class 1a pt.1

class 1a pt.1:

preview of last chapter:

both girls thoughts: let's do this


third person pov: once both girls entered the class they quickly got the other students attention and then the students look away. after that odd moment both girls go to their assigned seats.

readers pov:

readers thoughts: ochako and i went to take our seats, ochako was somewhere near the beginning of the row and i was in the back row. something was kind odd but yet familiar..... i noticed that i was sitting next to the boy that saved me at the entrance exam, he also gave me the cold shoulder that day (i sigh remembering that day) i go to my desk and sit down. it's been about five minutes and the teacher is still not here and i think a guy named bakugou and other one lida are arguing for some stupid reason and i don't want to interfere, and i'm also to busy debating on this gut feeling i got because i felt the need to talk to the boy that saved me for instance his name and getting to know him. so i finally decided to talk to him...

y/n: hi, my name is y/n you probably remember me from the entrance exam... but that's not important, so what's your name

todoroki pov:

todoroki thoughts: i was just gazing out the window since the teacher isn't here yet. until the door opened revealing to girls coming into the classroom, the one with the white hair looked familiar and the other didn't, obviously i didn't really care so i went back to staying quiet. but i did feel a presence of someone sitting next to me and i could feel that person gazing at me, until i heard a familiar female voice speak up and she said...

???: hi, my name is y/n you probably remember me from the entrance exam... but that's not important so what's your name

todoroki thoughts: i turn my head to see the same girl from last time she seemed nervous while asking the question, so i answered her ...

todoroki: my name is shoto todoroki, but i prefer to be called todoroki (with a blank expression)

readers pov:

y/n: ok, well nice to meet you todoroki (i took my hand out for him to shake)

readers thoughts: i took my hand out for him to shake but he just looked at it then returned his gaze back to the window, not to also mention he still had that blank expression from last time. since, i didn't feel like trying again because i was afraid he would give me an even colder gaze then last time... my thoughts were caught off when the door opened again i looked up to see the boy that was at the entrance exam that saved ochako.... and he looked so nervous.... probably because he was slightly late. the silence was broken by lida....

lida: hi i'm tenya lida from the science academy

ochako: hiiiiii, i wanted to say thank you for saving me

third person pov: y/n also got up to say hello.. to get her thoughts off from the last discussion with todoroki

y/n: hello, i'm y/n we meet again........ (not sure of his name yet)

izuku: oh yeah, izuku midoriya (nervously)

???: hey deku i didn't expect you to get into u.a high i bet you cheated because it was odd seeing you get a quirk at that moment (yelling)

izuku: kacchan (his way of calling him bakugou)

third person pov: izuku builds up the courage and speaks up to bakugou

izuku pov:

izuku: kacchan i did not cheat if i did cheat i wouldn't be here i came here to be a hero (he said more but i didn't want to go there)

bakugou: (surprised expression because he didn't expect him to say that)

readers pov:

readers thoughts: i'm still standing near izuku's desk while bakugou was yelling at him, i think the reason why bakugou is being mean is because he didn't expect izuku to pass, but with the surprised expression bakugou has he didn't expect him to talk back to him. ochako was about to say something but was cut off by a man's voice, i assumed he might be our teacher but he sure doesn't look like one.... i head back to my seat which is next to todoroki and ochako heads back to hers, then somebody said ....

???: who are you, you don't look like a teacher or a hero

other students started talking about him......, then the guy we assume that's not our teacher tells us his name

???: i'm eraserhead underground pro hero also known as shota aizawa and i will be your homeroom teacher of class 1a but call me, mr.aizawa

everyone pov:

???: i can't believe he's actually our homeroom teacher

???: i heard he can erase peoples quirk just staring at his target

???: he's really cool

???: he also looks tired that also explains more about his quirk

third person pov: the students were cut off by mr.aizawa telling everyone to be quiet, once everyone was done talking he began to talk about the hero course

readers pov:

readers thoughts: once mr.aizawa finished explaining things he told us that we'll have another exam to take and if we don't pass or in other words get a low score we'll get expelled, leaving most of the students to complaining about it being just the first day. i myself don't actually believe that but i will still give it my all.... then mr.aizawa hands us our gym clothes and then we go outside, one thing that's on my mind is todoroki why does he have a blank expression and why doesn't he want to talk to anybody. now i have new objective not only will i train to be a hero but to take my time to get todoroki to open up to me and be eventually we can become friends....

third person pov: after all the students were in their gym clothes aizawa lead them to the field to do their exam....

readers pov:

readers thoughts: once we get to the field mr.aizawa starts explaining how we start the fitness exam, then he calls me...

mr.aizawa: y/n kim

y/n: yes (i say a little unsure)

mr.aizawa: i need you as a demonstration since you got the highest score in you class, i need you to throw this ball as far as you can in middle school you got 80 meters now we'll see how much you improved

y/n: ok- (i was cut off by bakugou)

bakugou pov:

bakugou thoughts: once mr.aizawa said that kim got the highest score in our class i got so angry because i expected it to be me but it wasn't, not only was i angry because of that it's also because deku got into u.a and randomly getting a quirk. so i started shouting...

