u.a sports festival pt.4

u.a sports festival pt.4:

u.a sports festival pt.4:

author note: if you already read the preview of this chapter on pt.3 you would know why y/n said shoto. the reason why i didn't right the beginning of this chapter was because i didn't want the chapter to seem too long.... i'm just excited that i made it to this part because it's like the best one yes, in my opinion. i hope you enjoy this chapter. this is a really long chapter.

readers pov:

y/n: shoto (whisper softly)

readers thoughts: right now i'm hoping nothing intense happens during this round, i think ochako sensed that i'm a little tense

(ochako then places her hand on y/n shoulder..)

ochako: don't worry y/n deku and todoroki will be fine (smiles weakly)

y/n: ochako you know well that something going to happen to both of them

ochako: (smiles awkwardly now that you figured what she was doing) i know... i just don't want you to be all gloomy during this match

y/n: (forms a smile) that actually helped a bit though

ochako: glad that it worked

third person pov: then present mic announces todoroki and izuku to begin their match. once present mic says start (more like shouting) todoroki sends a large attack of ice towards midoriya but he blocks it by smashing it injuring his fingers ...

y/n: if izuku continues this he will break his fingers

mina: yeah, but so far this match is really interesting

readers thoughts: ashido-san right but this is a little extreme, my matches aren't that extreme all i did was push my opponent out of bond or freeze them in place like i did to ibra sense my mother suggested i should try a new strategy.

third person pov: once izuku smashes todoroki ice attack todoroki then says...

todoroki: you want an endurance match, but i'll end this quickly

(todoroki quickly moves to send another attack of ice but midoriya sends another punch sending wind towards todoroki direction blocking his attack)

continue third person pov: izuku was able to move but todoroki managed to freeze his leg causing izuku to smash the block of ice but this time it managed to blow todoroki and his ice almost out of bound, but todoroki used his ice to block him from getting out of bound. not to also mention midoriya having his arm terribly injured.... after this movement todoroki says...

todoroki: i'm sorry about this but thanks for drawing it out (turning to face his father direction) look at him he's furious that i'm not using his power. if your hands are like that this means you can't fight anymore, can you. why don't we end this

(todoroki sends another attack of ice causing izuku to smash his attack again)

izuku: (yells) i'm not done yet

readers pov:

readers thoughts: izuku getting hurt really badly and todoroki not using his fire, i feel a little panicked watching this match between my friend and..... my crush. i hope this ends well i'm practically squeezing my hands to death, also everyone in the arena are enjoying this match... literally when two students are trying to kill each other how stupid but entertaining not in the funny way but in a challenging way

y/n: (sigh) please be over soon (whispering)

third person pov: when izuku smashed todoroki attack he spoke..

izuku: your trembling todoroki, you haven't managed to put a single scratch on me yet

(this clearly angers todoroki....)

todoroki: you want my fire, now i'm mad (todoroki then heads towards midoriya)

third person pov: todoroki was about to freeze midoriya but midoriya punched todoroki on the stomach causing him to fly back but todoroki managed to freeze midoriya arm. this action also caused the crowd to go wild and question midoriya injuries.....

present mic: a sudden punch (yells)

readers thoughts: i think i understand what izuku trying to do, he's trying to get todoroki to use his fire while trying to do his best and win the final event. i hope what he's doing works... i want todoroki to realize that his fire belongs to him

continue third person pov: izuku then launches another attack causing todoroki to get blown away again but todoroki quickly creates an ice wall from making him go out of bound. todoroki then starts to remember bits of his past- then he says...

todoroki: i refuse to use my left side

(this causes midoriya to yell)

izuku: (yell) it's yours, your quirk not his.

todoroki: (todoroki gets a flashback of his mom telling him to stay true to himself and he gets another one of y/n saying "shoto do what's in your heart, your fire it's your quirk not your fathers but it's yours. if you don't want to use it it's fine but stay true to yourself and ask, do i really want to forget about my other half or become a hero with both. shoto become the hero you wish to be.")

author note: look how special you are to him, this is such an amazing chapter sorry for my exaggeration. now back to the story

third person pov: all of a sudden flames started to appear out of the stadium, present mic announces....

present mic: this is fire (yells)

reader pov:

y/n: (covers her mouth) he used his fire

ochako: the fires here (covers her view due to the heat rising)

lida: he used it

third person pov: this action caused todoroki father to have an outburst...

endeavor: (yells) shoto, have you finally excepted yourself. that's it, good. it all starts from here for you, with my blood you will surpass me..... you will fulfill my desire

present mic: endeavor suddenly shouts encouragement... such a doting father (questioning manner)

readers pov:

y/n: good moments always have to be ruined (takes a glance at todoroki father), it was good while it last but i'm proud of you shoto (says to herself in a whisper)

third person pov: todoroki ready his fire and ice while midoriya gets ready to stop his attack, once both ready they charge with everything they got.........plus ultra. when they both attacked each other there was a large impact(wind included), this impact caused the platform to get destroyed causing big chunks of cement flying towards different directions. once the wind cleared off todoroki was there standing with half of his shirt burned off then revealing midoriya out of bound and unconscious. midnight then announces todoroki as the winner, todoroki then walks off the stage...

readers thoughts: as the wind disappeared i saw izuku out of bound then i saw todoroki shirtless this made me blush. since the match was over i wanted to greet todoroki after his victory, so that's what i did even though i was shy since he was you know- nevermind just thinking about makes my face heat up more

(y/n makes her way towards todoroki once she's there she spots him shirtless, then she starts thinking why was she so confident about seeing him and how she's nervous. basically confidence replaced with nervousness)

readers pov:

