Ram received a termination letter from his Manager. His Manager explained calmly "I know your situation right now but I must terminate you for company's sake."

Ram apologized "I am sorry sir...I am really sorry sir. I never thought that I would come to office...being drunken. I tried to concentrate on my work...but I am...really sorry sir."

His Manager held Ram's palm and explained calmly "I can understand...I know you are an orphan... because of that you went through a lot of things...Look Ram, You are talented and you will achieve a lot...I am sorry for what I did as it was my responsibility to do...I hope you understand...All the best."

Ram tried to convince but failed. He assured that he will work hard in future but still his manager didn't accept. Ram left his office sorry the office with his things that he used there.

He went to bar, got drunken, reached house, avoided dinner, slept.

The next day arose. Ram attended some interviews but didn't get appointed at any companies because of his previous actions in his previous company.

As usual, Ram was drinking at a bar. Said called Ram through mobile to interact with him. When they were speaking Sadid found that Ram got drunken through his abnormal speech.

When Sadid asked worriedly "What happened? Why are you drinking again?". Ram answered in a drunken tone "I met Leela again...She reeturned the giftsss that I gavvve her. Noww, I am drinkiiing because of... unemployed."

Sadid shocked at the word unemployed. He asked with a confusion " What do you mean by unemployed ?" Ram answered with laughter as he was drunken "haha I gott terminatedd...hahaha"

Sadid decided to meet him as he was afraid that he may go missing like last time so he requested calmly "Listen to me Ram, Tell me where are you now? I will pick you up from there."

Ram refused and hung up the call by saying in the same drunken tone "I woll ho housse ty myselfff." He went to his house and slept without eating anything as usual.


After three weeks,

Ram was unemployed and he spent most of his savings in drinking alcohol. His friends advised him to stop but he declined stop drinking and stop worrying for Leela.

At the other side, Tarok gifted Seetha her favorite cartoon character, a rich car, and even gifted a big mansion in Maseo city. Seetha returned everything for the same reason that she didn't feel anything towards him.

In MASEO'S ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLEGE, There are lot of girls who liked Seetha as Tarok likes Seetha and some disliked her for the same reason as they were the girls who dreamt to be Tarok's girlfriend.

Seetha met Ram's friends to get an idea to make Ram stop drinking. She thought and discussed a lot of ideas with Ram's friends but it doesn't seemed to be good ideas so she was still thinking about it.



Ram got a call from Sadid. Sadid informed happily that he convinced Balu and Balu was ready to offer a job for Ram if he promise to work properly and also he informed that the interview for that job is tomorrow at Balu's office.

Balu asked happily "Are you happy now?" Ram answered "Yeah." Balu said excitingly " You know what I felt sad that you didn't get a job at any company so I thought to ask Balu and..."

Sadid stopped speaking when their other friend Nakul grabbed the phone to speak with Ram. Ram spoke with Nakul and with his other friends.

Lisa called Ram through phone separately and wished him good luck for the interview as she was unable to speak when their other friends were speaking because of work in the hospital. Ram thanked Lisa for that and went to sleep.

The next day, Ram went to Balu's office. The receptionist pleaded Ram to wait inside a room that was shown by the receptionist. He waited for almost two hours in that room.

Finally, Balu entered inside the room with his PA.Balu got shocked when he saw Ram who was not wearing a dress properly for office interview.

Ram was also smoking. Balu understood the situation and ordered his PA to leave as he didn't want his PA to hear their personal things.

Balu asked angrily "What happened to you now?". Ram answered without looking into his eyes " Nothing?". Balu got more annoyed.

He asked angrily again "Then why are you behaving like this? No one will come to an interview like this." Ram stood up and walked towards him.

He shouted standing opposite to Balu" Exactly. No one comes to interview like this and I didn't come to attend any f**king interview."

Balu got raged at his words and asked madly "What did you say?". Ram shouted angrily by grabbing Balu shirt's collar " Did I ever came to you and begged to give me a job?"

He paused for a second and continued by grabbing his shirt's collar more tightly " Look I know what to do and I don't need your help."

Balu released Ram's hand from his collar and shouted " What happened to you? We just helped you. We never thought you as a beggar."

Ram shouted in rage "I am not speaking about others. I am speaking about you... only you. I know that they worried about me being jobless. So they asked your help."

He continued in the same tone " They asked your help because you are rich and you have your own company."

Balu asked in a confusion "So what? What is the problem in it?" Ram laughed and said "haha So what? haha for you it is so easy but for me it is not an easy thing. I don't want you to be happy by slaving me."

Balu got hurt and shouted "Slave. huh...This is what you think about me? Am I this low to you?" Ram answered rudely "Yes you are."

Ram continued saying " Do you know Why...Leela left me ? She left me because of you. She said that even if she adjust, her family won't allow her as they don't want her to live begging for money from my friends like you."

Balu shouted angrily " Don't bring this now. It's not about her. It is about..." Ram interrupted saying " It is about her. Her problem was not living with me. Her problem was living with the money which I get from you."

Balu got annoyed and said " Ram, Leela left you because she never loved you. She only loved my money. I warned you not to trust her when we were in the third year of college. Did you ever listened to me? Just accept the fact that she never loved you."

Ram punched at Balu's face when he said Leela never loved him but Balu's money. Balu punched back at Ram's face. They kicked and slapped each other.

Hearing the sound, Balu's PA came in and stopped their fight.Ram shouted with a heavy breathing" Leela loved me and I don't...huff...want your s**t money to live."

Balu breathed heavily and shouted back " I am...asking you for the...last time. Don't you...want my friendship ever again?...huff..." as he thought Ram will choose him no matter what.

Ram left the office saying "I don't want anyone." Balu got disappointed and thrown the things angrily which was placed on the desk.

At the other side , Seetha went to her college. The day went normally for her. She completed her part time jobs too. She went to her house at evening.

As usual, she made dinner and waited for Ram. She felt tired as there were a lot of customers today at both the cloth shop and at the cafe.

So she slept at the couch while waiting for Ram. She slept peacefully there. The night was getting darker and darker. She was getting into her sleep deeper and deeper.

Few hours passed, The power supply were gone. In Seetha's house, they don't have inverter. So the whole house got darken with the sound of someone opening the door.

After few seconds, Seetha woke up because she got sweated as the power supply were gone. She went inside her room to take candles. When she opened her table's drawer someone opened her room's door from inside and went out.

Seetha got shocked. She gasped in fear. She gathered her courage and took a broom that was in her room as she thought that person may be a theif.

She switched on the flash light in her phone.She slowly opened the door. There was someone infront of her. She screamed in shock and beaten that person with the broom.

She grabbed that person's hair and shouted "Are you a thief?". She bitten that person's hand and shouted more loudly "Help! someone help me to beat this person."

She also scratched that person's face with her nails. She bitten that person's ears and shouted "What did you steal? Do you think I can't able to find you?" Yeah who can cheat our intelligent Seetha.

When the power supply came back. She opened her mouth in shock as the person who was standing in front of her shocked her.