hero basic training class

hero basic training class:

readers pov:

readers thought: today is my second day of going to u.a, right now ochako and i are at the school gate not to also mention my mom drove ochako and i to school since we missed our train. the good thing is that we made it just in time for school, my thoughts were cut off once ochako spoke...

ochako: y/n don't you wonder what we're going to do today

y/n: yes and no, yes because i'm curious and no because we just have to go with the flow

ochako: hm, that seems reasonable so there's no way i'm going to argue with that

y/n: but i do wish to do something with action

ochako: already and it's the second day of school

y/n: yeah... ochako were going to be hero's so were going to need a lot of action in our lives

ochako: ok

third person pov: both girls arrived at their classroom and went to take their seats, it was 7:50 so not everyone was here...

readers pov:

readers thoughts: once ochako and i enter the class i noticed that all the students including the teacher aren't here, once i got to my seat i spot todoroki, i'll say goodmorning to him....

y/n: good morning todoroki-kun

todoroki pov:

todoroki thoughts: since i got here early it was quiet and lida was here as well for midoriya and a few other classmates, ten minutes later the door opens showing ochako and y/n. then both of them went to take their seats, once y/n sat down in her seat she says

y/n: good morning todoroki-kun

todoroki: good morning y/n

todoroki thoughts: after i answered her i went back to gazing out the window

readers pov:

readers thoughts: i smile once todoroki responds in a calm voice and not his regular tone and it's only the second day of school and i already have a slight crush on him (i let out a soft sigh that nobody can hear other than me) , a few moments later the rest of the students are here i decided to talk to a few since class begins in five minutes

time skip to 8:00 am.......


readers pov:

y/n: (looking at clock) oh, it's already eight i'm going to head back to my desk mina

mina: oh your right

readers thoughts: i was talking to mina about heros, but since it's time for class we can continue later when there's time. right now it's time to learn, all of a sudden mr.aizawa walks in...

mr.aizawa: hello class, welcome to second day of being in u.a high. today i will be explaining your classes first you'll have.....

readers thoughts: first period we had english that class was okay because i understand and speak it, second period we had math that class was horrible because we had so many calculations to do at least i'm serious about my grades, and third period we had japanese history i really don't have a problem with that class because i love history. but overall the classes that was too much work for me, but now it's.....

mr.aizawa: ok class that's enough right now it's time for lunch, you guys are dismissed

readers thoughts: once i heard that i was so happy because i worked to hard in class, but i didn't show any signs of being stressed out unlike the rest of my classmates that were complaining. in my opinion izuku looked terrible (i sigh) once i was done packing my stuff into my bag i took out my bento, and walked over to where ochako, lida, and izuku were. the rest of the class left already and it was just us.....

y/n: hey ochako, lida, and izuku why are you guys still in class

ochako: i saw deku here and i decided to wait for him

lida: i just stayed here because i saw uraraka-san

y/n: (i let out a sigh) so you guys stayed here because you saw each other

third person pov: little did they know there teacher was there till he spoke...

aizawa pov:

aizawa thoughts: i dismissed the class already but kim, lida, and midoriya were still here but didn't notice me and i wanted to sleep so i spoke up...

mr.aizawa: you guys go to lunch already i'm trying to sleep

third person thoughts: the students turned around to where the voices were coming from to be faced with their teacher in a sleeping bag lying on the floor, they were a little weirded out and wasted no time leaving the class to head to lunch

readers pov:

readers thoughts: as we enter the lunch room ochako offered me to sit with her but i kindly refused the offer because i wanted to know more about our classmates, then she left with izuku and lida to get lunch. the true reason i refused to eat with them was because i spotted todoroki sitting alone and i wanted to keep him company, so i walked over to him with my bento (i had cold soba) in my hand.....

y/n: is this seat taken (i say with a small smile)

todoroki pov:

todoroki thoughts: i was eating lunch until y/n came up to me and said...

y/n: is this seat taken

(todoroki stops eating his soba to answer y/n)

todoroki: this seat isn't taken and it doesn't really matter if you sit here

readers pov:

readers thoughts: once he said that i went to take a seat across from him, and i didn't know how to start a conversation. so i opened my bento to eat and i was surprised that we have the same thing.... to make the awkward tension go away i started to speak..

y/n: so how do you like it so far in u.a

todoroki pov:

todoroki thoughts: as y/n broke the silence between us by asking me...

y/n: so how do you like it so far in u.a

todoroki thoughts: - i just responded with a simple answer

todoroki: it's fine

y/n: oh ok.....

readers thoughts: i was expecting a little bit more from him but it's fine if he doesn't want to open up to me i'll be patient

todoroki thoughts: i think i should let her know that i didn't come here to make friends but to be a hero because it's just a waste of time.....

