It’s OKAY.

At the other side, they took Lisa to Balu's house. Sadid helped Lisa to lie on the bed. Ram was watching everything silently with sadness filling his eyes and heart. His worried eyes met Lisa's tired eyes. He came forward and sat near her on the bed. He brushed her hair slightly with his hand and asked worriedly "How are you?". She smiled lightly and answered "Fine". After few seconds of silence, she thanked each and every one of them for saving her. Hearing that everyone smiled except Ram who started shedding tears. Everyone felt something heavy on their heart. Nakul took few steps forward and tapped Ram's shoulder to encourage him. Lisa said "it's okay, please don't cry." Hearing this word Ram started crying more. Everyone came forward and hugged Ram who was crying like a child. Lisa also rose up and hugged them. They were always there for each other. They talked a lot. Ram promised that he is really going to try hard to make everyone happy. He also said he will try to forget his mistakes and focus on good things. With that he bid bye and left the house.

At Tarok's house , Seetha and Tarok dialled Sadid's contact number and they put it on loud speaker so that both of them can hear him at the same time.

Sadid : Hello Seetha.

Seetha and Tarok : Hi sir.

Sadid : oh, Is there Tarok too?

Seetha and Tarok : yeah sir

.Seetha : How is Ram?

Sadid : He cried a lot and finally realised his mistakes.

Tarok : Will he be okay this time?

Sadid : Let's hope for the best. By the way thank you so much Tarok. Without your help, this plan is nothing.

Tarok : Nothing like that sir. It became possible because all of us really worked like a perfect team. We also really worked hard for it.

Sadid : You even became villain for Ram. Anyway, It was really nice meeting you.

Tarok : It was really nice meeting you too sir .

Seetha : Okay guys, so when are we going to reveal the truth to Ram?

Sadid : Let's reveal it after Ram completely forgot his past.

Seetha and Tarok : Okay sir.

With that they bid goodbye and cut the call. On the other side, Sadid and his friends discussed everything about this plan. Sadid also told them that they can reveal the truth later to Ram. Yes, it was all a plan. A plan to help their friend from suffering.At Tarok's house, they were now walking together towards the gate. Seetha said "I thought you were nothing but a rich guy who flirts with girls for fun". Tarok raised his brows asking "So what do you think now?". Seetha answered "Maybe, I was wrong." . Tarok leaned down. His face was almost closer to hers. He then asked "Maybe?" Seetha felt different at his actions and answered hesitantly " I…was just kidding.". Now, Tarok leaned back and opened his hand in a shaken position. Finally he uttered a word "Friends?" Seetha smiled and shaked his hand with hers saying "Friends.". Yes they are friends now. With that Seetha bid bye and left his house.

At Ram and seetha's house, Ram bought dinner for both of them in the hotel. He saw Seetha entering in.

Ram: How did you escape from there? Did Tarok find that you were helping us? Did he harm you?

Seetha: Calm down Ram, I am fine and I somehow managed to escape and Tarok don't know anything.While speaking, seetha came forward and pulled the dining chair outwards and sat on it. She also gestured him to sit down. Ram also obediently sat down. Then they opened the parcel and started eating.

Seetha: by the way, how is Lisa?

Ram: She is tired. She is taking rest at Balu's house.

After saying this, Ram rolled his eyes downwards sadly. Seetha noticed his guiltiness. She felt like she really wanted to comfort him. She touched his hands and tapped it by saying "its okay." Ram also somehow felt comfort with her touch and words. They spoke a lot. Ram even got raged on Tarok but seethe stopped him saying that Sadid will take care of it legally. They completed eating. They washed the vessels and went to sleep.

Few hours later, Seetha woke up from her sleep as she wanted to use restroom. When she returned back she noticed that there was no water in her jug. So she took the jug to the kitchen for filling water. On her way, she saw their balcony and entered in. There she was shocked to see Ram who was still awake. There came an idea of scaring Ram. She silently kept every step and reached his back side. She shouted" baaaaaaa" which made Ram scream too. Yes, Ram got feared. Seetha laughed hard. At last, Ram also started laughing looking at her. She somehow controlled her laughter and sat down on the swing. Once again she gestured him to sit down. He again sat down obediently.

Seetha: Why are you still awake?

Ram: I am not feeling sleepy.

Seetha: Why?

Ram: I don't know.

After few seconds of silence Ram tanked her for helping them.

Seetha: common, Lisa is my friend too. How can I simply sit without helping you?

Ram: yeah, that's right.

Noticing Ram, she asked "Do you have anything to say?"

Ram answered in a sad tone "Being a human, we need to have dreams. Because it motivates us, it thrills us; it makes us happy and sad. And of Couse it's what we are living for. But look at me right now. All of my dreams have shattered away. I feel like why am I still living? What is the purpose of my life? What is my dream now?

Seetha: Then create a new one.

These words sounds normal but it exactly sounded like an answer for all of his unanswered questions. He looked at a face which was shining from the moonlight. That face felt like a new ray of hope for him. Yes it was Seetha.

Then he asked excitingly "What is your dream?"Seetha answered with a smile "I just want a happy family for me." Ram immediately said "That was exactly my dream too." But now it looks impossible for him. His eyes met her eyes again but this time his eyes were going to express something.

Then he asked "Can I say something?"