Things were bad! So bad!


How could this happen to me?


Just when I thought I got lucky, I was wrong. So deadly wrong...


If you want to know what happened, it's very simple.


You see, it was my last day living with my parents. I was overjoyed to finally move out. Not because they were bad to me—far from it. They did their best, working double shifts to provide for me. I never had to feel ashamed at school; I had the same clothes and opportunities as other kids. I could go on school trips just like them. I lacked nothing and had nothing to be embarrassed about.


But, life wasn't always that straightforward.


You see, outside of school, I never had the freedom to hang out with friends like other kids did. I wanted to explore new pastry shops with the girls in my class, take pictures, and simply be a regular teenager, but it was never an option.


That's because, while my parents toiled away, I was responsible for looking after my younger brother and twin siblings.


My grandmother used to take care of us when my parents worked, but she passed away. Her final words to me were a plea to watch over my siblings.


Of the four of us, I can understand why she chose me—I was the oldest.


I believe she knew deep down that, despite my parents working tirelessly to provide for us, if one of them had to stop working, our financial stability would crumble.


I never resented taking care of my siblings. It was challenging, of course. My younger brother could be a handful, and the twins were still infants. But my parents were committed to giving us everything.


With so many mouths to feed, they wanted us to have the same experiences as other children. I understood the weight of their love.


When I finally reached college age, my parents set me up with tuition money and helped me find an affordable apartment to share with my best friend.


I was off to pursue my education. I was no longer a child, and I was no longer a babysitter. My parents insisted on covering all my expenses. They encouraged me to enjoy life, to be free at last.


Just as I appreciated all they had done for me, they recognized my efforts too. We were a true family. They gave their all, and so did I.


As I bid farewell to my family and embarked on my college journey, little did I know that this moment would shape my destiny.


It was the day before I would move in with my best friend. I took a moment to step outside and enjoy the fresh air while she finished our last-minute shopping.


I stood near the main road.


Out of nowhere, a deafening truck horn blared, and the vehicle skidded uncontrollably. But that wasn't the most terrifying part.


There was a child... in the truck's path!!!


The tires screeched as they fought to come to a halt, but I knew the child wouldn't make it.


This was all unfolding right before my eyes.


The child was dangerously close. In a split second, I realized what I needed to do—I had to push the child out of harm's way. I could make it.


I had to...


And I did.


Perhaps it was years of sisterly instincts, but before I could even think, my body had already sprung into action the moment I saw it all happening.


I shoved the child out of harm's way, but it seemed I couldn't save myself.


... But I had saved a child, at least.


If I hadn't acted, I knew the nightmares would haunt me for the rest of my life. It would have traumatized me.


I had no regrets. I was, after all, a big sister at heart. It was instinct.


Amidst the fading screams and shouts, I felt someone cradling me, but my vision was fading. Oh, my best friend... I hoped she wouldn't see my lifeless body run over. I couldn't bear to traumatize her like that.


I believed that would be my last moment, but then I found myself in an empty, white space.


I couldn't see or feel my limbs. It was disorienting; everything seemed formless.


And then, I heard a voice—a calm, soothing voice—telling me that I had performed a noble deed. For selflessly saving a child, I was granted the opportunity to be reborn in a new world. I would have another chance at life, and better yet, I would inhabit a body of a similar age to my own. The original soul had vacated the body due to certain circumstances, making it available for me.


I was elated... until I heard the final, chilling warning.


You see, I was so thrilled that I had already agreed to be reborn, but just as I was whisked away to this new world, in the last moments, the voice issued a caution—an instruction that I wish I had received earlier.


"Do not follow in the footsteps of the original host by pursuing her crush, for he holds the key to a tragic, premature death."


And that was it.


No further explanation. By the time I opened my eyes, it was already too late. I was in a new body... but it got even worse.


I hadn't retained any memories from this new body! I had to pretend amnesia!


Why did this feel like the opposite of a reward? It was as if I had been deceived!