

third person pov: the police force and detective tsukauchi have a discussion of the u.a students safety along with the heros, as this happens u.a decides that it's best if the students stay in dorms so they can have better security over them. due to the attacks the league of villains held against them. mr. aizawa and all might are currently visiting the students household to discuss the dorm room ideas with the students parents. they already visited jirou, bakugou, and midoriya house along with the rest of the class but they need to visit y/n home so they can get approval from her mother

readers pov:

readers thoughts: my mother and i finished baking cookies, the reason why my mother and i baked cookies was because mr.aizawa and all might will come over but i'm not sure why- (then the doorbell rang)

y/m: i'll get the door while you set up the cookies along with the tea

y/n: mhm (while preparing the tea)

y/m pov:

y/m: (smiles warmly while opening the door) hello, all might and mr. aizawa it's nice to finally meet the both of you

all might: it's also nice to meet you mrs. kim

mr. aizawa: nice to meet you as well

y/m: well come inside (gesturing the two to come inside)

(with that being said y/m led them to the dining room........)

y/m: so, what did you guys want to discuss

all might: we wanted to talk about the u.a dorms

y/m: (tilts her head in slight interest) dorms........

(y/n enters the dining room with the tea and cookies on a tray)

y/n: mom, i brung the cookies and tea (sets them down on the table then says) hello all might and mr. aizawa

all might: hi, young kim. may you please take a seat as well. i'm also glad you're doing ok

y/n: (nods then takes a seat next to her mother while the teachers are in front of them)

all might: as i was saying we wanted to talk to you about the dorms u.a high designed for the students safety.

mr. aizawa: (hands y/m the paper) this is the paper we would like you to fill out if you agree to what we're about to ask you.

all might: we were wondering if you'll allow y/n to stay in the u.a high dorm rooms

y/m: (glances at the paper then at the teachers while sipping on her tea after sets it down) i'll let my daughter go to the dorms. (with a calm expression)

third person pov: to be honest all might and mr. aizawa were scared to see how y/n mother would react due to how her expression changed while processing the information but she remained calm.

y/n: (faces her mom with a small smile) really, i thought you would make me stay here since i was unconscious during the attack

y/m: (glances at y/n then back at her teachers with a smile) even though u.a high received harsh criticism due to the villain attacks and the safety of the students, i'll still let my daughter go there while staying at the dorms. i believe that these types of situations happens due to certain beliefs but i know that my daughter will be safe in your hands (then ruffles y/n hair). even though i'm not sure of this idea due to her being in the hospital but i trust u.a with her care, thank you. (then signs the paper) here

all might: (smiles) thank you mrs. kim for your cooperation and i really enjoyed meeting you for the first time. (stands up to leave)

mr. aizawa: (bows) thank you.

y/m: (nods then realizes something) wait- you didn't even get a chance to eat the cookies how about you take them to go (says while making a mini basket appear in her hand then levitates the cookies into the basket) here

all might: thank you once again.

y/m: no problem and have a nice day.

y/n: bye mr. aizawa and all might (while waving)

(with that being said all might and aizawa exit the house then head inside the car)

readers pov:

y/m: (smiles while leaning against the wall) i suggest you start packing so you have time to decorate your dorm room

y/n: (smiles warmly) maybe you're right (glances at her mom) you can help me as well

y/m: (clasps hands together while smiling widely) great. (then runs upstairs)

readers thoughts: (smiles) she's so childish compared to other adult....

time skip to the next day...........


third person pov: right now class 1a currently in front of there new home; there dorm rooms. while at this aizawa gives the student a speech about them living in the dorms and about their safety..

mr. aizawa: given everything that has happened i'm we were able to bring class 1a back together

sero: so we all got to the go ahead to move on campus

y/n: (smiles) yeah, my mom didn't seem to have a problem with this, she was surprisingly chill about this situation what about your parents jirou and toru

toru: (sighs) it took a lot of convincing for my parents

jirou: i was pretty concerned about mine

mashirao: it makes sense you got the worst of the gas attack

tsuyu: we're glad to see the teachers got to come back to i was afraid we wouldn't be allowed, the people at the press conference seemed pretty upset with you guys

ochako: (nods in agreement) yeah

mr. aizawa: i was surprised as well but circumstances have changed, i think it was easier for administration to let the teachers return instead of revamping the entire faculty. now then i'll explain how your dorm assignments will work shortly first however we haven't forgotten about the provisional hero licenses you were supposed to get during the training camp

