The day raised with the bright sunrise. Seetha and Ram did their morning routine as usual. Ram didn't speak anything with Seetha but Seetha spoke more than a hundred words. Ram didn't feel irritated or mad as he was in the mood to restart his life. So he was in a happy mood.

Ram and Seetha left their house.It was a pleasant morning. The birds in the trees were chirping and flying happily here and there. Even the street dogs seemed to be happy. There were a lot of busy people and vehicles crossing the road busily but it looked beautiful to Ram's eyes. If we watch everything positively then everything happens positively.

Seetha's classes went very well. Her maths proffesor appreciated her for solving the problem correctly that he asked her to solve. She was so happy as this is the first time she got complimented in this college.

At the other side, Ram entered his office with a smile on his face. He wished "Good morning" back to the ones who wished him. He sat on his place and started working. He thought to apologise to his manager for his previous actions.

He went to the Manager's cabin to apologise but came back without apologising. when he was going to enter inside his Manager's cabin, he received a message from his mobile. It was nothing but a message from Leela.

He was shocked at first as the message said 'Hi. I want to meet you at the park where we last met.'

He thought for a while about replying back. Finally he asked 'for what?'. Leela immediately replied 'To give things that you gave me.'

Ram thought to reply 'I don't need. Keep it yourself or throw it away as you wish.' but he replied in a single letter 'k.' Last time, he didn't say anything that he could say as he was in a deep sorrow. So he is going to say that now.

Ram left the office quickly as he was very excited to give a savage reply to Leela. Ram's Manager noticed him leaving the office. He ordered his PA to keep an eye on Ram as he thought that Ram was leaving the office again to get drunken.

Ram reached the park. As expected, Leela didn't come to the park on time. Ram was not ready to wait for her. He sent the message to Leela 'I am here at the park. Will you reach here before sunset.' To Leela that message seemed normal. At the same time, it seemed rude.

After few seconds, Leela reached the park. Eventhough he noticed her entrance, Ram didn't look at her when she walked towards him. Leela found him playing with a small kid which he always do whenever he visited the park. Ram let the small kid go and stared at Leela.

This time Leela felt that Ram's eyes was not lovely. It was filled with the fire called anger. Ram gestured his hand towards the box that Leela held. Leela understood his gesture and gave him the box.

Ram bought the box on his left hand, passed it to his right hand, threw it away inside the dustbin. Yeah, there was a dustbin on his right side and he intentionally stood there to hurt Leela when she gives the box.

He did as he wanted to do. Leela was shocked to see him throwing the box arrogantly. Leela never saw this side of Ram before.Leela said hesitantly "I am sorry Ram...I didn't mean to disturb you... I had forgotten to give this things last time...I just wanted to give it back."

Ram smirked at her and said in a sarcastic tone"I won't be disturbed by you. You are not the person who I care anymore. So I won't feel disturbed or sad or what is it...yeah depressed towards the people who I don't even care."

Leela was more shocked at the way he talked and the words he used to talk. Leela gasped in amazement for a second and said in a worried tone "Your friends came to my house last night and searched for you. So I thought you were in depression or drinking for what happened between us."

Ram laughed at her and said controlling his laughter " Seems like you care." He paused for a second and then said after laughing hardly "I think my friend Balu also came there. I am damn sure that you got a worst scolding from him, right?".

Leela started to cry as she felt Ram was so rude to her. When she said she was worried about him, he laughed at her instead of comforting her. Ram saw her tears falling down. He stopped laughing and went near her.

He said in a concern tone "Leela...I am sorry...I didn't mean to hurt you...I just... I".Leela started crying hardly when he apologized. He hugged her to comfort her. Leela hugged him back. Leela cried hardly. When Ram realized that Leela was fine, He released the hug.

He caged her face between his palms. Leela smiled when his palm warmed her. Her eyes met his innocent eyes of him. When she was about to say something, Ram's index finger touched her lips asking her to be silent.

She swallowed her words. Ram smiled at Leela. Later his smile turned into laughter. Leela was unable to understand the reason for his laughter.

Her doubts got cleared when he said with laughter "Did you believed me? Haha that's so funny. I didn't comfort you. " His tone changed normal "You deserve my scoldings but you don't deserve my caring".