(standing at the entrance for todoroki, once he's there he notices y/n. todoroki didn't notice only that but her red cheeks)

third person pov: y/n decides to speak first

y/n: uhm- hey shoto (i wave)

(todoroki in front of y/n....)

todoroki: hi y/n

y/n: (blushing madly) i wanted to tell you congratulations on your match against.... midoriya-kun, you used your left side... i'm proud of you even if your not sure of it yet.

todoroki pov:

todoroki thoughts: when y/n told me that i couldn't help but smile a little, what she said was true i don't really understand if i should use it for the following match to the finals or should is stick to my ice because i haven't truly accepted myself...

third person pov: what really surprised todoroki was y/n kissing him on the cheek...

readers thoughts: i couldn't express how i felt about him winning against midoriya, so i did what came into my mind.. a kiss on the cheek

author note: i probably might make todoroki and y/n confess their love during the hero killer incident why, because this will show how much todoroki cared for y/n and how they need each other. so romantic

third person pov: when y/n kissed todoroki cheek his cheeks turned a light shade of pink when she pulled away. y/n blush was turning a deeper shade of red which was embarrassing for her she then spoke...

y/n: uhm- that was for expressing how i feel about you, it's also away of expressing how i won't leave your side shoto. (then speaks quickly since she feels todoroki staring at her and it's a little nerve wrecking) but you probably know what i mean... well i have to leave

readers pov:

readers thoughts: i was about to leave but all of sudden i saw todoroki father in front of me and todoroki, i didn't want to intrude in their conversation so i politely excuse myself

y/n: (i bow) hello, mr. todoroki i can leave so i don't interfere in your conversation with shoto

endeavor: it's fine ms. kim i would like you to stay

third person pov: y/n was confused on why endeavor would let her listen to todoroki and his conversation, she thought since they were family they would want privacy. since she didn't want to look to deep into that she stayed quite

(y/n is standing next to todoroki)

continue third person: endeavor began to speak....

(todoroki facial expression changed when he saw his father about to speak, so he quickly grabbed y/n hand to make sure he doesn't do anything)

endeavor: shoto what's the matter, not gonna tell ne to get lost. you need to learn to control your left side it's dangerous to release so much energy like that but i'm glad that your finally seeing reasons........

third person pov: todoroki father goes on about him using his left side and working at his agency, he also mentions todoroki past interfering with him in becoming a hero. todoroki then states that he minds well forget about his father and follow his own path in becoming a hero leaving his father in shock. as y/n listen in on the two she's surprised at how they interact with each other, that was until he brought y/n into the conversation

readers pov:

endeavor: (shocked expression quickly changes into a smirk) oh, y/n kim what about your fire it's really strong not to also mention you did good during your matches. you have a strong quirk

y/n: (i scratch the back of my neck awkwardly) uhm thanks

readers thoughts: what does endeavor want with my quirk. i'm getting a little nervous on what he'll say next, i sense that todoroki can feel me tense a bit so he squeezes my hand reassuringly causing me to calm down a bit which i'm grateful for

endeavor: maybe you would like to join my agency

y/n: (i let out a small gasp) huh

continue readers thoughts: i didn't expect him to ask me that this left me speechless i didn't know what to say

third person pov: todoroki noticed y/n expression and worried a bit but didn't show it he then spoke...

todoroki: she not going to join your agency (sternly)

endeavor: why shoto

todoroki: because i'm not getting her involved with you. i'm not letting her get affected by your random statements expecting to receive an answer which you won't get

third person pov: once todoroki said that he walked away with you hand in hand, y/n could tell he was clearly angered and frustrated by his father and also involving you in their conversation. todoroki told y/n to wait by the waiting room while he went to change his shirt which she obeyed, while y/n waited for todoroki almost for five minutes she soon spotted him coming towards her. once he was in front of her he grabbed her hand and led her into the waiting room, then they took their seats y/n was in front of todoroki. then todoroki spoke

(he took hold of y/n hand and looked at her........)

todoroki: sorry about my father

readers pov:

readers thoughts: i was lost in space until todoroki broke the silence

todoroki: sorry about my father

y/n: (i turn my gaze towards him) huh... it's ok shoto i'm fine (trailing off a bit)

(todoroki could obviously tell she wasn't so he spoke......)

todoroki: (sternly) y/n don't lie to me. you were obviously freaking out in front of my father when he asked about your quirk and joining his agency (including cold stare)

y/n: (looks down at her lap) i'm sorry shoto i just don't want you to worry about me-

(her hands still interlocked with his)

todoroki: y/n, of course i'll worry about you because i care for you and i just don't want you involved with my father. i'm just afraid he'll hurt you the same way he did to me (says softly)

readers thoughts: shoto..... did he just confess how much he cares for me. does it mean he feels the same way- no he doesn't feel the same way he's just saying that because were friends (sigh)

(y/n was still speechless and didn't know what to say all she had was blush on her cheeks)

third person pov: todoroki took notice of this and smirked, y/n didn't notice todoroki standing up from his seat and leaning in front of her face. that was until she felt his hot breath on her face when he spoke....

todoroki: y/n (soft voice)

readers thoughts: as i'm still thinking about todoroki and i relationship.... my thoughts stop when i feel hot breath near my face, it was todoroki-kun but he was really close to my face. my face was heating up even more, this is so embarrassing.. he then spoke

todoroki: y/n

y/n: uhm.. yes shoto

continue readers thoughts: our hands were still intertwined and i wanted to look away, when i tried todoroki used his other hand to hold my chin. he then spoke again..

