Having GOOD AND Bad Days ARE Just A Part Of Life.

Ram went to a toy shop and bought a teddy bear with a heart in it's hand and that heart had the word 'sorry' written on it.

Then he reached the park where they planned to meet.He waited and got a little bored .Then he saw a little boy who was playing in a See-saw alone.

So,he went near him and knelt near the See-saw and told him with a smile "Hi, what is your name?".The cute little boy replied "I should not speak with the people I don't know." Ram smiled at him and asked"why?".

The cute little boy looked up at his eyes and said "My mother asked not to speak with the strangers." Ram understood and nodded his head.

Then he gave a chocolate taking from his bag. The cute little boy refused by shaking his head.

Then Ram understood and told him with a smile"I will eat half of this Chocolate.If nothing happens to me,then you will eat the chocolate,right?"

The cute little boy thought for a moment.Ram couldn't control his laughter at the cute little boy's act of thinking.

Then the cute little boy said"ok,eat."Ram broke the chocolate into half and ate it.Then he fainted.

The cute little boy gasped and stood up from the See-saw and went near him.Ram slowly opened one of his eyes with a mischievous gleaming in his eyes. The cute little boy said"why are you acting?".

Ram still didn't open his eyes so the cute little boy tickled him.Ram couldn't control his laughter and started laughing and loudly and he got his sweet revenge by tickling the cute little boy.

The cute little boy laughed hard and said with laughter lacing in his voice"stop it". Ram stoped his tickling and sat up by asking "See, I am alright.Will you eat now?"

The cute little boy nodded his head showing his right palm.Ram placed the half of the chocolate in his palm.

The boy ate that.When he was cheewing the chocolate,he looked damn cute.Ram again started laughing at him.

Then the cute little boy ran to the See-saw again and tried to sit on it . He was short so, he couldn't sit on it. So Ram went and held him up and made him sit.

Then he asked "Will the little man give me the honour to sit with him " by pointing the finger at the opposite seat.The cute little boy nodded with a smile in his eyes and Ram smiled and sat on it.

They were playing happily like a dad and a son.Ram was the one who is putting effort to make the See-saw go up and down as the cute little boy is so small to do that.

After few minutes, the little boy's mom came and told the little boy "Come here.It's time to leave."She then noticed Ram and smiled gently and apologized "Sorry for the inconvenience ".

She turned to the cute little boy and said "Don't disturb the uncle anymore." She went near him and picked him up.Ram stood up and convinced her by saying "No,He didn't disturb me.He is really cute...".

The cute little boy's mom smiled gently and said "Thank you.we need to leave now." Ram said"Yeah,sure." by nodding his head.With that she left with her son. The boy waved his hand saying "bye". Ram waved him back with warm heart.

He then turned to the stone bench where he saw Leela standing there staring at him.Immediately,he gives a warm smile and went towards her.

Leela sat near him in the stone bench.When Ram was to take the teddy bear from his bag,Leela suddenly said"let's breakup".Ram couldn't believe his ears and saw her eyes searching for a lie behind it but he couldn't find one.

She started speaking ignoring his gaze "We are in this relationship for three years . Eventhough I loved you ,I soon realized that money is much more important than love...Yeah I was really happy when I spent time with you but we need money to survive " she paused for a second and exhaled her breath and continued.

"I met someone with my expectations and I choose him.So let's...break up".

Ram asked with a dispair in his eyes"You are joking, right?".Leela was silent for minutes with a determination in her eyes.Ram thought that she would say "Yes,you believed it?" but she was not speaking anything instead she was looking at another direction.

When Ram was about to say "I am sorry..."She said"Hereafter,Please don't come to see me, Please don't text or call me... that's it I am leaving."

When she stood up, Ram also stood up.He immediately hold her wrist.She stopped but didn't turn to his side.

He said with a anguished eyes "Please...Leela please... don't leave me... let's talk and solve it."Leela cried when she heard him.Ram waited for a moment battling his own heart and turned her to his side.

When he saw, she was crying.He immediately moved his thumb on her cheeks to wipe the tears that were falling from her eyes.She steped back and said"please don't be upset because of me."

Ram asked "If you really consider love is more important,Why are you crying and worrying for me?".Leela immediately replied saying "As I said earlier,...I am happy with you whenever you are with me.So you are like a friend to me.That's why I am worrying about you."

Ram didn't speak anything for a moment and saw the ground and let his drops fall on his shoes.He said with a unsaid pain lacing in his voice "I am sorry.It's my fault for not meeting your expectations.I will do whatever you want me to do."

Leela said "No...Ram...you don't understand.We need love but at the same time we need... money to live.You don't have enough money to take care of me.Even if I adjust, my family will not allow me as they want me to live my dreams not to live begging for money from your friends.You are an orphan.You can't understand..."

Ram came one step closer with a fury in his eyes and shouted at her "Yeah I didn't understand".After a second,he closed his eyes and wiped the tears falling from his eyes.

