Chapter 4

2 years later

I am now 3 years old and I can talk almost perfectly with only a few mistakes and I can walk and run. And currently, I have been begging my mom to teach me basic chakra control because I want to be a shinobi but my mom keeps saying that I am too young and that I should wait a couple of years. So today I am going to show my mom that I am very mature and strong for my age.

So today after waking up a lot earlier than normal and sneaking out of my room I decided to do all of my chores and make my mom breakfast. While getting dressed and looking in the mirror looking back at me is a small girl with white hair and one green eye that she got from her dad and a brown eye she got from her mom.

While looking in the mirror I mumble to myself " I wish my eyes were the same color, I look like a weirdo." I then walk out of my room to the kitchen.

Once I was in the kitchen I go and grab our broom so i can sweep the floor. Once I grabbed it I stuggle to use it because how short i am but i eventually get it under control and start to sweep trying to be quiet so that I don't wake up my mom.

Once I finish sweeping I go to the kitchen counter to start making breakfest but once I get to the counter I realize a problem and that problem is my height. So then I go search the house for a stool or something else to step on, while also mumbling about being short.

I eventually find a small stool to stand on and I bring back to the counter and start getting ingredients to make food. Even with the stool, I struggle to reach the counter and I have to go on my tiptoes. And while reaching for some of the ingredients to start cooking I lose my balance and start to fall off the stool onto the ground when someone catches me.

Looking up to see who caught me I see my mom's face and she says "Amaya what are you doing up so early and what is with the mess on the counter."

Instead of replying my face turns red from failing to stand on the stool and I start to struggle in my mom's arms so that she puts me down. After she puts me down I quietly told her that I was trying to impress her by cleaning and cooking so that she would teach her basic chakra control."

Where Amaya's mom replies with some quiet laughter and then says " Amaya, even if you cooked for me I wouldn't teach you any Jutsu until your four years old"

Then I put on a pouty face and walk out of the room back to my room mumbling about how it wasn't fair that she had to wait a year to learn Jutsu.

Hours later

Hana was carrying Amaya to a restaurant so that they can meet Hana's friend Haruka Hyuga and her son Hiroto. And on the way, I was mumbling about not wanting to go because Hirito was rude and annoying. And when we arrived I was greeted by an annoying boy sticking his tongue out at me.

When suddenly Haruka flicked Hiroto's ear and saying " Hirito quit being annoying or he wasn't allowed to play when he got home" Which got the boy to put his tongue back in his mouth.

After Hana and Haruka greeted each other and started talking. I got surprised at the fact that they started talking about the academy. When Hana suddenly says " Amaya are you going to be going to the academy."

And before I can answer Hana tells Haruka how I have been begging to learn basic chakra control. Where Haruka responds with a giggle and tells Hana that Hirito has also been asking her about jutsu.

After lunch, we start to go home when we pass by a weapon shop and I look inside and then suddenly say " hey mom when I start to learn Justus can I also get a sword."

Hana then responds with " sure I will get you one for your fourth birthday." And then continues to mumble to herself self saying " Like daughter like father." Where I respond with a "what?" and Hana says sighs and says " Nothing."

Once we got home my mom decided to do some chores and I go and grab a picture book so that I can practice reading because I have learned a lot of the language but I still need to learn more about reading and writing. And I end up spending most of the day practicing reading and hanging out with my mom.