Seetha saw a little statue of Pakalavan grandpa. She asked the CCTV operators shockingly "Why there was a small Pakalavan statue here?"

One of the CCTV operator answered by looking at the little statue " This was made for disconnecting the alarm sound of that big statue." This answer shocked her more.

She asked shockingly again "How?". Then the same CCTV operator answered " There was a button below that little statue. If you press that button, then the alarm won't be heard inside the house."

Seetha exclaimed happily " Wow! ". Then she managed to control her happiness by asking one more question regarding that same little statue.

This was her question : " Is there anything like this to switch off the alarm in the entire house?". Another CCTV operator answered " We can only switch off the alarm inside the house. There is no other way to switch off it in the garden area."

She nodded her head. Suddenly, Tarok came inside that room calling Seetha's name. Seetha and the CCTV operators turned to his side.

He gasped a breathe as he was walking fastly while searching her. Then he asked worriedly " Why are you here?". She didn't answer but she was thinking how to manage this situation.

Finally, she answered hesitantely "I...I...felt bored. So I came here to talk." She also apologized fakely to ease that situation. After that Tarok didn't ask anything as he was satisfied with her answer.

Then they went to the dining room which was close to the kitchen. Seetha was amazed by seeing a lot of delicious dishes infront of her.

They started eating it one by one.

She almost ate every dishes. While eating that dishes, She remembered her foodie Riya. Seetha thought to herself ' If Riya was here, She would have completed eating all the dishes.'

Seetha felt the rich taste in that dinner. She also felt different because all the servants were standing behind them which was not used to her.

She also saw Tarok keeping silence at dinner which was strange to her as never experienced eating quitely. No matter where she is, our big mouth Seetha can't stay simply quite.

So she started speaking with him. She also enquired him why his family was not there at dinner.He answered without looking at her.

His answer was " I never ate dinner with them." Seetha got suprised by his answer and asked for the reason but he neglected that by changing the topic.

After completing the dinner, She left the house. Seetha was so excited to tell Ram and his friends about the little Pakalavan statue.

When she was returning house in an autorickshaw, she immediately called Ram through phone and informed everything about the little Pakalavan grandpa statue.

This made Ram so happy and excited so he dialed his friends number and informed everything that Seetha told. They were also happy hearing that as it was the only problem they had in their plan.

After few minutes, she reached house. When she opened the door, Ram hugged her happily for what she found. At first, she was shocked by his sudden hug but at last, she hugged him back.

He informed her about what his friends said with a bright smile in his face "Seetha, My friends were really happy hearing that. They thanked you a lot for what you did. They also said that you are a great friend of Lisa."

He paused for a second and continued with the same bright smile on his face " Balu will take one day to get an appointment for visiting Tarok's house regarding the business proposal. So that we can start our plan day after tomorrow."

Seetha nodded her head. It was time for them to prove their stenght of friendship.Yeah, The sooner they workout their plan, that much sooner they can save Lisa.

Seetha freshened up herself adn started cooking dinner for Ram in the kitchen. Meanwhile, she asked him about the interviews.

Hearing her words, Ram's smile vanished and worries took that place. Ram said sadly " I am still in waiting list." Seetha felt sorry for him. She decided to change his mood happier.

When she was thinking hardly to find a way to change his mood, she saw the fridge. Then she remembered the Kaju pista roll which she kept inside it for him.

She quickly opened the fridge's door and took that sweet box. She went near Ram who was sitting in the dining table. She sat beside him and opened that sweet box.

Ram looked at that sweet box and her with a confusion. Finally, he voiced out his doubts by asking "Are you giving this to me?"

Seetha answered immediately " No, I am giving it to the person who was sitting behind you." He quickly turned back to see who it was but found nothing.

She started to laugh at his actions. Then she controlled her laughter and said "Haha... It is for you. Who is here other than us?" Hearing that, Ram felt a little ashamed for being teased.

Then he took one piece of it and chewed it. It was delicious, so he took another piece. Within five minutes, that sweet box was empty.

Seetha loved his expressions when he was eating the sweet. She asked curiously " How was it?" He answered smilingly " Awesome! Thanks for this awesome sweet."

She smiled back at him. She thought to say welcome but stopped when Ram asked a question to clear his doubt.

His question : " Which shop you brought this from?" Her smile was completely gone by that question.

She answered by frowning her eyebrows " From Seetha's kitchen shop."

With that she left the dining table and continued preparing dinner. At first, he didn't understand why she was angry but later understood the reason behind it.

As he thought to himself ' I think she made this sweet by herself so she said Seetha's kitchen but I insulted her by asking which shop that sweet was from. Eventhough I didn't ask for it, she gave it to me but I insulted her unknowingly. I must apologize.'

He apologized as per his thoughts. Seetha turned towards him and apologized by saying " It's my mistake for not informing you that I made this sweet on my own. So sorry."

He was confused because he didn't know whether she was really apologizong or was she saying that in anger. So he voiced out his doubt by asking " Are you really not angry with me?"

She carried the vessels in which she made dinner for him to the dining table. While serving him, She answered to his question " I am not at all angry."

Then she sat beside him same like before. She asked him to start eating through her eyes not by words. He understood her eye moments and started eating it.

She said patiently " Don't expect angriness from me. I am the most coolest, positive, naughty,clever, beautiful, good, great, happy, homely, joyful girl you can ever saw."

Ram laughed at her words. She quickly said " I am not saying it for fun. I am quite honest, trust worthy, lovely, deary,..." Ram stopped her by controlling his laughter " Haha... Enough."