todoroki: hmm... where were we before my father interrupted us (smirking slightly while holding your chin)

third person pov: once todoroki said that y/n blush deepened even more due to her remembering the fact she kissed his cheek. y/n didn't want to respond to him so she said

y/n: i don't know (stuttering)

todoroki: (tilts his head) are you sure (getting even closer)

third person pov: y/n nods her head slightly

todoroki thoughts: she's obviously nervous maybe i'll just return the favor of what she did to me

continue third person pov: todoroki leaned closer to y/n face then he kissed her cheek, he then said....

todoroki: i'm just returning the favor (smirking)

(after that todoroki sat back on his seat leaving a blushing y/n)

readers pov:

readers thoughts: how can he do such a thing at a time like this. the good thing is that nobody saw this happen and that he's no longer closer to my face so i'm not able to blush anymore. right now it's been a few minutes since we haven't talked so it's basically pure silence.

third person pov: everything was quite between y/n and todoroki until bakugou bursted into the room

third person pov: - causing y/n and todoroki to look towards his direction, when he saw them he said......

bakugou: hey why are you guys here

(bakugou turned to the sign of the door to see it says the waiting room)

readers pov:

readers thoughts: once bakugou looked at the sign and at todoroki and i direction we turned away from him. plus, i didn't want to deal with him

third person pov: when bakugou saw y/n and todoroki look away from him he got angered....

bakugou: i may have gotten into the wrong room, but what's with the attitude against your opponent in the finals (yells)

(when todoroki and y/n didn't acknowledge him, bakugou-)

bakugou: (yelled) where are you looking at half-and-half bastard and kim

third person pov: bakugou blew up the table causing y/n to make a platform to block the table from hitting her since she's on the opposite side of todoroki. while todoroki was surprised at bakugou action causing him to whisper..

todoroki: midoriya

bakugou: (yells) who cares about him

(y/n joins the conversation)

y/n: (dusting herself since she fell on the ground at the process) you should be more careful bakugou. it's not smart to act without knowing the causes of destruction

bakugou: shut up kim i'm in the middle of talking to this bastard (yells)

y/n: you mean your classmate

bakugou: shut up he's my enemy (yells)

y/n: (sighs) why do i even try

bakugou: seriously, who the hell cares. your family circumstances, and your feelings

readers thoughts: when bakugou stated this i got a little angered due to the fact he's bringing up todoroki family. i could also tell that todoroki was frowning at this

bakugou: i don't care about that stuff, just use the flames on your left on me, too. i will hold them down from above (yells)

third person pov: bakugou starts walking away but he turns around to speak again, this time he's directing it towards y/n

bakugou: and kim i expect you to give it everything you got. so you better pass the match against tokoyami, if half-and-half bastard fails i'm taking you on because you seem like a worthy opponent.

(with that bakugou walks away...)

readers thoughts: all this to just become the number one hero, this guy insane. but if it means facing him it means i'm going to try extra hard to win. i then turn towards todoroki his expression seems a little bit troubled after what bakugou said i think i should tell him about us eavesdropping on him and midoriya conversation. (sigh) i hope he doesn't get angry at me

(y/n walks over to todoroki and grabs a chair and place it next to him... then speaks)

y/n: shoto

todoroki: hm (in response)

y/n: i wanted to tell you something but if you get angry at me it's fine

todoroki: (turns to your direction to see you looking at your lap) what do you want to tell me, is it something bad

y/n: (sigh) yes and no. it depends on what you think

todoroki: tell me what's wrong

y/n: do you know when you went to talk to midoriya, i got curious on what you were going to discuss.... my curiosity got the best of me. i ended up listening to what you were saying, then bakugou came and found me and started listening as well. i didn't think he would mention this to you since it's something that's private for you. (looks to the side since she feels todoroki gaze) i'm sorry shoto if what bakugou said had an effect on you, i-

(y/n was cut off by todoroki saying........)

todoroki: it's fine. you were just curious, plus it's normal for everyone. at least it wasn't ashido-san

(y/n looks up to face todoroki since he seems perfectly fine)

y/n: (scratches her neck) yeah, ashido-san pretty energetic

third person pov: y/n and todoroki moment came to an end when present mic announces y/n and tokoyami to go to the platform for their match on the intercom

present mic: the next match will start soon between y/n and tokoyami. so you guys better come to the platform (yells)

readers pov:

y/n: (i sigh) it's already my turn, well (looks towards todoroki) i'll be on my way

(todoroki grabs y/n hand)

y/n: hm. shoto what is it

todoroki thoughts: there was something i wanted to tell y/n before her match, since she's going against tokoyami i worried a bit...

todoroki: i wanted to tell you to be careful and i wish you luck during your match. also (blushing a bit) try not to get injured

(y/n smiles at todoroki concern)

y/n: thank you shoto i'll be careful

third person pov: with that y/n walks out to attend her match.....

time skip to the end of y/n vs tokoyami.............