Now, His laughter turned into silence and his teasing turned into shouting. Every word he spelled out was like spitting fire. His eyes told that he don't like her even a single percentage.

He shouted the word "You" loudly. Then he calmed down himself as he was in a public place. He smiled at her which made her understand that now he controlled his anger.

He said each and every word one by one which reached her ears perfectly" You don't deserve my love. You don't deserve my care. You don't deserve my affection. You can't be my lover or girlfriend or wife. You deserve to be a wife of a F***. You will get a S**** as your boyfriend. You will get a b**** as your lover. You will get a money digger's affection. You will get a careless man's care. You will get a spoiled man's love. Money minded person like you, Untrustworthy person like you deserves these kind of things."

Leela started to cry again at his rude words. This time his rude words touched it's peak. Ram said few sentences which was the best sentences before he was going to leave "And thank you for everything. Because of you, I understood who is real and who is fake. Because of you , the relationship between me and my friends got increased and because of you, I am going to have a good life. Yeah I will live happily with the one who loves me truely. I will find a women who loves me for me not for the money . Thanks for everything.Good bye."

Leela stopped him saying "I deserve this. I deserve all of the things you have said." She wiped her tears and said "Ok. It is the only way that can be best for both of us. I am sorry. Good bye."

Ram didn't speak anything because he spoke everything that he wanted. He just left. When Ram got disappeared from Leela's eyes, She cried hard. Before leaving the place, she took the box which was inside the dustbin.

She dusted the garbage away from the box. She hugged that box tightly around her chest and left.Ram went to his office. He can't do the work properly. Leela's words and Leela's face that he saw today was disturbing him like hell.

He left the office without informing anyone. He went to a bar and got drunken. He stayed at the bar for hours. He bought a lot of cigarette packages. Somewhat, he managed to reach the house.

He was bathing. He remembered Leela's face and her words again.He got irritated and punched the bathroom wall many times. His hand got bleeded.He shouted "Leela" madly under the shower.He tied a cloth to stop his bleeding and then he smoked a lot of cigarettes.

There were a lot of used cigarettes on the floor of all the rooms expect Seetha's room as he didn't enter there.


At the other side, In 'MASEO ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLEGE', Seetha's two classes got cancelled. So Seetha and one of her friend planned to spend time somewhere outside the classroom. So they went out of their block and found a stone bench to sit.

They two were talking about them and their friends. After few seconds her friend got a phone call. So she went to answer that call. Meanwhile Seetha got bored so she tore a piece of paper from her notebook. With that she made a flower.

Seetha always do some craft work whenever she got bored. When she was looking at the flower she made, Someone called her name. She turned back and the person who called her asked her to meet Tarok at the basketball court.

Seetha asked "Why?" . But that person went away without answering. She waited for her friend to join her. There was no sign of her friend's returning. So she thought that her friend won't come here soon.

Seetha planned to meet Tarok and come back before her friend comes back. She thought 'If my friend search for me then she will definitely call me. So I will reply her at that time.'

Seetha went to the basketball court hurriedly and saw that there was a match going on. It seemed like Tarok's team scored higher. There were a lot of girls than boys. Most of the girls are cheering Tarok by saying "You can do it Tarok. We love you."

Seetha sat among the audience and within few minutes, she got asleep as she was not interested in sports. Tarok noticed Seetha who was sleeping by closing her ears tightly with her hands between the loud noises that the audience made.

Tarok smiled at the way she was sleeping. He continued his game. The match got overed and the audience left after cheering Tarok whose team got victory.

Tarok left the basketball court to the locker room. The girls waited for Tarok's return. When they didn't see Tarok coming out, they thought that he left. So they left the basketball court with big disappointment.

When Tarok's friend informed that the girls left, he came out of the locker room. He laughed at Seetha who was still sleeping there with her mouth opened. He sat near her and waked her up. Seetha with a sleepy face said in a low voice "Please, mom. Let me sleep for five minutes."

Tarok woke her up again saying "I am not your mom."Seetha woke up and rubbed her eyes drowsily. She saw Tarok and the basketball court and realized the situation. She smiled hesitantly at Tarok and apologized "haha...I slept...I am sorry."