sato: oh yeah so that's what we were there for

mina: so much has happened it totally slipped my mind

mr. aizawa: this is important listen well. kirishima, yaoyorozu, todoroki, midoriya, lida you five are the ones that broke the rules and went to rescue bakugou that night

tsuyu: (ribbit)

mr. aizawa: based on your reactions i assumed the rest of you were at least aware of their plan. i'm going to set aside a number of issues and just say this, if it weren't for all mights retirement from the hero scene i would expelled everyone here except bakugou, y/n, jirou, and hagakure

readers thoughts: (frowns in realization) so that's what he tried to tell me at the hospital that evening, (then smiles abit) but he was worried about my health

mr. aizawa: the five of you went of course but also the remaining 12 who didn't stop them, you betrayed our trust even if it was to keep your friends from getting into trouble. in order to regain our confidence you'll need to obey every rule to the letter and live as model students that's all now look alive enjoy your new home (then walks away)

everyone: we're supposed to be excited after that speech..

y/n: (chuckles nervously) at least we'll be living here with each other instead of seeing each other half of the day..

ochako: uhm- yeah

third person pov: bakugou drags kaminari behind a bush then uses his quirk on him so he could go stupid, that way his classmates can change their mood after that he comes up to kirishima and hands him money. the reason was because kirishima bought night vision goggles which were expensive then walks away causing kirishima to come up with a great idea-

bakugou: kaminari show them your dumb side (walks away)

(then kaminari starts acting dumb causing the girls to laugh and some the boys)

kirishima: sorry everyone i know this will make up for it but let's go out to eat tonight on me (yells)

everyone: (yells while laughing) yeah

third person pov: then the students enter the dorm room building; height alliances

mr. aizawa: each student dormitory holds one class girls on the right and boys are on the left the entire first floor is a common area that's where you'll find your kitchen baths, and laundry rooms

y/n: (walks towards the window along with toru) i'm going to have to get used to living in a big house. there's so much space (spins in excitement)

toru: wow, it's so amazing

sero: there's even a courtyard

mina: so spacious and new (laughs due to excitement)

ochako: (dumbfounded) i'm living in a mansion (then falls to the ground)

lida and y/n: uraraka

y/n: (helps ochako stand up) still new to large spaces

ochako: (smiles while rubbing her head and laughing slightly) yeah.

y/n: (smiles) me too

mineta: does my ears deceive me our baths you mean are located in the common space (gulps) is this heaven

mr. aizawa: they're separated by gender and you'll behave yourself

mineta: yes sir.

y/n: (scoots over next to todoroki making him a bit confused) pervert. (while looking at mineta)

(once todoroki looked y/n direction he finally realized what she meant the rapped his arms around her waist causing her to blush)

y/n: shoto what are you doing (in a slight whisper)

todoroki: (smirks then whispers in her ear) i'm protecting you from him since he can't control himself (slightly glaring at mineta)

y/n: (shyly spoke) thanks

readers thoughts: good thing my friends didn't notice or they'll start fangirling which is quite embarrassing (smiles)

mr. aizawa: the living quarters start on the next floor; four boys and four girls on each level. everyone gets their own room you should be comfortable you've got your own ac, toilets, fridges, and closets

izuku: we have balconies wow

momo: this room about the same size as my closet at home but i'll manage

ochako: it's about the size of my house (then falls again)

lida: uraraka

(with this being said the class continues to share their opinion on the dorm until mr. aizawa brings there attention back)

mr. aizawa: these are your dorm assignments, the belongings that you sent ahead had already been placed in your new room so spend the day unpacking and getting settled. i'll tell about your next few lessons tomorrow for now get to work

everyone: yes mr. aizawa

readers thoughts: (sighs) i have a lot of work to do (glances at the clock) if i'm lucky

time skip to night time.........


third person pov: y/n managed to finished decorating her room and also unload all her stuff while she was at it she decided to bakies cookies in her mini oven, until she heard a knock on her door..

author note: it's kinda what sato did but i find it wholesome if y/n did something nice for her classmates

readers pov:

(knock, knock)

y/n: (glances at the door while putting away her cookbook) i wonder who's knocking on my door