author note: i didn't want to make all the matches seem long so i'll just give a description of the battles. but for y/n and bakugou match i'll give details, in the mean who do you think will win

third person pov: y/n won against tokoyami-

description of battle: during the beginning of the match y/n had some difficulty getting to tokoyami due to him using dark shadow. his dark shadow kept on aiming for y/n trying to push her out of bound, making her create platforms from getting out of bound the next thing y/n did was launch large ice attack trying to freeze both dark shadow and tokoyami. surprisingly dark shadow went through it and defended tokoyami, since y/n was getting nowhere in this fight she decided to run and fight almost like hand with hand combat. while running y/n summons her sword and then manages to shrike dark shadow causing him to move away from tokoyami. while the crowd watches they talk about how skilled y/n is, as y/n knocked dark shadow out of the way he comes towards her but even faster so y/n quickly creates a platform creating a statue of her and then another platform to make her teleport to the other side of the arena. since y/n didn't want to engage in battle just yet she created a barrier with her glyph (like magic if you forgot) and stayed there to come up with a plan. as y/n thinking of a plan she finally comes up with an idea, her plan was to use fire on dark shadow since shadows dislike light. y/n quickly dissolves her barrier and runs towards tokoyami and dark shadow, dark shadow tries to attack her but y/n already unleashed fire out of her hand and threw a fireball at him causing him to disappear. now that dark shadow was out of the way she got rid of her fire and replaced it with her sword then created a platform that can make people float, she pointed her sword at tokoyami who's trying to move o

ut of the way but fails and made him float. once he's in the air she pushes him out of bound with her force platform. after that she is announced the winner of that round. since the match was over she went to congratulate tokoyami for at least trying to win the match and he accepted the compliment.

time skip to y/n sitting with her friends including midoriya waiting for the next match also congratulating her................


(lida not here because he went to the hospital to see his brother tensei due to the hero killer hurting his brother severely)

readers pov:

y/n: i'm glad that i won the match but the next match is shoto against bakugou, depending on which one wins i'll have to go against for the final match

ochako: y/n-chan you should be happy (yells)

momo: ochako right this is a great opportunity for you to get accepted into one of the best pro hero agencies (smile)

toru: i agree with yao-momo (hugging you)

y/n: thanks toru-chan and the rest of you (hugs toru back)

kirishima: seems like this will prove who's the manliest

mineta: why do all the handsome guys have to fight for the win plus they get more attention from the girls

tsuyu: it's simple mineta (ribbit) your a pervert and you have no maturity (ribbit)

y/n: (whispers to the others) sometimes i wonder how he got into the hero course

momo: i've been thinking about that too

everyone: (nods in agreement)

readers thoughts: i have really supportive friends, i'm going to enjoy learning in u.a high with my friends to become a hero

third person pov: y/n didn't notice tsuyu calling her

tsuyu: y/n, y/n, y/n-chan

y/n: huh, (scratches neck) oh sorry tsuyu-chan i was spacing out a bit

tsuyu: (ribbit) that's fine i just wanted to tell you that the matches are about to start

y/n: (almost yelling) what, already

(ochako joins in..)

ochako: yeah, i bet this match going to be cool

y/n: izuku, you haven't been talking for a while what's wrong

izuku: nothing wrong, don't you have a feeling something's going to happen between bakugou and todoroki

y/n: now that i think of it..... yes. but i'll try my best to not think of it and you should do the same thing

mina: guys shhhhh it's about to start. the hot head vs the most handsome boy in our class (yells)

time skip to todoroki vs bakugou..........


third person pov: right now bakugou and todoroki are currently fighting

third person pov: todoroki sent a massive ice attack towards bakugou, causing him to blow his way through todoroki attack. y/n noticed that todoroki wasn't using his left side which she figured would happen..

readers pov:

y/n: (whispers) i knew it, he isn't sure of is left side

readers thoughts: shoto-kun.....

continue third person pov: bakugou managed to escape todoroki ice, causing a gust of wind from his outburst to blow todoroki back a bit but he managed to land safely. then todoroki and bakugou came charging at each other, todoroki was about to land an attack on bakugou but he dodged it... bakugou then grabbed todoroki by the shoulders then threw him where out of bound lies. todoroki created a wall of ice to block him from getting out of bound then made a path making his way towards bakugou. todoroki managed to grab bakugou by the arm with his left side then threw bakugou to the side. this angered bakugou because he didn't use his fire on him this caused him to yell....

bakugou: i'll show you what happens when you make a fool of me (yells) i'll kill you (yells)

(todoroki was unsure if he should use his left side that was until midoriya and y/n yelled)

izuku: (yells) todoroki don't lose do your best

y/n: you can do it (yells)

author note: i thought i mindswell add y/n because she's like todoroki main support in this story

third person pov: all of a sudden todoroki unleashes his flames

readers thoughts: when todoroki unleashed his flames i was so happy, but deep down i knew he was still confused.... it's ok for him to be like that because i'll help him except himself

third person pov: when todoroki unleashed his flames this caused bakugou to become a little glad that he used it, then bakugou launched himself towards todoroki getting ready to light his explosion (bakugou attack: howitzer impact) todoroki had his fire ready but he stopped due to the memories of his mother flooding his mind. no one noticed this but only y/n she was worried for him....

readers pov:

y/n: (whispered) he stopped

readers thoughts: he's still unsure of his quirk but now i have to watch the view of the guy i love getting injured really badly. i felt myself on the verge of tears but i quickly redeemed myself since i don't want to cause attention. how terrible...

author note: i was going to say love of my life but that sounds a bit exaggerated

third person pov: once bakugou landed his attack it caused todoroki ice to blow up also causing an explosion. when the smoke cleared up bakugou saw todoroki lying on a mount of broken ice shards unconscious, this made him realize todoroki put out his flames. once bakugou got up he went towards todoroki he picked him up by the shirt then he said.....

bakugou: (yelling) stop screwing around didn't i tell you that there was no point, damn it. to beat you like this.. like-

third person pov: all of a sudden bakugou falls a sleep due to midnight using her quirk on him for his brutal behavior, then she announces...

midnight: todoroki is out of bounds, which means bakugou will fight kim y/n for the win

