the big three

the big three:

mr. aizawa: morning, now that midoriya back, we will go into more detail about what the work studies entail- go ahead and come in.. i'll have people who have experienced them first hand explain. i suggest you listen carefully as they point out how work studies differ from internships- these three are third years at u.a, they rank at the very top of our student body. you may know them as, the big three

readers thoughts: the big three..

kirishima: the best of the hero course, the big three

mina: oh wow (excitedly)

lida: all the talented students here, they're the ones at the top

momo: they're on a different level still in school but practically pro heros

y/n: pro heros..

readers thoughts: (smiles in awe while trying her best to keep her composure) i wouldn't mind moving a head my classmates and becoming a hero without them.. (sighs) but i did say that i wouldn't do anything as long as we're together- they wouldn't mind me breaking that by any chance (glances around the classroom) they're forgetful so they wouldn't mind. i did pass the exam with a hundred percent so maybe more to the licenses and curriculum standards


mr. aizawa: get to it, introduce yourselves briefly. let's start with amajiki

(once aizawa said that amajiki gave the class an intimidating stare causing most of them to get freaked out)

amajiki: it's no good.. you two go, i just can't even if i try to imagine them as potatoes.. i can see their human bodies- i know that there still people, no words are coming out. my mind's blank and my mouth dry, i can't say anything (then turns around) i wanna go home

readers thoughts: (smiles awkwardly) uh.. he's cute yet he's the shy type but i wonder how he became one of the top students of u.a.. was it because of his quirk

mashirao: ok, are you really one of u.a's top heroes

nejire: (giggles) come on amajiki, you need to have a heart of a lion not a kitten. you know even though you're human get what i mean-

time skip past introductions....


readers pov:

amajiki: don't do it..

mirio: heads up, the rad new plan is that all you first years fight me at once

kirishima: you wanna fight us.. like now

y/n: a-aren't we a lot to take in

mirio: well, if you want them to experience our experience then this is a pretty rational way of doing it then. right eraserhead, rational

mr. aizawa: do whatever you want


sero: is he for real

y/n: i think so

mirio: oh yeah, it's real (while stretching)

y/n: this is honestly a waste of our time.. against the whole class, why can't he fight one of us

readers thoughts: what is he trying to prove

amajiki: mirio, you're impossible. it would've been simple enough for us to just tell them this is what it's like, here's what we learned from it. not everyone has your level of drive plus, think about how bad it'll look if some of them can't recover after fighting you- no one wants to spend the next few years in the hospital bed

y/n: hehe, he can't be serious

ochako: y-yeah.. he can't be

kirishima: i bet he's trying to psych us out

nejire: hey, listen up it's story time. long ago a student got frustrated in class and quit being a hero and it was terrible for everyone, did you know that. so togata i know this job is tough so you better make sure you know what you're doing. be careful ok..

tokoyami: let's think about this, you're obviously much further ahead than us but we fought pros before

kirishima: not to mention we took down some legitimate villains. i don't think you need to worry about hurting us, we're not a bunch of wannabe's

mirio: hm, heard. but you're gonna have to show me that's the truth- now who's gonna start this party

kirishima: i've got this

izuku: no, i'm first

kirishima: you stole my thunder

mr. aizawa: view this as a learning experience it's a good opportunity for you and kim don't use your sword

y/n: eh- mr. aizawa, then how will i use my quirk.. it's my main resource

mr. aizawa: (sighs) i don't want to get in trouble for letting a first year kill a third year

y/n: but didn't he just say he's far more experienced than us

mina: yeah, didn't you say that

kirishima: so she has no reason to not use it

mr. aizawa: he's still a hero in training and not an enemy. so keep the weapons to a minimum

y/n: a-alright.

mr. aizawa: continue.

mirio: hm, the problem child. this is perfect i heard you got plenty of fire in you

sato: the close combat team should surround him first thing

kirishima: let's do it, we've got ourselves a new mentor. thanks for the opportunity man- the opportunity to kick your but

(once midoriya launched himself towards mirio, mirio close came off causing jirou to let out a frantic scream)

sero: why did your close just fall off

mirio: oopsie, my quirks kinda tricky

(with that being said mirio began to put his close back on while midoriya took this as a chance to attack him from above as he did so his foot went through mirio head)

mirio: went for the face huh-

(then the rest of the class began to attack him)

lida: what's this, where'd he go

mirio: i think i'll start by taking out the long distance fighters

y/n: s-so his ability is to go through people and maybe object

readers thoughts: i need a decent plan if i want to beat this guy- eh, is he naked again (then covers her eyes)

third person pov: as mirio began taken out y/n classmates y/n took this as a chance of running behind him and creating a platform to making him freeze.. it isn't the best idea but that's all she has, he's still human and isn't an enemy so she shouldn't do anything that could kill him.. but maybe hurt him

readers thoughts: once i sent the platform of ice towards him, he didn't freeze but it went through him and froze mineta. after that he turned around and looked at me

mirio: haha, nice move ice queen but think again (then ran towards y/n getting ready to land a punch on her but to only see her teleport behind and landing a punch on his back but it went through his stomach causing her to pull away vigorously, as this happens he grabs y/n arm and flipped her over)

y/n: ow, t-that's cheating.. mr. aizawa give me my privaleages back, he's totally worth it (yells)

mirio: don't worry ice queen you have plenty of time to fight me including your classmates and if you want to end all of this you can just give up

third person pov: once mirio said that y/n took this as a chance and created a platform under mirio causing him to stop moving and to get thrown at the wall creating a dent in the wall then she got off the ground and got into a fighting stance

y/n: who said we're giving up. you still have the rest of us to go through

ochako: great, job y/n you managed to get a hit on him (while giving a thumbs up)

y/n: (smiles) thanks

kirishima: w-what should we do now, he took down the others.. and what else can his quirk do

y/n: as i can see.. he can move through people- like warping through time and place

time skip to the dorms....


reader pov:

mina: wow, togata story of how he went from ast place to the top was killer wasn't it

y/n: (sighs) it really was mina.. b-but why couldn't he explain that first while giving us a basic demonstration. he didn't have to fight us

mina: then what would be the point

jirou: she really isn't getting the point

toru: yeah..

tsuyu: i'm really looking forward to our work studies now

ochako: i hope we get a chance, i think they're still figuring out what to do with us first years

momo: i suppose there's nothing we can do until mr. aizawa says something

y/n: i guess so, (then smiles) at least there's no need to stress out about any exams

mina: haha, you're right but i still wonder about the work studies

y/n: we all do ashido

everyone: right.