(after y/n puts away her cookbook she heads to the door to open it but she was surprised to see her boyfriend there)

y/n: (blushes) shoto.... what are you doing here

todoroki: i wanted to talk to you, if it's ok

y/n: oh-uhm sure i'm already done fixing my dorm (moves out of the way so he could enter her room)

todoroki: (takes a seat on her bed then looks around the room) your room looks beautiful it's also slightly japanese (smiles) and a bit like mine

y/n: (smiles while blushing even more) thanks... i also have a few pictures of our classmates including you and me (staring at the picture from there date)

(shyly says before taking a seat next to him)

y/n: so what did you want to talk about (fiddling with her fingers nervously)

todoroki: (takes a deep breath) i wanted to talk to you about saving bakugou...

y/n: (smiles) you don't have to tell me i already figured that you didn't want to tell me because you didn't want me stressing out about the risk of doing so... it's fine

todoroki: (looks at y/n) but didn't i worry you when i left early from the hospital

y/n: (smiles weakly) i was but i stayed in my place, (looks away from todoroki) i knew you would come back and tell me what happened

(todoroki turns y/n face to face him then kisses her, as they continue kissing each other todoroki moves y/n to sit on his lap making the kiss get heated even more. since both of them needed air y/n was the first one to pull away once she did so her cheeks were dusted a dark shade of red then todoroki spoke)

todoroki: (smiles lovingly) i love you y/n (then kisses her neck)

y/n: (blushing madly) i love you to shoto

(after that todoroki and y/n shares a few pecks on the lips before going back to kissing each other)

third person pov: y/n and todoroki moment came to an end when her phone received a notification causing a ringtone to go off

y/n: (pulls away from the kiss then grabs her phone then smiles) mina.. (whispers)

(after that y/n gets off of todoroki making him a bit confused....)

todoroki: (blushing a bit) my love who was that

y/n: (looks up from her phone): oh- that was mina she wanted to talk to me along with the rest of the girls about something

todoroki: (sighs) you're leaving now..

y/n: (smiles) yeah, how about you stay with the guys while i'm gone i'm sure that they're already finished

todoroki: (sighs then walks over to y/n whose currently standing at the door) fine, but give me a kiss before you leave

third person pov: once todoroki said that y/n quickly gave todoroki a peck on the lips then left alongside him while taking different directions

time skip to the girls going to the common room........


readers pov:

mina: hiya boys all done with your rooms

kaminari: yep we're just unwinding now

mina: well the girls and i have been talking and......

toru: and we have a great idea (practically yelling excitedly)

y/n: (smiles while jumping in the air) let's go around and see who has the coolest room

readers thoughts: the first room we went into was midoriya

everyone: wow

ochako: it's all might everywhere you're such a fanboy

izuku: well i admire him this is embarrassing

y/n: (places her hand on his shoulder) actually it's pretty cool everyone has a very unique way of expressing themselves and i think this a great way of showing your passion of becoming a hero (then smiles warmly)

mina: yeah (with a thumbs up)

izuku: thanks y/n-chan (smiles)

y/n: no problem.

kaminari: does this mean they'll be judging our rooms too

sero: probably could end up a good time

readers thoughts: the second room went into was tokoyami (chuckles awkwardly) we had some trouble getting him to let us in.... which led to mina and hagakure to move him away from his door

y/n, ochako, and mina: wow so dark

mina: i guess this is how boys like to decorate

y/n: i don't think so, (places hand on her chin curiously) i think it's because he likes the dark

ochako: i guess so

kirishima: wow, i had this key chain in middle school

izuku: wow a sword so cool

y/n: (walks over to him) wow it's a bit sharper than mine.... i wonder where he got it from

tokoyami: (yells) get out

readers thoughts: the third room we went into was aoyama

aoyama: aren't you dazzled

everyone: shiny...

aoyama: non non non it's not shiny it's mag-ni-fic

toru: it's exactly how i imagined

mina: honestly i expected more

y/n: (rubbing her eyes) yeah..............

ochako: this is turning out to be really fun the last person on this floor is.... (turns around)

third person pov: when they turned around they saw mineta after that they walked away in disgust

y/n: (crossing her arms in disapproval) pervert.

ochako: (sighs) so the third floor

everyone: yeah...

readers thoughts: after we skipped mineta the fourth room we went into was mashirao

ocahko: it's so fair i here did you move anything at all, please tell me you haven't unpacked yet

mashirao: um- we're done here then let's go

y/n: (whispers to herself before exiting the room) so normal...

readers thoughts: the fifth room we we went into was lida

ochako: wow, it looks like a library in here

y/n: (smiles while touching the books on the shelf) he's obviously class rep.