(all of the sudden the crowd started cheering and discussing the battle between y/n and bakugou)

readers pov:

y/n: shoto........ (with upset expression as he's being taken to recovery girl)

readers thoughts: i'm going against bakugou, that's one way to get a death wish- my thoughts were cut off by sero voice..

sero: kim going against bakugou

y/n: huh...

kirishima: y/n how do you feel about going against him

y/n: (sigh) like i'm going to die, i already got three death threats from him so yeah. but this match was intense so it depends on what happens

mina: come on y/n you should be excited

y/n: after this no can do

ochako: y/n does have a point but she needs to give it her all so she can beat him, go plus ultra

toru: yeah, plus ultra

y/n: thanks but i'm going to go to the waiting room while waiting for my match to begin with bakugou

mina: ok, we'll be waiting here for the final showdown against you and bakugou

y/n: thanks

third person pov: as y/n walks away from the bleachers she spots her mother approaching her, her mother speaks before y/n could say anything...

y/m: y/n before you ask why i'm here, i wanted to wish you luck against i assume katsuki bakugou. i suggest you be careful when you fight him, his way of fighting is quite dangerous

third person pov: with that being said y/n mother was about to walk away until y/n grabbed her hand...

y/m: y/n what's wrong

y/n: can we talk inside the waiting room for a moment

y/m: sure, you still have time before your match

(y/n and her mother inside waiting room......................)

y/m: what did you want to talk about

third person pov: all of a sudden y/n face turned red....

y/n: mom, what if i say i like somebody and the person i like got hurt and ever since the entrance exam i've been in love with him from the start

(y/n mother had a shocked expression then she quickly smiled and grabbed y/n hands)

y/m: i knew it, you like shoto todoroki (practically yelling)

author note: i wanted to add mother and daughter drama

y/n: shhhhhh, how do you know

y/m: well, two weeks ago when i came to pick you up from school i saw you talking to him, when i go to work i see you walking with him to school instead of ochako, and during the sports festival i saw the both of you talking also you were supporting him when he had a match with bakugou.

y/n: i really can't hide anything from you

y/m: yep, as your mother i must at least know whats going on in your life... but not everything (proudly)

y/n: oh. so about shoto

y/m: you guys would make a great couple i also would say the same for ochako and i think his name is izuku

y/n: mom (blushing a lot)

y/m: (serious expression) be glad i'm not your father he wouldn't allow you to hang out with any boys, what a son of a-

y/n: no cursing mom

y/m: sorry, just remembering him angers me

y/n: (forms a sad smile) me too, but don't worry i'm here for you i'll become your hero ok

y/m: thank you, and i think it's time to see that boyfriend of yours

y/n: (blushing) mom he's not my boyfriend. he's my friend

y/m: i'm just teasing you and good luck (waving)

third person pov: after that y/n mother left the waiting room. y/n stayed for another five minutes thinking how she should approach todoroki.

y/n: (sigh) mindswell see him, this might be my only chance before my match with bakugou

continue third person pov: with that y/n left the waiting room

time skip to the nurses office..........................


third person pov: once y/n enters the nurses office recovery girl spots her then walks towards her grabbing the white haired girl to stop

readers pov:

recovery girl: ms. kim what are you doing here you don't look injured

y/n: (blushes) i actually came to see shoto (looks to the side) i was worried about him, i wanted to make sure he's in good condition

recovery girl: you can stay here if you like but for a reminder your match starts in five minutes

y/n: (bows) thank you

(with that recovery girl leaves)

third person pov: one recovery leaves y/n makes her way towards todoroki and pulls a chair to sit next to where he lies. since she was alone she decided to speak her thoughts out

y/n: shoto, i'm happy that you used your fire today, even though your not sure if you should accept it. that's why i'm here, i want to help you accept yourself so you can become the hero you wish to be -

(y/n gets up from her chair and caress todoroki face then she says.......)

author note: wait for it..........

y/n: i love you shoto todoroki

third person pov: little did y/n know was that todoroki heard her say the last part

readers thoughts: when i finished letting my thoughts out i checked the clock to see that my match is about to start in about two minutes, so i exited the nurses office and went to where the bleachers are to see my classmates before my match starts. once i made it there i saw bakugou, it seemed like he was waiting... oh wait he's waiting to give me a death threat before the match. since i wanted to get this over with quickly i walked over to them and greeted them

y/n: hi. (waving)

momo: oh kim-san, your right on time for your match

(momo stands up and walks over to her friend with a couple of their classmates)

momo: (puts hand on your shoulder) we wish you goodluck against bakugou

aoyama: your going to be dazzled

mina: forget what he said your going to do amazing (with thumbs up)

ochako: do your best ok

readers thoughts: they really care for me, i just hope i win. even though he's brutal

(all good moments have to come to an end right, well bakugou ruined it...)

bakugou: (yells while getting close to where you're at) kim, that half-and-half bastard screwed up that last match, but this time i'm not here for any jokes i want you to come at me with everything you got. i want you to know that i don't plan on taking it easy on you, you should also take this as a threat not some type of joke got it.

y/n: (i take a deep breath) i plan on giving it my all as well

bakugou: tsk, whatever just put in some effort in your fighting. i'm not going to lie but i'm pretty impressed on how you passed the other matches

third person pov: with that being said present mic announces the final round....

present mic: the final match will begin in a about a minute, final contestants come to the arena (yells)

y/n: i guess it's time for us to go (looking at him)

readers thoughts: i walk away from the bleachers and gave a glance at my classmates some had worried expressions while some gave me a thumbs up for example ashido-san and ochako. with that being said i made my way to the fighting platform.

third person pov: y/n and bakugou are standing on the arena in front of each other, then present mic announces there match...

