The next day Mya wakes up to an empty bed. She didn't feel the bed move like she always would when Lucio got up this morning. They still share his room. Mya attempted to move back into her previous room but Lucio moved her back into his.

She got up, threw on a robe and rushed down to the kitchen to catch Lucio before he leaves for work. On her way down she heard voices coming from the office. Mya recognized those voices to be Lucio's and the private investigator.

Lucio is in fact in the study with the private investigator who returns with some disturbing news concerning Lucio's uncle and his involvement with the men who trafficked Mya.


"Are you sure about this?" Lucio probed the investigator.

"I am. My sources have confirmed it. She lives at his mansion and he takes her everywhere he go." the investigator said.

"You mean to tell me that the same night my uncle bought Mya he bought another girl for himself?" Lucio is confused. How could the man he looked up to and possibly loved more than his own father be this evil.

"My sources say she's quite young, practically a kid" the investigator continues. Lucio is disgusted with his uncle. The more he hear the angrier he gets.

The investigator was about to continue when Lucio's phone started ringing.

"We will have to reschedule this meeting for another time" Lucio said while looking down as his phone rings. He dismissed the investigator, cleared his throat and answered his phone while trying to mask all the emotions he's feeling. (it was Lucio's father calling to meet with him at their hotel in Italy)


'The investigator must be talking about Makayla, she was the youngest of us', Mya thought to herself. When she heard the investigator leaving the office she rushed back up to Lucio's bedroom. Mya is praying for Makayla's safety. She knows that the other girls may not be as fortunate as she is to have someone like Lucio looking after her.

Her mind is heavy in thoughts thinking of all the awful things Makayla is going through. She's just a child, what kind of evil person harm a child. Mya doesn't even notice Lucio come behind her.

"Are you okay?" Lucio asks, genuinely concerned for Mya.

"I overheard what you and your investigator was talking about" Mya confessed, then continued, "The young girl must be Makayla, she was the youngest of all ladies".

"Mya I have to go to a meeting with my father right now but we'll talk more about this when I get back" Lucio stated while getting his coat. He rushes out before Mya could even say goodbye.


"To what do I owe this pleasure" Lucio said sarcastically.

Lucio's father, Luca Avaldi is the head of the Avaldi foundation, and the meanest person you would ever meet. Lucio found his father sitting in his chair reading his documents. His father should be pleased with the numbers the hotel is making so why does he look upset, Lucio thinks to himself.

"You're slacking off son, this is the lowest numbers you've ever obtained" his father said coldly.

"Imagine that, my lowest number is higher than the numbers you make from our other establishments" Lucio attacked. Lucio sits directly opposite from his father.

Mr. Avaldi drops the documents he was reading and looks his son dead in his eyes. They're both in a stair off competition, none of them wanting to loose.

"If you wasn't my son…" Mr. Avaldi started but was soon cut off, "What is the reason for you coming here Luca" Lucio said furiously.

"I'm here to talk to you about the girl you've been running around with. She is no good for you", his father said sternly.

"My private life is none of your business." Lucio shouted.

"You are my heir and that makes you my business. Ever since she's been around you're slacking off, the numbers are dropping and even staff are complaining that you're hardly ever in the office. What kind of woman keeps a man from being a man," his father ranted.

"Am I not allowed to have a life? I work from home. You have no right to talk about her as if you have any idea what she's been through. She's the reason I sleep well at night and the reason I wake up in the morning. Because of Mya I have a reason to look forward to something"

"This is no time to be falling in love with some meaningless girl".

"You know nothing about her and I will advise you, with all due respect, to refrain from saying anything negative about her". Lucio demanded.

At that very moment Lucio's mother walks in.

"I will not have some insolent wrench destroy the foundation I built…"

"ENOUGH" Lucio shouted.

"Both of you need to calm down" Lucio's mom chimed in, horrified by the way her husband and her son's behavior.

"If you want to blame someone for my absence blame your brother." Lucio shouted to his father before storming out the office, leaving both parents confused.