mina: yep.

lida: you'll find nothing odd over here

ochako: you have so many glasses

lida: of course i do i expect them all to be destroyed during training

y/n: (sighs) that's obviously lida, being prepared.

readers thoughts: the sixth room we went into was kaminari

everyone: really

jirou: this is a store in the mall i'd avoid

kaminari: what it is perfect

y/n: (smiles while looking at the room) it's really interesting seeing your room since i never knew you were into this type of stuff. but there's a mix of everything which is fine but too much- (chuckles awkwardly) color... but it's (glances at her classmates) pretty cool

ochako: oh- yeah just too much color

kaminari: (sighs) thanks i guess.....

readers thoughts: the seventh room we went into was koda

y/n: (runs into the room along with mina and ochako) it's so cute

ochako: i never knew animals were allowed here (smiles while patting it's head)

mina: i just died of total cuteness

y/n: (blushes in awe) me too

ocahko, mina, and y/n: so cute

third person pov: as y/n and the girls play with the bunny y/n turns around to see todoroki watching her with a warm smile causing her to blush due to how childish she's acting

author note: hey she must really like rabbits (eyes widen in realization) i love rabbits

izuku thoughts: everyone's getting into competition....

kaminari: man this sucks i feel so judged right now

mashirao: hey what a coincidence i don't feel great, at all

tokoyami: same here

aoyama: eh moi

mineta: it's because the boys are the only ones who are getting picked on they said it was a contest to see who has the coolest dorm room (points at the girls) so what about them we have to see the girls room to tell which ones best. their interior design skills should be held at the same standard as ours maybe even higher show itself storms

y/n: (glares) you pervert.

izuku thoughts: this surprisingly good argument from mineta hit home stoking there competitive spirit...

mina: i'm into it (clasping hands together)

jirou: huh

y/n: what you can't be serious, he's obviously being perverted right now (eyes widen in shock)

izuku thoughts: .... even the completely uninterested got involved and that is how the very first class 1a best room contest got its start

mina: ok so what are the rules are we figuring out who has the best taste in the class or just overall coolest

jirou: we're doing this

y/n: (glances at jirou) if we are i won't show mine. (crosses arms in refusal)

kaminari: uh- this doesn't have to be a contest

mineta thoughts: (smirks) if i was the only one asking to see the other rooms then everyone would yell at me but since all these guys with bruised egos around here are on board i get to join in on the inconspicuous. like the whole class is doing it so why shouldn't i right. i'm going to be rummaging through the girls room

third person pov: little did mineta notice someone standing behind him until he felt something hit his head causing him to turn around to be faced with an angry glare

mineta: ow my head who did that

y/n: it was me, you're such a pervert you have no respect. (then walks way)

readers thoughts: he'll never learn.

ochako: let's see who else is on the third floor it's bakugou, kirishima, and soji isn't it

y/n: (smiles) yeah, i wonder what your rooms look like

kirishima: isn't it getting late plus i'm tired

mina: then we'll do your room next you can sleep all you want after (then runs to his room along with toru)

kirishima: not that i care but you might not get what i'm going for (opens door)- a den of manliness

y/n: (walks around the room) you weren't kidding huh (a bit dumbfounded) but everyone has their own style.....

toru: if i found out my boyfriend had a room that looked like this i'd dumb him

ochako: so bold makes me want to work out

y/n: (smiles while walking towards her friends) that's actually true since everything here

kirishima: you get it

mina: next up shoji

shoji: you're not gonna to find anything interesting here

mina: uh...

y/n: i guess he isn't a fan of crowded spaces

todoroki: (glances at shoji) so you're a minimalist huh

soji: i just never understood why someone would want to fill there room with junk

readers thoughts: (cheering silently) i knew it. the next room we went into was sero

everyone: wow

y/n: i never knew you had an interest for urban styled things

ochako: yeah, it's so comfortable here

mina: it's so lovely

jirou: sero i didn't think you liked this kind of stuff

sero: (chuckles) yep, that's me always the wild card

readers thoughts: the next room we went into was my loving boyfriend; todoroki

todoroki: let's get this over with it's late

mina and sero: wah so japanese

y/n: (hugs her boyfriend from the side) so you weren't kidding when you said that your dorm will be japanese

todoroki: (nods) yes my love. (while wrapping his arms around y/n waist)

kaminari: you even built it differently

todoroki: (turns his attention to kaminari and mineta) we got these floor mats at home which are more comfortable than hardwood

kaminari: this isn't your house

mineta: how did remodel this whole entire room in one day

todoroki: with hard work.