present mic: it's finally the last battle of the u.a high school sports festival (yells)

(everyone starts cheering)

continue present mic: the top of the first years will be decided with this one match. from the hero course katsuki bakugou verses, also from the hero course y/n kim (whispers) i hope she wins. start (yells)

readers pov:

readers thoughts: once present mic announces start i created a mount of ice blocking bakugou (like todoroki match) because of this action bakugou managed to destroy it causing several ice shards coming my way. the force created a large gust of wind almost blowing me away so i created a platform to keep me in place. due to the fact that wind and some shards were heading my direction i couldn't see well, bakugou managed to landed a punch on me but i quickly blocked it with my arms using a shielding platform but.... i got thrown towards out of bound. what i did to avoid this was create a platform to move me towards a different direction then i created another one to make me land safely

third person pov: once y/n landed bakugou then shouts

bakugou: kim, i told you to give it everything you got, right now your just being weak (yells)

third person pov: y/n facial expression widen in shock at how determined bakugou wanted to win but with real competition, she didn't have time for arrogance she just wanted to get it over with. y/n created fire in both of her hands then she threw them up in the air so they can collide together, this attack caught bakugou in surprise that she didn't aim at him but then he realized she did that to create smoke as a distraction. present mic then announces...

present mic: looks like kim y/n managed to lay a surprise attack on bakugou, let's see how he handles it (yells)


aizawa pov:

aizawa thoughts: hm... it was really smart of kim to use an attack like this, but she hardly uses her other elements to her glyphs. she's a really determined student, i look forward to seeing what she does in this match

(aizawa thoughts are cut off by present mic.....)

present mic: who do you think will win

mr. aizawa: i'm not sure they're both skilled students, we'll probably let the match continue as it is to see the winner

present mic: i hope kim wins, but i do worry for her a bit since bakugou is you know aggressive

mr. aizawa: (nods) i agree with that but hopefully this match will end well


readers pov:

y/n: now it's my chance

readers thoughts: as smoke surrounds the arena i start creating gravity platforms so i can levitate the broken ice shards so i can attack bakugou, once they were in the air i quickly exited the smoke then i dropped them on top of bakugou. what shocked me was that i saw an explosion blow them up causing them to melt, then i realized that bakugou using the same method to destroy the rocks ochako created. once bakugou destroyed them he turned his direction towards me then he said....

bakugou: you gotta try harder than that to defeat me, your just making this match easy. but you did manage to fool me by creating smoke in the air (says smirking) now it's my turn

third person pov: once bakugou said that y/n created several platforms surrounding both of them then she said....

y/n: if you want a challenge then i'll start putting more effort

continue third person pov: as y/n does this all the platforms start launching fire and ice everywhere, since the platforms were surrounding then y/n did several backflips to get away from them and as for bakugou he struggled a bit but he managed to get rid of them by throwing explosions at them. y/n also noticed that bakugou had a couple of scratches from the attack and a few minor burns, compared to her she was fine since she knew how to control her quirk from aiming at her. y/n was about to attack bakugou again but she couldn't see him (she was spacing out a bit) due to the smoke, but when y/n turned around she saw bakugou.... then he punched her in the stomach with his quirk. this time she's the one getting injured

present mic: looks like there's a turn in this match. bakugou manages to land a successful attack on kim

todoroki pov:

todoroki thoughts: i was right now in recovery girls nursing office, i managed to wake up to someone's voice. the voice belonged to y/n but i didn't open my eyes but then she said something that caught me off guard...

y/n: shoto todoroki i love you

todoroki thoughts: after she said that i felt her presence disappear, that's when i decided to open my eyes. when i opened my eyes i saw recovery girl coming in, when she caught a glimpse of my figure she told me she needed to heal me before i watch the final match. one thing i couldn't get out of my head was does y/n really love me or was it just my imagination, so i decided to ask recovery girl. plus, i'm not sure if she feels the same way i feel....

todoroki: recovery girl, was y/n here when i was unconscious (a tint of blush on his cheeks)

recovery girl: oh, ms. kim. she was here but she had to leave to attend her match along with bakugou. why do you ask

todoroki: it's nothing...

recovery girl: ok, you'll be able to leave in five minutes todoroki

todoroki: (nods in understanding)

time skip to todoroki leaving recovery girls office..........


third person pov: recovery girl finished healing todoroki so she let him leave to watch the final match between bakugou and y/n. todoroki was nervous for y/n match because she was going against bakugou and he's quite aggressive, and todoroki can't stand seeing y/n hurt what made him anxious was that he wanted you in good condition. (todoroki arrives at the part when you levitate ice shards and attack bakugou with them:reminder) once todoroki arrives he's greeted by momo, also catching the attention of the others...

momo: oh, todoroki your on time for y/n match, so far things are quite destructive between the two

(mina joins in conversation)

mina: you guys come look at this

third person pov: when todoroki and momo looked at the arena they saw smoke then they saw y/n levitate broken ice then surround them around bakugou then she released them. y/n attack was destroyed by bakugou blowing them up like he did for ochako match, after bakugou idd this action they saw y/n spacing out a bit but when todoroki and his classmates saw next was shocking.... when y/n came back to her senses she was going to attack but didn't see bakugou but when she turned around bakugou was there and punched her in the stomach with his quirk. when this attack happened ochako and toru panicked a bit...

ochako: uhm... guys do you think y/n going to be ok (worried)

toru: that was a pretty strong hit

kirishima: i'm sure that kim going to be fine, it's not like she's going to give up

mineta: i agree with kirishima-kun

mina: huh- when are you so supportive mineta

mineta: it's because i haven't seen her clothes come off unlike the rest of you losing your matches

