Chapter 3: // Lina Rumpert.

I see myself in the mirror with a pair of braids and doing an eyeliner that my sister showed me.

—Lina, your sister is on the phone! —shouts mom from below. I run to the base of the phone and take it immediately.


—Little sister—shouts my sister on the other side, I complain in silence with a smile—How have you been?

—Well, what about you?

—Excellent…—says animated—hey, I have to tell you something...

—What news do you have for us from France?—she laughs.

—I met someone—my smile fades—, a boy—says whispering.


—Yes, I know but…

—Andrea... you are my sister, I want you to be happy...


— Look... you need to know more about this guy, about his past, his attitudes, it will be like you are a stalker but it is necessary. I, more than anyone, don't want the same thing to happen to you as happened to the other boy, that boy...

—Lina—says sympathetic—I know. Believe me, I've been careful I— see the time on the wall clock God!

—Sorry Andrea! I'll call you later, I'll be late—and without letting her answer I turn off the phone. I run down the stairs and see my mother serving breakfast to my father. I kiss my parents goodbye.

—Goodbye! —I scream from the door, when I open it I freeze to see Dan in front of the door with a big smile on his face.

—Hello! —I say passing him.

—Hi—he walks beside me looking at me out of the corner of his eye with a smile while I walk around looking in the mirror and finishing my lipstick.

—I'm surprised that you haven't already boasted Mercedens Benz. Did you go to the party yesterday? —we began to climb the university stairs.

—Well, I wanted to show off at the party yesterday but... I had to do some laundry and you weren't there—he says mischievously, his bluish—green eyes resting on me.

—Well, maybe if you had helped me with my homework I would have gone with you— I say nervously, he starts laughing—. Silly, see you at lunch—I start walking to my class.

The literature teacher speaks very animatedly about Hispanic American literature, he walks around telling his experience with the book "One Hundred Years of Solitude", the conversation that you and I had with Andrea comes to mind. I remember that time (almost two years ago) when she was afraid to leave the house for fear of being kidnapped again, when she lived in fear of the kinds of questions we would ask her, the way we looked at her and her. She is still a little afraid of having social networks, I remember those nights when she woke up crying to see him in her dreams where she felt watched and controlled all the time. She was able to overcome it in constant visits to the psychologist, but the question was, where is he?

I hear Carina laughing behind me, as they talk in whispers with Estefany, Lara and Trina. I turn to see her trying to figure out if she was talking about literature class, moments later the lunch bell rings alarmingly causing all the students to go out to eat.

I walk through the cafeteria observing all the gastronomic delights, I decide on a coffee and a ham cake, I observe how the cook puts all that sausage on the bread along with all that fattening cheese, but I only remember that when I look in the mirror I take my cake and my coffee while I walk towards the dining rooms, I see Dan and Melany chatting I go towards them with a big smile, I feel that they touch my shoulder I turn around to then see Carina in front of me and with her Lara, Trina and Estefany. Carina smiles at me.

— Sorry—says sorry. I look at her puzzled.


— This is why," she says, pouring a glass of cold water over me while laughing maliciously with her two friends, Trina looks at me and runs away. I close my eyes trying not to feel so... humiliated.

— Oops," he says, putting his fingers in his mouth— I think I dropped it, but ... here it is missing—I feel the heat of my coffee running down my skin, a tear running down my cheek. Carina and the others laugh at me. I see how my blouse sticks to my body leaving the color of my bra and my skin visible, the tears come out incessantly and just as Carina tries to find something else to attack me with, Dan approaches angrily.

—What is your problem? Do you suffer from a mental problem? — he says angrily—  Don't forget that I can get you out of here whenever I want and make sure you don't have a good future! Believe me, I can do it whenever I feel like it— Carina laughs, challenging him by walking in the opposite direction.

Dan looks at me and wipes my tears, looks at my wet blouse and hands me his sweatshirt.

— You're good? —I nod, he smiles at me—Come on, you're a mess.

I come out of the bathroom with his sweatshirt and a more decent eyeliner, he starts walking towards me smiling, I have never seen him negative.

—It looks better than me—he says, walking beside me—. I brought you another coffee and some snacks that are waiting for you in the dining room.


We walked towards the exit with Melany, we stood outside waiting for Dancel. I see his sweatshirt on me and he smiled with a strange feeling in me.

—The professor says I can probably represent the university this year if I keep up with the same grades. O God!—he says in surprise—Look, it's him—he says pointing at an attractive guy, but... it seems like what I've seen before.

—Who is he? —I mean, we were both looking in the direction of the guy lying in a lamborghini. Carina approaches him and they both kiss violently, when they finish they get into the car.

— He's the perfect billionaire, I met him at the party, and Carina stole him from me— she says angrily.

—Why do they call it that?

— He's a billionaire, handsome, powerful, talented, billionaire is all the perfection in one person—he says with a sigh, we watch the car go quickly, all the spectators look with fascination at the car as it drives away.

—What did they see in a ghost? —says Dan, walking towards us—Let's go, or I'll have to leave you here, Melany.