Tarok asked her not to apologise . Then he said "I just want to talk to you about something." Seetha nodded her head which seemed cute to him. He smiled at Seetha's cute expression.

He took some money from his pocket and gave it to her saying "Keep this money and be my girlfriend." Seetha was shocked. She asked "What?" in amazement. Tarok said the same thing again. This time, Seetha laughed hard.

She asked with laughter "Are you pranking? Where is the camera?". Tarok explained that he was serious and was not pranking. Seetha stopped her laughing when he said the word serious.

She didn't speak anything for a second. She asked again controlling her laughter "Are you really not pranking?" Tarok gasped in disappointment . He don't know what to do to make her believe that he was serious.

Seetha patted his shoulder saying "Chill. If it is not prank and if you are asking seriously then my answer is no because love should come from care not from money."

She left the basketball court after giving the money back to him and waving her hand saying "Bye." Tarok didn't stop her. His friends who were watching this came towards him and laughed saying "She thought you were...haha... pranking...her."

Tarok didn't get angry instead he smiled at thinking how Seetha laughed. Tarok's friend asked him "What are you going to do?" Tarok smirked at his question. He answered "There are no girls in this earth who doesn't fall for money. I will make her fall for me next time."

Tarok's friend asked "Hey,There are Lot of girls in this college and outside the college are dreaming for you because of your money and for your handsome face. Why are you struggling with this girl?". Tarok left saying "I got bored of that kind of girls."

Seetha went to the stone bench where her friend was waiting for Seetha. She enquired Seetha where she went. Seetha explained everything and her friend started making fun of her by calling her Tarok's girlfriend.

Seetha and her friend started walking towards their classroom. Seetha asked her friend to stop teasing her but she didn't stop. So she changed the topic by saying "I thought to come back here soon but I fall asleep watching the match"

Her friend said " It's ok. I am talking on the phone for more than an hour and I just waited only ten minutes for you."

Seetha finally got succeeded in changing the topic and they entered into their classroom. After Seetha's classes were finished, they left the college. She did her part time job at her working place.

Riya who was Seetha's co-worker at the cafe became somewhat close to Seetha. The reason is the same. Yeah, Seetha got closer to Riya because of Seetha's funny character. Seetha started to share the things that are happening in her life to Riya.

Sometimes, Riya also shared her things with Seetha. For Seetha, Riya seemed like a jack fruit which is harder outside but sweeter inside. Riya acts mad and easily gets angry but her advise, her care and especially when she shared her things with Seetha, She seemed like a nice person.

Riya got shocked and said "Do he have brain? Who will propose like that?". Seetha said "I don't know why he was asking me because I met him only once." Yeah they were talking about Tarok as Seetha shared that incident with Riya.

Riya said angrily "I am in need of money right now.Eventhough I am in need of money I won't accept this kind of thing. Be careful. Stay away from him. I sense something wrong."

Seetha smiled at Riya and thought to herself 'She is asking me to stay away from him. She cares for me. That's how she is the sweetest person for me.' Riya asked her what she was thinking. Seetha replied with a smile "You are so sweet."

Riya said arrogantly "Don't try to flatter me."They got into work as the customers started to arrive. Seetha worked happily looking at Riya.

She always thought to share her daily happenings with Lisa but she can't as Lisa was always busy with her works but Riya was listening to her and that was enough for Seetha.

Seetha completed her part time jobs and travelled in the local train to reach the house. When she was traveling in train, she thought that Riya looks like her elder sister.

Then something flashed in her mind.It was a 43 aged old women who was falling from the bed and a 15 aged little girl running towards the old women. There were lot of doctors,there were big syringes,she heard some crying sounds.she then took a deep breath and she drank some water from her water bottle and calmed down herself.

She thought to herself ' Don't trust anyone Seetha .' She tried to focus her mind on some other things. She took her mobile and started to watch the catroon which she watch from her childhood.

She left the railway station and came back to her house. When she opened the door, she coughed heavily. Her eyes got blurred. There were a lot of smoke filled inside the room.

She waved her hand in both left and right direction to vanish the smoke.