Then he continued with a painful heart"I don't understand why you are speaking in this way and I don't understand what exactly happened. i don't understand..."

Then both the painful eyes and regretful eyes met "Make me understand."Leela's heart felt like someone is crushing her heart with their hands mercilessly.Her tears were falling from her cheeks deceiving her and making her emotions clear to him.

They both were seeing each other with their tears falling from their eyes.There was a space between them in contrast to their emotions.After few seconds,Leela shook her head and turned.

She took several steps.Ram saw Leela leaving with a pain in his eyes.He felt as if some part of him was leaving .Immediately, he ran towards her and hold her hand again but this time Leela shook it and moved one step ahead without turning to see him.

She felt her right leg heavy.She looked down.Ram was holding her legs.She closed her eyes tightly as if struggling form her words and opened and said with tears "Stop behaving like child...let me go."

Ram didn't remove his hands.So she bent down and tried to get his fingers away from her leg but he didn't. So she walked few steps with him holding her leg.

After few steps ,she said without looking at him "If you don't leave me, then I will hurt you and myself."She waited for a moment but Ram still didn't release his fingers.

So she went to the side of the pavement and hit the metal dustbin hardly with the leg that Ram is holding.

'Banggg Bangggg Banggggg Bangggggg'.Ram closed his eyes in pain but doesn't leave her leg.Then he thought 'what if it hurts her leg ?'.So he left her leg.

Leela fell down with the pain.She was breathing heavily due to her hitting .Ram opened his eyes.He was trying to move his hand but couldn't as his hand was paining.Leela got up and saw ram who was struggling to raise his hand.She really want to comfort him but she didn't.She ran from that place.

Ram saw Leela running and shouted "Leela... don't...Leela don't leave me..."people around the park came near him by hearing his shouting and made him sit.

He could feel the people who are asking a lot of questions to him but his mind is not here.He got up and left from there.He sat on his motorbike and he still felt the pain in his hand.

He just went to the office with a empty mind and soul.He took the lift and Some of his colleagues in the lift wished him "Good morning." but he didn't reply.His eyes were full of pain and filled with sorrow that couldn't be described by any human language.

He left the lift when it reached his floor.The people in the lift murmured among themselves that he might be busy in thinking something,so he didn't reply.Ram went to his seat and sat in front of his assigned computer.

He saw the photo that had Ram and Leela smiling brightly and forgetting about the world around them.He turned that photo upside down on the table with the feeling of his heart being flipped and opened the computer.The computer's desktop showed Leela's face.He looked at it for few minutes and changed the wallpaper.


when Seetha saw a huge college in front of her,she went inside.She was in a rush as she was already late.She was running in the corridor frantically and smiled brightly when she found her class finally.

She saw the professor who was already there and the class has already started.Before entering the class ,she breathed heavily as she ran for few minutes.

Then she noticed a backdoor in the classroom which was left open.So she bent down and went towards the backdoor silently.She touched a girl's shoulder from her knelting position.

The girl was shocked and turned back suddenly and saw a girl.Seetha moved her hand in left side in front of her face.The girl realised that she was asking her to move.So she moved left side and Seetha occupied the empty space.

Then she turned to the girl with a genuine smile and thanked her.The girl gave the same smile to her.Seetha then thanked God for not getting caught.

As today is the first day of the college,most of the class went with introducing themselves in front of the class and professors.As seetha is a girl who is naughty and speaks a lot,She easily got a lot of friends on the first day than others.

During the interval,Seetha went to the canteen with her new friends.She almost bought all of the snacks present there.The canteen lady looked at her and asked her with a confusion "what is your name?". Seetha said her name.

The canteen lady asked "Which department are you from?"She replied"I am from the world department." The canteen lady was more confused and Seetha laughed and said "Hahaha,I mean I am from computer department.Nowadays world revolves around computer, right?".

The canteen lady laughed lightly and said "Yeah.Are you a fresher?". Seetha replied "Yeah."Then the canteen lady said with a smile"I just asked as I have never seen you girls before here."

Some of Seetha's friends introduced themselves and some said "Your snacks are delicious."The canteen lady smiled happily from their praising.

While seetha told"The Ulundu vadai is nice but please reduce the oil next time because if it is not hot people won't prefer to eat as they may find it oily.Maybe people who are wise like me would find it oily even when it is hot.Don't mistake me,I am just saying on some concern." The canteen lady didn't find it wrong as she knew she poured oil a lot for Ulundu vadai today (Ulundu vadai is a south Indian snack which is made up of the spice called Ulundu(Black Gram) with oil.).

Then seetha left the canteen by bidding bye to her friends as it was afternoon and the college ended .Seetha went to some shops that she searched on the internet while she was coming in the train.

They are the shops in the internet which needs part time worker.It was already evening but She didn't get job from any of the shop.

She has to climb many floors as most of the shops were not located in the ground floor. Most of them rejected her as she didn't have any experience.

The sky turned ldark blue and the street lights and the shops in the street are getting lighted one by one.She still had some shops that she need to go.