izuku: you're such a beast

toru: he'll make such a good pro

sato: pretty boys have such great tricks up their sleeve

y/n: (still hugging him) i didn't expect your room to look like this sho but how did you remodel your room in one day other than hard work..

todoroki: (smiles) like i said my love hard work.

y/n: (stops hugging todoroki) well i believe there's more to it than just hard work- wait is that a picture of me and you

todoroki: (blushes a bit) i saw you had pictures of me in your room so i thought i should have some of you

y/n: (kisses his cheek while blushing) thankyou shoto

ochako: (smiles widely) you guys are so cute

toru: yeah, the best couple ever

y/n: (blushes madly) i thought you guys were gone

mina: we were but we didn't see you until we saw you with todoroki-kun enjoying yourselves

todoroki: (pulls y/n closer to his chest then sighs) let's just go.

readers thoughts: the next room we went to was sato.

sato: anyway it's a pretty boring room.....

mashirao: all of them are after todoroki but something smells good tho, what is it

y/n: (sniffs the air then smiles widely) cake. sato-kun did you bake a cake

sato: oh crap i forgot about that i finished unpacking early so i started to make a chiffon cake i thought we could all eat it together. it hasn't been iced yet but you want some

the girls: yes

mineta and kaminari: strong guy's an expert baker

ochako: so fluffy

y/n: mh so delicious.... shoto come try some (says while placing the cake in his mouth before he could respond) so do you like it (tilts head in a cute way)

todoroki: (blushes) yes my love (looks away slightly embarrassed)

y/n: (smiles then glances at sato) sato-kun, maybe we could find a time where we could bake together

momo: yeah and maybe you could make desserts to go with my tea

mina: forget sero this is amazing

sato: (blushes) i seriously didn't expect this reaction

time skip to y/n room..............


readers pov:

mina: now that we did momo room the last one y/n-chan

ochako: and i smell something good too

y/n: the cookies- (before rushing into her room while closing the door then yells) and i don't want anybody to see my room especially mineta

toru: come on that isn't fair

kaminari: plus you saw our rooms

kirishima: that's not manly at all y/n

mina: (pushes todoroki towards your door) tell your girlfriend to let us in and i think you saw her room too so it's only fair

tokoyami: i can't believe i'm saying this but i agree with ashido, i'm actually interested on what her will look like

everyone: same

todoroki: (sighs) y/n may you please open the door (he says softly and not in his usual tone)

(once todoroki spoke most of their classmates were surprised to change of tone in todoroki voice since he usually spoke emotionlessly)

y/n: give me a good reason why

todoroki: well you let me see your room

y/n: (blushes) well that's because your my boyfriend and- (sighs) fine i'll let you guys in but let me do something real quick

(after that y/n opened the door to her room)

everyone: wow

jirou: (smiles) you have pictures of all of us

toru: it's so beautiful here. i love that you have different shades of blue along with white

y/n: (blushes a bit) thanks

kaminari: it's also a bit japanese like todoroki

toru: yeah.

mina: you also have a mini oven like sato

ochako: you made cookies (smiles) can we try some

y/n: oh- yeah they're actually for us, i made them after i finished fixing my room i'm just glad they were ready on time (picks up the tray) would anybody like-

everyone: yes please (then takes a cookie)

kirishima: this is really good what did you add to them

mashirao: yeah (while taking another one)

y/n: (places tray down on her table) i actually added a mix of flavors like strawberries with a bit of chocolate and the rest might be random portions of chocolate

momo: (clasps hands together while smiling) i guess we have two bakers living here

y/n: (smiles) i guess so... i'm really relieved that none of you disliked my room

kaminari: there's no point in disliking this room it's obviously way to perfect even better than the other girls which were bor- (jirou uses her earphone jack on kaminari)

y/n: (chuckles awkwardly) kaminari-kun we did try our best but.... you shouldn't have said that

everyone: yeah..

mina: (smiles brightly) now that we're done looking at all the rooms let's go back to the common room to discuss the winner

time skip to the common room......


third person pov: as class 1a went back to the common room everyone wrote on a sheet of paper to decide the winner, when all the votes were counted sato was voted the winner due to the cake he made which all the girls decided to vote for him making mineta and kaminari frustrated..

end of chapter......