todoroki: you know i didn't come here to make friends, i'm here to become a hero and making friends is just a waste of my time. so don't bother asking me to be your friend

readers pov:

readers thoughts: once he said that i was a little surprised at the sudden outcome and disappointed by it, so i said....

y/n: what's the problem with having a friend. you make it sound like you'll never try and speak to anybody here

todoroki: because i won't speak to anybody (i say coldly)

y/n: (i sigh) todoroki it's ok not speaking to anybody but it is nice to at least have someone there for you (i say looking down at my lap)

todoroki pov:

todoroki thoughts: once she said that i couldn't stop but think why was she still talking to me, that's what kept ringing in my head. so i asked her..

todoroki: why are you still talking to even after what i said to you and being cold when we first interacted with each other

y/n: i'm talking to you because i want to be your friend, i noticed you never interacted with nobody, and even if you gave me the cold shoulder i would still talk to you because everyone has their reasons to be the way they are....(i sigh) if you don't want to be friend's with me then it's fine and i'll leave you alone. all i want to do is just be your friend

todoroki thoughts: i was left speechless by her words, then i saw her already grabbing her bento box to put it away. normally after i speak to someone coldly they wouldn't come back to talk to me but she's different, maybe it wouldn't hurt to have a friend...

third person pov: todoroki saw y/n about to leave until he stood up and grabbed her hand y/n looked at him before her cheeks turned a light shade of red because you guys were really close, he then said softly.....

todoroki: i wouldn't mind having a friend

readers pov:

readers thoughts: i couldn't help but blush at what he said plus he was close and holding my hand. the good thing is that were both slightly at the middle and nobody's paying attention to what's going on. i responded with.....

y/n: oo.. ok (i stutter)

third person pov: once todoroki notices y/n stutter he sees that both of them are really close to each other and then lets go of her hand and goes back to his seat, y/n did the same as well.... they sat for a moment in silence but broke it and started off with a basic conversation to know a little bit about each other

time skip back to class......


readers pov:

readers thoughts: lunch is over so right now todoroki and i are walking back to class together now that we're um...friends

y/n: hey todoroki, are you wondering what we're going to do now

todoroki: not really

y/n: well what do you think were going to do

todoroki: maybe something including our quirks

y/n: i hope that happens i don't want to go back to reading and doing calculations

todoroki: (lets out a soft chuckle) well being in u.a isn't just about using our quirk it also includes learning

(todoroki and i arrive in the classroom then we take our seats)

time skip to all might scene.....

readers pov:

readers thoughts: as all might walks in most of the students exchange shocked expressions and compliments, who wouldn't he's the number one pro hero and the symbol of peace. i just sat there looking in amazement, but i could tell that izuku was really happy because he seems like an all might fanboy by the look of his face (i smile at the thought).

third person pov: all might tells the students that their in the hero basic training class and that they'll be doing training, then he lead the students to the combat training grounds and told them they'll be wearing their hero costumes for the first time. after all might was done explaining everyone went to go change....

readers pov:

reader thoughts: i grabbed my case that had my costume inside of it and headed towards the girls changing room with them. (the costume was white and looked like a raincoat along with black outlining near the collar then it came with boots with the same design)

continuing reader thoughts: as i was making sure my poch was sealed i heard mina say

mina: y/n, i really like your hero costume it brings out your white hair even more

y/n: (i turn around) oh. thank you mina you look great too

ochako: minas right you have an amazing costume

y/n: it's plain but later on i'll try to upgrade it but not now

tsuyu: i like your costume ochako (ribbit)

momo: all of your costumes look great how bout we get going before we miss the instructions for the combat training

jirou: yeah

third person pov: the girls leave the changing room quickly to not miss anything surprisingly they made it in time

readers pov:

y/n: wow ..... everyone looks so cool in there costumes

(the moment got ruined by a guy or in my opinion a kid with purple hair walking up to y/n)

readers thoughts: i was looking at how cool everybody looked in their costumes until a short boy with weird hair came up to me and said.....