She felt her Leg was aching. So she thought to rest for a while.She saw a stone bench near a tree in the pavement.

When she was nearing the pavement, somebody occupied there.She stopped immediately,a frown appearing on her face as became irritated.

Then she released a deep breath and searched for a place to relax but she couldn't find any and her leg was getting more painful for every second.

She bent down and touched her knee which was in pain.After few minutes, when she saw the people sitting in the stone bench were leaving,she immediately ran towards it and sat on it.

She felt proud as this time she didn't miss the opportunity and then she relaxed.She then saw a boy who looked like a one studying in high school was crossing the busy road frequently with tea cups in his hand.

Now ,he was crossing the road and was going inside the teashop and again coming back with some tea cups in his hand and going to a shop which was in her left side.

Seetha stopped him and asked "Hi,Are you working as a part time workrer in that tea shop?" to clear her confusion. That boy looked at her carefully for a moment and asked "Who are you?Why are you asking this?"

Seetha replied with a hesitant laugh,"l am Seetha.I am asking it...it...just...just out of curiosity."That boy told her Immediately with a stiff look on his face "I don't have time to speak with you.If my Boss sees me talking with you,he will deduce my pay."

He was about to leave but Seetha stopped him by asking him to wait a minute."That boy asked "What ?".She got an idea in her mind and asked him to bring her one Green tea."

That boy looked at her with confusion in his eyes.She showed her purse which has money and said"I have money so I will pay you."

The boy went and came back with the Green tea.Seetha told him to sit in the stone bench but he refused.Then Seetha said "Now,If you speak with me your boss won't deduce your pay as I am your customer now."

The boy thought for a moment.Seetha saw his expression and told cleverly "If you didn't do as l say,then I need to come to your tea stall and complain to your boss that your employee is not good."

That boy saw her with mad look and sat near her.Seetha said with a laugh"Haha,I said for fun.Did you believe it?"That boy told with anger"Then I should go.Give the cup and money."

Seetha patted his head gently and said "Cool down.I am sorry for blackmailing,ok?".That boy felt comforted after the pat he got from her.It was just like his own sister's patting.He just nodded his head.Then Seetha took a sip from her tea.

Suprisingly,this time the boy talked first without getting angry"Why did you ask whether I am a part time worker or not?"Seetha coughed a little from the shock of his sudden change in temper.She smiled at him and said"I asked it just out of curiosity."This time that boy said cleverly "You saw me going in and out of shops and delivering tea.So you do know that I am a part time worker.Then what is the need of stopping and asking me?".

Seetha replied with a smile"No, I know you are doing the job but I had a doubt whether you were working as a part time worker or as full time worker."He understood and answered"I am aPart time worker."

Seetha said "Then I need your help."He asked with a knitted eyebrows"from me?".She nodded her head.Then he smirked at her and said"It's true that girls won't speak straight.You girls always try to flatter boys and then ask for help."

She said immediately "Boy's won't help us if we don't flatter them."That boy agreed hesitatingly and asked"What is the help?" .She smiled and patted his head gently again saying"good boy".

She said "Actually, I went in search for a part time job in lot of shops but they didn't appoint me.Most of them said I didn't have experience.Meanwhile, I saw you were so young.So I thought 'how this boy got a part time job?' "

That boy replied "At first,I didn't get a job.Then I changed my dress to look poor and asked for a job and out of pity,I got the job."

Seetha replied in amazement"ohhh!So they gave you a job just because you are poor."He said "Yeah.Their first preference is for poor people as they work very hard to earn money and you can also try like that."

Seetha replied with gratitude "Okay,Thank you."Then, she gave him the cup and money for the Green tea.She saw him leaving after saying "bye" to her.She was walking on the pavement thinking"Should I do as he said ?Is it right or wrong?I should have told him there that it is wrong,right?".

After few minutes ,she reached a clothes store and it is one of the shop she searched in the internet.She went inside and introduced her "Hi, I am Seetha .I am looking for a part time job.I don't have any experience but believe me, I will do great.I will really work hard.I will satisfy the customer as much as I can.I won't ask for bonus..."

The owner of the store appointed her because she seems like a person who speaks a lot and it is needed for the post of sales attendant.So, she could make the customers buy clothes by her speech.

Then she went out of the shop happily with a smile on her face.She thanked God and thought 'There is always a success when we have faith in them.' Then she entered a cafe and asked for a job as one job was not sufficient.The boss looked like a rude person but she agreed to give her a part time job.

Here ,she met a girl named Riya who also looked like a rude person but had a little good in her.Then she went to the house.She was so tired due to her job hunting.She did her dinner.When she was about to eat,She found that Ram was not back at home yet.

So she waited for one hour.Then she called Lisa as she didn't have Ram's number and asked Lisa "will Ram come home late?".Lisa was shocked and thought 'why was he not came back home yet?'.

She asked seetha to wait.After few minutes, She replied Seetha "He won't come tonight.You can sleep."With that Seetha hung up the call and went to eat and slept as she was so tired.