(tsuyu slapped mineta with her tongue)

toru and ochako: you perv

momo: you don't have the slightest respect for women (a look with disappointment written over)

kaminari: let's forget what he said and be positive about the match, ok

jirou: i hate to say this but i agree with kaminari-kun

sero: well let's hope this end's well

(the class nods.......)

todoroki thoughts: i hope y/n will be fine.. because i care for her- not only that but i developed feelings for her ever since the first week of school...

author note: i thought it would be great if i add a mineta scene since we haven't had one since combat training and class representative

third person pov: back to the fight with y/n and bakugou. when bakugou punched y/n in the stomach this caused her to land far (almost close to the boundary line) really hard, this was because she didn't have time to react on his attack which caused bakugou to get the upper hand.

readers pov:

readers thoughts: bakugou managed to punch in the stomach sending me to land really hard on the ground, when i tried to stand up there was a shocking pain coming from my stomach causing me to fall to the ground...what will i do

y/n: ow (i wince in pain holding on to my stomach)

third person pov: bakugou noticed this and smirked the he said.........

bakugou: looks like your going to lose this match after all, i expected you to be stronger than this (yells)

third person pov: with that bakugou came running towards y/n getting ready for another punch, when y/n saw this she quickly created a large wall of ice... but it wasn't strong enough due to the pain she received from the punch

author note: remember y/n can't create strong attacks if she's in a bad condition

continue third person pov: bakugou spotted the wall of ice and landed a punch on it causing it to be destroyed to his surprise he expected it to be strong like the others but then he realized y/n wasn't strong enough to create a stronger one.... when bakugou destroyed the ice several (large) shards of ice came falling where y/n was (this included smoke) y/n didn't have time to block it causing her to get hurt from her own quirk, this caught the audience's attention including........ todoroki

readers thoughts: when the shards fell i wasn't able to defend myself in time this caused me to get injured on my arm (y/n used her arm to block her face) and i also felt some pain on my leg; including pain from the punch bakugou did.... then present mic said.....

present mic: is it the end for kim (yells in curiosity due to the smoke and ice in the way of y/n and bakugou)

third person pov: when the smoke cleared off a bit the audience saw that bakugou was standing near the piles of ice then they spot y/n lying on the ground almost as if she's unconscious or she could faint any moment like ochako round. at this view present mic wasn't sure if this was the end of the match so he spoke again...

present mic: is kim able to fight or bakugou wins this match (yells)

(midnight intrudes saying......)

midnight: wait i think she's still able to fight (looking at her moving figure slowly trying to get up)

readers pov:

readers thoughts: when i heard present mic say that, i knew i shouldn't give up and that i should continue fighting. i want to give it my all not lose due to my injuries but because i want to achieve my dreams of being a hero, like midoriya said we're all here to give it our all. so i attempted to get up catching midnights attention including the audience.... even bakugou

present mic: looks like kim not giving up yet but how long will she last (yells)

all mights pov:

all mights thoughts: young kim, she's still standing strong even though she's injured. this reminds of the match young midoriya had against young todoroki........

readers pov:

readers thoughts: once i was finally standing, i could tell that bakugou was angry at the fact i'm not giving up....

bakugou thoughts: why hasn't she given up yet, this reminds me of round face and deku....

bakugou: (yells) why don't you give up already, your terribly injured, and you look like you could pass out any moment

y/n: (sigh) it's because i don't want to lose due to my injuries, i'll continue fighting until i can't take it anymore... i want to be a hero, a hero that can fight back even though their hurt (yell)

bakugou: (smirks) goodluck with that

( with that bakugou starts launching himself towards y/n getting ready to attack...)

y/m pov:

y/m thoughts: so far y/n match is very intense i feel like i could faint any moment due to the stress. i just want this match to be over quickly, but her dream to becoming a hero is strong.....

third person pov: - bakugou came charging towards y/n but what y/n did was so unexpected..... y/n ran towards him then she created a platform as a shield to avoid getting hit then she froze the ground so he couldn't move (y/n did this so she could steal energy from bakugou). y/n managed to freeze one leg to her luck but she needed to attempt this action quickly..

readers pov:

readers thoughts: since i'm losing energy quickly due to my injuries and getting tired i need to steal some energy, the electricity i took from kaminari already ran out so i need to recharge. i managed to freeze bakugou leg now i need to take energy from him before he breaks out, in a swift motion i quickly touched bakugou arm and stole some of his energy then i lifted up my shield to block him from attacking me. once this action was done i was now on the other side of the arena (bakugou on y/n side). bakugou then broke out of the ice where y/n froze him then he yelled.

bakugou: what did you do to me when you touched my arm (yelling)

(now it was y/n turn to be smirking)

y/n: (smirks) it's quite obvious, i stole some of your energy to heal myself (with a snap of y/n fingers she was healed but there was a scratch mark on her cheek) see. now you don't have a chance of pulling of a big attack

present mic: looks like kim outsmarted bakugou bringing him down to the same level as her (yells)

(causing the audience to cheer at the remark)

readers thoughts: i want to end this match quickly...but how (flashback)

flashback to y/n and her mothers conversation after her match...........


readers pov:

y/m: y/n if you want to win the sports festival you have to create your summoning

y/n: mom, you know i can't do it

(y/m flicks your head)

y/m: stop being negative y/n, you should be more positive like ochako when things are bad

y/n: but that's ochako

y/m: y/n you want to be a hero right. hero's are positive about their situations not negative, if you want to be a hero then stay positive about your situations, ok

y/n: ok.....

back to match..................


readers thoughts: i need to create my summoning..........

