for the investigation. Okay, were here.

James: Hey, I know this place.

I look around at the hideout. It look just like Liam's.

James: What the...

Liam: Halt! Who goes there?!

Just then, Liam bursts the front door, gun in hand.

Ryan: Whoa, whoa! It's me sir! I'm just bringing in a witness for questioning! I didn't know you were here already.

Liam: Witness? I thought you were intruders!

He notices me, and his mouth drops in shock.

Liam: Dammit, James! Ryan! What the hell are you doing with my prisoner?!

James: Prisoner?!

Ryan: What?! Boss, do you know him?!

James: Boss?!

Liam: Yes, you imbecile! He's the suspect I busted out at the police department! But the little sneak escaped without my permission!

James: I'm sorry, Liam! I just needed some fresh air!

Liam: Fresh air my ass! You went to meet that reporter, didn't you?!

James: But I—

Liam: Not another word! We'll discuss this later. I need to think about your punishment. In any case, Ryan, good work on bringing my prisoner back. I'll make sure he doesn't escape again.

Ryan: I didn't realized you two already met. I was under orders to pick up a suspicious person at the park.

Liam: Wait what? I didn't give you those orders...

Ryan: I know, but it's hard to say no to the department head...

Liam: *sigh* From now on, you only answer to me, got it? Anyway, how did they even know she was around here?

He gets serious.

Liam: I think you should all come inside. And Ryan, and from now on, you only do as I tell you. I don't trust those guys at the headquarters.

He lets us all inside. Liam looks at Noah. I explain what happened.

Liam: I don't usually invite strangers in here. But it looks like your involved in this case now, so I have no choice.

Noah gulps and nods. He looks terrified.

Liam: Anyway, it looks like the department is onto us now that I busted you out. Ryan, any other evidence?

Ryan: That's what I wanted to talk about. About some new information on my brother. It seems he was definitely involved in gang activity. And he went missing right after the murder. I'd hate to suspect my own brother, but...

Charlotte shifts uncomfortably.

Charlotte: I can't believe your brother would do that, though. I thought he had cleaned up his act?

James: Wait, your little brother?

Ryan looks at me and nods solemnly. I knew he had a younger brother, though I never met him. I heard that he was a problem child.

Ryan: I'll need to look into it more, but at the moment, he's more suspicious than you. We need to find out why the police are pursuing you rather him.

Liam: Thanks for the info, Ryan. Assistant Scott, your dismissed. Please head back to the station. And not a word about any of this.

Charlotte: O-Okay. I mean, yes sir.

She bows and walks away. Despite how uncomfortable she is around Ryan, she seems intimidated by Liam.

Liam: Ryan, will you go to the computer room and update the investigation info? I need to talk to James in private.

Ryan: Oh, um... Yes sir.

Ryan gives me a nervous look before obeying his orders.

Liam: Come with me, James.

James: Whatever it is, can't we talk about it here?

Liam frowns.

Liam: What did I say? My hideout, my rules. Or do you still not trust me even though I just saved your ass?

James: ... Okay, you have a point.

Liam: Whatever, I guess I can tell you here.

He explains his situation with the police department and Ryan. It seems they both have their suspicions about the investigation.

Liam: I think they know more than what they're telling us. But I still don't know what they're hiding. Ryan works for me, but he's naive. He does everything by the book. I'm worried the police department might try to drag him into their little game. He shouldn't trust everyone so easily. And you need to be more careful.

He scolds me sternly. I just nod and agree. Everyone stayed at the hideout that night. I wake up to the sound of the doorbell.

Liam: That must be Assistant Scott. I had her retrieve some new evidence from the police department last night.

James: Huh? Charlotte?

I quickly get up from the couch and run to wash my face. I don't want her to see me looking like a troll. Woman can be so critical at others.

Ryan: Good morning, Charlotte.

Charlotte: Ryan! I brought everything the boss asked for. Did you sleep well. You have your own room right? I hope that dumb boy didn't try to do anything sneaky last night!

I overhear her ridiculous accusation from the bathroom. I emerge after cleaning my self up.

James: Good morning, Ms. Scott.

Charlotte: Hmph.

Ryan walks away with Liam to look over the files. Charlotte strides right up to my face.

Charlotte: You. Suspect boy.

James: Um, my name's James...

Charlotte: That's not important right now. I have a more serious question.

She stares me in the eye. I get the chills.

Charlotte: What's your relationship to Ryan?

James: Huh? That's what so serious? Well, as I said, were just friends. We haven't talked in a few months. Now he's a detective trying to help solve my case, apparently.

Charlotte: Hmm... Well I saw you looking at him, so I thought you might have a crush.

James: What? A crush?! Now your just being absurd. At a time like this,  my love life is the least of my worries!

Charlotte: Is that so? Well, what do you think of him, anyway?

(Is she serious right now?)

James: Well, he is really handsome, but—

Charlotte: Aha! I knew it! You are in love with him!

James: Huh? That's not what I mean! I mean, he's a good-looking guy, but he's just a friend. I'm not in love with him. Why is that important, anyway?

Charlotte: Hmph... well, whatever. You can deny it all you want. But you better not get too close to him. Or I would be really upset. You wouldn't want me to accidentally tell the cops where your hiding, would you?

James: You wouldn't do that. That would put Liam and Ryan in danger!

Charlotte shrugs.

Charlotte: Liam's not the one I care about. And neither are you. And I'll make sure nothing happens to Ryan. So watch your back.

She heads to the door and calls out the guys. Her voice is sweet now.

Charlotte: I'm heading to the office now! Call me if you need anything!

She slams the door behind her.

(What the hell is her problem?! Is everyone bipolar now?)

Just then, Liam and Ryan burst out of the room.

Liam: I knew they were hiding something! This information wasn't released in the public report. Nor to anyone else! It could be an important clue!

James: Huh? What is it?

Ryan steps forward and holds a file in front of my face.

Ryan: The victim, Mia Yalden... She was pregnant.