???: hey beautiful you have a nice body for your hero suit

y/n: (completely disgusted)w-who are you

mineta: well, i'm minoru mineta but you can call me mineta

y/n: well mineta, your a pervert so i don't tend to speak to you

(i then walk away to find todoroki while mineta went to find more girls to be with)

readers thoughts: i finally spotted him in his hero costume, his costume was amazing but the red eye thing was intimidating

y/n: hi todoroki you have an amazing costume

todoroki: you have an amazing costume too

y/n: (i blush) thank you

ochako pov:

ochako thoughts: i was with deku and lida-kun talking about our costumes then i went searching for y/n until i spot her with todoroki, there costumes look so alike i bet they didn't notice yet... i minds well tell them

ochako: hey y/n

readers pov:

reader thoughts: i was waiting with todoroki until ochako called my name and said

ochako: hey y/n

y/n: hi ochako

ochako: (hidden smirk) i wanted to tell you that you and todoroki hero costume match

readers thoughts: once ochako said that she walked away then todoroki and i look at each other to see what ochako ment until todoroki said

todoroki: well, shes right

y/n: (i sigh) well there's no arguing in that

time skip to all might assigning combat teams for each student.....


readers thoughts: the first team was bakugou and lida against izuku and ochako, i wish them luck.....

time skip to last group, your turn............


readers thoughts: everybody did so good even todoroki now it's my turn, i'm with mina and were going against kirishima and sero, mina and i are villains and kirishima and sero are heros. i have a feeling things are going to be interesting because we're up against hardening and tape, right now all four of us are heading to our designated areas. right now mina and i are creating a plan....

mina: so y/n what do you think we should do to protect the weapon

y/n: i'll move the weapon somewhere else and then i'll create a wall of ice to make it look like we hid the weapon behind it

mina: that's actually a great plan

y/n: i thought this through already

mina: ok, just be careful and remember kirishima has a hardening quirk

y/n: i'll keep that noted (i smile)

mina pov:

mina: ok, just be careful and remember kirishima has a hardening quirk

y/n: i'll keep that noted

minas thoughts: y/n was about to leave when i saw tape coming her way, i then ran near her direction and threw acid to destroy it from sticking to her. now i was in front sero blocking him from getting close to y/n i then yell.......

mina: y/n i got him covered now go get kirishima (i yell)

(she nods her head and run up the stairs)

readers pov:

readers thoughts: i'm glad that minas my partner she's so alert (i smile but quickly replace it with a determined one) as i make my way to where sero and kirishima's weapon is. once i got on their floor i spotted kirishima but he didn't notice me yet, then i quickly made fog appear to draw his attention..... then i say

y/n: i guess i'm going against you (leaving my hiding spot since the fog's hiding me)

kirishima pov:

kirishima's thoughts: i was guarding the weapon right now while sero went to take the girls weapon, a few moments later i noticed fog appear, now i was on alert that someone was here until i heard someone speaking...

???: i guess i'm going against you

third person pov: kirishima turns around to see nobody there which leads him to speaking up

kirishima: you know it's not really manly to be hiding if your a villian

continue third person: kirishima waited for a response but got nothing until a large attack of ice was coming near him

readers pov:

readers thoughts: i wanted to get this over with so i sent a large attack of ice towards him, but he managed to destroy it

kirishima thoughts: once i saw the ice i destroyed it, but my arm got slightly cut by how sharp it was. then i noticed the fog cleared out and i saw y/n with her sword getting ready to attack again, now it was my turn to attack so i ran towards her....

time skip to students heading back to class........


readers thoughts: right now all four of us are heading to class, the rest of the class left before us because we were last.... plus mina and i won it was an interesting fight

mina: i hope we don't continue anymore classes like this morning

y/n: same, i hope we get a free period

kirishima: it's the second day of school and you already hate doing work besides using your quirks

sero: (sigh) guys lets just get the day over with

y/n: he's right

continuing readers thoughts: we enter the classroom and all the attention of the students were directed on us then they went back to what they were doing...

third person pov: y/n walks to her seat including the others, once she's there she wanted speak with todoroki....

y/n: hi todoroki

todoroki: hi y/n

y/n: so what did i miss

todoroki: you didn't really miss anything besides midoriya going to the nurses office to repair his fingers and mr. aizawa is just going over the combat training we took

y/n: oh, so i didn't miss anything

todoroki: (he sighs) yes

y/n: sorry if i'm making you talk to much, i'm just stressed out about school

todoroki: (answering calmly) it's ok y/n, plus midoriya is the one who's really inexperienced in this class

y/n: (i giggle silently) your right but you shouldn't say that, he's still trying his best

todoroki: how bout we pay attention to class then talk later

y/n: (i smile) mhm.

readers thoughts: we only had an hour left before school ends so that's good at least i won't have to worry about ....

time skip to the end of class........


third person pov: near the end of class the door opens revealing izuku, once he entered he was praised being praised by his classmates; even y/n went to congratulate him. but midoriya notices bakugou isn't even there, he asked where he was and ochako told him he left already. so midoriya left to talk to him, but that didn't turn out good. bakugou said that he realized by seeing todoroki, momo, and y/n quirk made him realize how much work he has to do.