Seetha again quickly said " You are not believing me, right? Look, you will say that by yourself one day." Ram nodded his head and continued eating.

Then she said with a light smile " I was not really angry when you asked me about the shop. I acted like that just for fun." Yeah, that was the truth.

They discussed about a lot of happy things. Now, Ram's mood was completely changed from sad to happier.

Then they did their household works like washing the vessels, sweeping the house, washing the clothes etc...and went to sleep.


At Ram's friends house,

The sun woke up and started spreading it's sunlight which made everyone wake up. When Balu's phone alarm started ringing, everyone almost woke up.

Nakul scolded Balu in a sleepy tone " Switch off your alarm. It was disturbing me and my girlfriend." Nakul was speaking about the dream he was having now.

After saying that,he went to sleep by hugging his pillow and pouting his lips as he was dreaming something strangely. No Sunlight or Balu's ringtone has the ability to separate him from his girlfriend.

Balu kicked Nakul's butt in anger after hearing his silly words. Everyone except Nakul were getting ready to visit their workplace.

It almost took an hour for them to complete their morning routine. They went in their own vehicles to their work place after bidding bye to each and every one of them.

Nakul was the only one left in that house as he was unemployed. After few hours, his phone's alarm rang. He woke up lazily to switch off that alarm.

When he saw his mobile's screen, he got shocked as it was not an alarm but it was one of his girlfriend's number. He quickly attended the call.

His girlfriend requested him to transfer some money quickly to her mobile. He asked for the reasonm She answered that she was in need of money to cure her sick dad.

He felt strange because he never heard about her sick father from her. He doubted her so he asked her to wait and called one of his friend who was also a playboy like him.

Sorry not like him because our Nakul is a world known playboy (lol). Okay, Let's get into the story. That playboy friend knew that girlfriend as she was his ex.

He answered that she was lying after confirming it. Nakul thanked him and hung up his call. Now, He called that girl and said few words which were like hammering nits to her heart.

As he said " I don't like liers. Let's breakup." With that he hung up the call and blocked her number. Then he thought to himself ' I am proud of you Nakul. HeHe...You acted wisely.'

When he was deep in his thoughts of praising himself, he remembered about Lisa. He immediately saw the wall clock which showed the time '11.30 am.'

It was a lunch time in Balu's office. So he dialed him to check whether he got the appointment with Tarok's father or not. When he attended the call, he scolded him as usual.

Nakul also scolded him back. They started their funny fight again but stopped when they spoke about Lisa in between their funny fight.

At last, Balu answered that he got succeeded in getting appointment with Tarok's father. Hearing this made Nakul super excited.

Nakul scolded Balu for not informing this earlier and also said that he was going to inform this good news to their friends.

Balu destroyed his happiness by saying " I already informed everyone." Nakul asked shockingly "Why didn't they inform me? Why didn't you inform me? Why I am the last one? Ahh!"

Balu answered in his own way "Don't scream, they all said that we should not disturb the sleeping man who was sleeping hard because of working hard and due to tiredness."

Nakul understood what he meant. He teased him back " Okay fine. It's your lunch time, right? Ah! I am sorry that I forgot for you your whole working hour is a lunch time. Am I right, my fatty CEO?"

With that Nakul hung up the call. Balu was going to scold but stopped when he heard the beep sound due to hung up. Then he went to continue his work.

Yeah, Balu got an appointment to meet the CEO of Pakalavan Group Of Companies successfully through his PA. He informed it to his friends like he informed about it to Nakul.

They were happy hearing that.


At Seetha's house,

Seetha planned to go shopping as she and Lisa need to wear a same dress to save Lisa which was in their plan.

She saw Ram who was watching TV. She asked him whether he liked to give company to her while shopping or not.

At first, he didn't accept it but later he accepted after her heavy compulsion. So Seetha took one day leave from her college and also from her part time jobs as today was the day to activate their plan.

When she was informing about her leave to her boss at the cafe, She got a lot of scoldings from her boss. Ram heard it clearly as the boss was shouting loudly.

He laughed by looking at her being scolden. Seetha didn't notice that. She kept her mobile in her room and closed the door so that she won't hear her boss's scolding.

After few seconds, she went in and continued her excuses for one day leave. Ram can't stop laughing looking at her funny actions. Finally, She hung up the call.

She came outside of her room after taking her wallet. Ram asked by looking at her " Are you ready?" She nodded her head. Then they went out of the house and locked the door.

Yeah, they went to a clothing store in Ram's motorbike. She took almost two hours to find dress for her and Lisa.

She even brought two more dresses as she planned to wear it with Lisa on special event. Ram was tired because of her long shopping.

She understood that he was tired from his facial expressions. So she took him to a cafe nearby and treated him some snacks.

They had a great time there. Ram's tiredness was now completely gone. From there, they separated to activate their plan. Ram went to his friends house and dressed like Balu's PA.

There his friends were getting ready to start their plan by wearing their costumes. At the other side, Seetha went inside a shopping mall to buy chocolates.

She went to a bakery to buy birthday cake.She cannot enter his house daily using the same reason which was enquiring about Lisa.

So she planned to visit his house saying that today was her birthday. So she bought her fake birthday cake and chocolates. She took an auto richshaw to reach Tarok's house.

Will they able to save Lisa? This is what you are thinking, right? This is what they all were thinking in their minds. There was another thing which was running in their minds. It is nothing but Whether Lisa got hurt by Tarok or not.

The one and only answer for this question is to wait and watch.