bakugou: how did this little girl get the highest score she looks so weak to be in u.a (i yell)

readers pov:

reader thoughts: just great... it's already the first day of school and i have to deal with a guy with anger issues (i let out a sigh), so i turned around to go face him and say

y/n: if you weren't so hot headed you would've got even higher than me, how pathetic of you to be complaining over a score and plus i'm not weak or a little girl (i say in annoyance)

third person pov: bakugou was about to say something but he noticed y/n walking away not caring about the situation their in

readers pov:

readers thoughts: i'm glad that nobody interfered with our problem, since i didn't want our situation to get worse i just walked away without him noticing until now...

bakugou: hey get back here i wasn't finished yet (yell)

reader thoughts: i ignored him and continued walking, i went to aizawa and grabbed my ball then i walked to the center of the field once i got there i got in a ready position. i got my quirk ready, i started to freeze the ball then i activated (with sword) my glyph to make a path into the sky (where space is) once i did that i threw the ball which disappeared into the sky....

third person pov: what y/n didn't notice was that there were people with shocked expression, until she turned around when aizawa told her the score

mr.aizawa: y/n yours went to infinity

readers pov:

readers thoughts: once i turned around i noticed many people shocked expressions, i put away my sword and started walking back to the concrete were everyone else was. then i got showered with a bunch of questions and compliments...

???: how did you do that

???: what is your quirk

???: you have a cool quirk

???: wow, that went really far

ochako: you did amazing y/n

ochako pov:

ochako thoughts: i wonder if i can do that too, any ways i went over to y/n to tell her she did amazing

ochako: you did amazing y/n

readers pov:

readers thoughts: then i saw ochako walking over to me, then she said..

ochako: you did amazing y/n

y/n: thank you ochako, i know you'll do really good

third person pov: since the students were getting side tracked aizawa went to get their attention back

aizawa pov:

aizawa thoughts: it's already the first day of school and i'm already having to yell

mr.aizawa: students stop talking and let's continue the fitness exam

aizawa thoughts: suddenly the students became quiet... finally

readers pov:

readers thoughts: once aizawa said that i was really grateful because i was tired of getting praised by other students and i don't like being the center of attention, even if that's what being a hero about

third person: the students were tested on their speed, strength, throws, intelligence, and capability of working together. whenever someone had a turn they would praise that peron of their effort and quirk, but the student having the worst luck was midoriya...

readers pov:

reader thoughts: i was with ochako since we both finished our fitness exam with a few other students we also got to know each other a bit...

y/n: don't you feel bad for midoriya he seems to be having trouble controlling his quirk

ochako: yeah..

mina: at least he's in the hero, course he has a lot of time to improve his quirk

momo: she right..

tsuyu: he failed every fitness test given (ribbit), and he has one chance left which is the ball throw (ribbit)

y/n: any way girls let's talk about each others quirk, who wants to go first...

mina: i'll go first, my quirks acid

momo: my quirks creation i can basically create things

tsuyu: my quirk is a frog i'm able to expand my tongue

ochako: my quirks zero gravity

y/n: ok, my quirks glyph. my glyph is powered by ice

third person pov: the girls continued talking and some students started joining their conversation as well

readers pov:

readers thoughts: finally everyone was finished with the fitness test after that aizawa grabbed our attention

aizawa: attention students now that you guys have completed the fitness test, your results will be shown on the screen

the results: (y/n third and bakugou's fourth)

readers thoughts: as i was looked at my score i noticed that todoroki was next to mine (i smiled a little bit) as i continued looking down i noticed that izuku name was at the bottom, that means he'll get expelled but i don't think that he will be because it's just the first day of school nothing big... right. i turn my head around to see that he was panicking and it seems like he's thinking much about this situation, maybe aizawa said so everyone can give it their all. so, i did the one thing that was on my mind i comforted him..

y/n: hey izuku

third person pov: then ochako came

ochako pov:

ochako thoughts: i saw deku's score i went to see him i also saw y/n going towards him as well

izuku pov:

izuku: i'm in last place

izuku thoughts: i failed, now all the training from all might was for nothing. now i won't be a hero. my thoughts were cut of by a voice.. it turn around to see....

y/n: hey izuku

ochako: hey, are you ok

readers pov:

ochako: hey, are you ok

izuku: yeah... (unsure of what to do)

y/n: it's ok, you know he probably did that so you can try more harder and it's also the first day of school

ochako: yeah that could be a possibility plus i got tenth place so no worries

third person: aizawa cuts the students off by telling them that nobody is getting expelled and that he just did that to make them work twice as hard, which did work on almost everyone

readers pov:

y/n: see i told you so, well i'm going to congratulate other students bye

third person pov: y/n starts walking to where momo was at to congratulate her since she got put first, y/n also planned doing the same towards todoroki and she still not going to give up on him

readers pov:

y/n: hi momo, congratulations on getting placed first

third person pov: what y/n didn't know that yaoyorozu went to congratulate todoroki but he acted cold towards her

momo: oh, thank you y/n you did good as well

y/n: i didn't really do that good

momo: of course you did, plus i knew aizawa sensei would do something like that

y/n: yeah, me too. well, i'll leave you now bye

readers thoughts: so far i know some of my classmates, i got third place in the fitness test, and i'm making friends; all i have to do now is look for todoroki and have a decent conversation since he seems to avoid conversations... then i spotted him, here goes nothing..

y/n: hey todoroki