author note: if you haven't watched rwby there's a girl named weiss and she's able to create summonings, her main summoning is a knight. so she can basically create anything..... watch rwby it's amazing; an english anime

third person pov: as y/n was spacing out a bit bakugou tried to attack her but this time she managed to stop him she created a platform causing him to turn is direction. y/n needed to concentrate for her attack to work.... little did y/n know that her mother knew what she was doing, but she hopes the plan works

author note: it's a mother and daughter thing, it works (yelling)- sorry i lost myself a bit...... just a little stressed in finishing this chapter and i don't want to quit

readers pov:

readers thoughts: as i managed to get away from bakugou.... i finally thought of a plan- i'm going to run around bakugou using my speed glyph to make me run fast in the process of that i'll be creating several pause platforms so he can stay in place then i'll stop running and i'll summon my knight (your summoning) simple right.... uhm-nope

third person pov: y/n already attempted three times to get towards him but bakugou kept on trying to punch her back; this went on for about two minutes that's until y/n finally sent an attack of fire towards him making him stop from coming closer towards her. when y/n did this she started circling him........... this caught the attention of present mic

present mic: looks like kim trying to trap bakugou (yells)

readers pov:

readers thoughts: as i circled bakugou i kept on launching pausing platforms surrounding him once i finished that i moved away from him i then said to him.....

y/n: don't even think about moving or your energy will run low causing you to faint, now since you used your super move i'll show you mine (yells)

(once y/n said that it started snowing a bit causing the attention of the audience then she summoned her sword after that she turned around in a spinning motion and got on her knees and put on the ground, then yells........)

y/n: winter knight (yells)

readers thoughts: i had to concentrate for this to work, if i didn't i would lose my only chance.... of winning

third person pov: when y/n yells winter night (like your super move) the snow falling from the sky starts turning into a type of blizzard forming in a circle; after that a large circle like platform starts forming in the arena..... once the circle formed the blizzard stopped and the audience was now able to see what was going on. a few seconds later something started to appear out of the platform and it was a knight on one knee holding it's sword in a resting position. it was also tall. this creation surprised many people including bakugou. once y/n summoning was complete she got up then removed her pausing platforms from bakugou then present mic shouts-

present mic: this is unexpected kim brought along some company after that short blizzard (yell) will this be a match for bakugou. two against one battling for the win

readers pov:

readers thoughts: when present mic said that i smirked, now i have an advantage for winning. i'm also surprised that bakugou isn't attacking yet

y/n: bakugou aren't you going to attack or your just afraid this will kill you (yells)

(y/n didn't get a response bakugou; must be shocked she thought)

third person pov: once bakugou heard that he yelled

bakugou: (smirks) you think i'm scared of that, that must be an allusion (yells)

y/n: if you think it's an allusion your only making it easier for me to win, i'll prove it. (maintaining gaze)

(once y/n says that she takes command on her summoning)

y/n: winter knight how about you eliminate the competition and don't think about holding back (smirks)

third person pov: in a fighting stance y/n knight holds his sword then slashes it down on the ground aiming to hit bakugou. but bakugou quickly moves before he gets attacked...

y/n: see this is a live or die battle, so you can either surrender or die.... winter knight continue till i tell you to stop (the knight nods)

bakugou thoughts: stupid kim what the hell is her quirk it's like she can do anything... first it's me winning the match now her winning. i think this is the perfect competition to have a real fight.... the question is should i surrender or should i continue to fight. i don't want to lose so i'll continue fighting....

(with that bakugou said.....)

bakugou: i'm going to continue fighting

(with that response y/n could only smirk. since y/n summoning had control of itself she decided she'll get bakugou out of bound without him noticing)

third person pov: with that y/n ran towards bakugou and kept on launching several balls of fire towards him which is moving him towards out of bound while y/n knights moving him towards the bound as well; also trying not to hurt y/n in the process


ochako pov:

ochako: y/n actually going to beat bakugou (yells)

kirishima: it would be pretty manly that kim won against bakugou, to bad he's falling into her trap he's getting lead out of bound

tsuyu: your right (ribbit)

izuku: she's really smart but i didn't know she could create things like this besides platforms including ice and fire

ochako: yeah, y/n mother creates them she would always help y/n create them but y/n would struggle and this is the first time she got it right

toru: so you mean this is a new move

ochako: yeah (smiles), i'm happy she manage to do it

mina: you guys look (yells)

(bakugou gets out of bound...)

sero: (shocked) bakugou out of bound (yells)

kaminari: (shocked as well) seriously

todoroki thoughts: once ashido told everyone bakugou was out of bound i was surprised yet happy y/n managed to defeat him besides me....

readers pov:

readers thoughts: i can't believe i finally managed to get bakugou out of bound.....

y/n: (whispers to self) finally

present mic: what an amazing final match filled with surprises and effort. the winner of the match is kim y/n

(once present mic said that everyone started cheering her on)

readers thoughts: as everyone cheers me on i can't help but blush due to all the attention i'm receiving, as i glance into the crowd i spot my mother giving me a thumbs up with tears a joy then i look towards my classmates... i spot them giving me thumbs up including the girls yelling positive things to me, then i spotted todoroki.... but he had a small smile on his face then he gives me a thumbs up like everyone else. the only thing i could think right now is.... i can't believe i won

third person pov: with that y/n summoning disappears then she leaves to meet her friends before they hand out medals........

author note: i'll include the medals in the next chapter, this is about the longest chapter i ever made. this is because i wanted to add todoroki battles because since this is a todoroki and reader story it needs more you know todoroki.... well see you in the next chapter