It was Tarok that made Seetha startled. Seetha swa Tarok smiling at her. Seetha got stuck between the tree and Tarok. As Tarok's hands were placed on the tree, caging Seetha between them. They were so close to each other. There was a silence between them for few seconds. Their eyes met one another, and their gaze soaked into each other. Finally, Tarok uttered a word "You look cute. "

Seetha, who was not in her senses, questioned "wh... What? "

Tarok did not speak anything but touched her chin with the back of his index finger. He slowly slid down his finger on her face. It felt like he has some serious feeling towards her in his heart. He stopped sliding and touched her face gently with his whole palm. Tarok's gaze finally left her eyes and met her lips. He started leaning downwards as his lips got closer to hers. Now, Seetha's eyes also moved downwards and met his lips. She suddenly realized what was going to happen next and came back to her senses.

She held Tarok's hand which was holding her palm and slowly removed his hand by apologizing "I am sorry. " Tarok understood the situation as he leaned back and released both of his hands completely.

He replied "It's okay. " Seetha wanted to make the situation normal, so she changed the topic by saying "By the way, why are you here? Don't you have class now? " Tarok answered "Actually, my classes are over. That's why I came here". They started walking towards the bench while talking with each other.

Tarok: So, why are you here?

Seetha:Um... I just bunked the class with some of my friends.

Tarok: You really have so much courage to bunk the class in the first year itself.

Seetha laughed and said: I don't know. I just... felt I must do this. This is fun.

Tarok also laughed: Yeah, this is fun.

Seetha: Anyway, I forgot to ask how is everything at your house after that day?

Tarok: Yeah, Everything is fine. I managed it.

Seetha: That's good.

Tarok: I also forgot to ask something.

Seetha: what is it?

Tarok: It's about Ram. How is he?

Seetha: He is fine. He told me that he is going to find a new job. This time it sounded real.

Tarok: That sounds good too.

With that they bid bye to each other and parted their ways.

On the other side, Ram was standing in front of a company which was very familiar to him. He stared at the building's top from distance for few seconds and finally entered in. The receptionist quickly stood up from her chair like she knew him. She wished him good morning with respect. She was going to say something but Ram stopped her by asking "Where does the interview for web developer takes place? ". She got shocked and brought him to the venue. While walking, she constantly looked Ram with shock for few times. Ram ignored that as his focus is only on passing this interview. He sat on the chair and waited patiently for hours. Finally, he got his time to enter the interview room.

One of the H.R interviewed him for few minutes. The H.R looked at his file. He asked why he didn't do master's degree.

Ram answered politely "At that time, I had financial crisis to do that sir."

The H.R: If you get a chance in the future, will you do your master's degree?

Ram nodded his head and replied: Yes sir, if I get an opportunity, I will be very excited to do my Master's degree.

The H.R: I appreciate that. I have one more question for you.

Ram: Yes sir.

The H.R: The previous company you have worked is a very good company and I know very well that they won't neither select nor terminate anyone easily. Then why should they do that to you? What is the reason behind it?

Ram: Yes sir, that is true. The reason why they terminated me is because of my attitude sir. To be honest, I brought my personal issues which affected the work environment sir. But now, I improved sir. So, I will not definitely repeat the same mistake again sir.

The H.R: I like your honesty. May I know what exact personal issue of yours made you lose your job?

Ram took a deep breath and calmly said: I had a girlfriend. We broke up. I was really struggling as I could not accept the reality easily. That is the reason sir.

The H.R: I am sorry for that. So, do you have a girlfriend now?

Ram: No sir.

The H.R: What if you have a girlfriend and you are breaking up again. How can you assure us that there won't be any change in your attitude like before?

Ram: sir, I am an orphan. I always craved for family. When I was in love, for the first time in my entire life I came to know what family is. That's why it was very hard for me. But now, everything changed. I am focusing more on my career than relationship. Even if I get into a relationship and something bad happens, I will rather try to balance both personal and work life than acting like stupid.

The H.R: Well said. I am impressed to here such positive answers from you. Regarding your master's degree, I hope you should take some action on it as soon as possible. Because surviving in this company requires more knowledge. I hope you understand.

Then he finally heard the word "You are selected." This made him happy and proud. He came out of the room and informed his friends that he finally got a job. They were in a conference call.

Firstly, Tharma said: Congrats.

Balu: I hope this time you will not mess it up.

Nakul: Balu, can't you just congratulate him properly?

Sadid: Do not start your silly fights now. Anyway, congrats Ram.

Lisa: Best of luck Ram.

Ram thanked everyone.

Nakul: we want a treat. Let's party dude.

Balu: Don't you ever get tired of eating even after consuming food beyond human's capability?

Ram: It's okay, It's okay. Let's just party. Recently, we did not spent time together. And I think this party will solve that and we can also celebrate this party for the sake of my and Lisa's comeback, ok?

Nakul: Yay, Then Let's party.

Ram: Ok guys, I need to meet the CEO now. Let us discuss this later.

With that they hung up the call. Ram went to the CEO's room. He wished him good morning and he said confidently "I promise, I won't mess up anything this time." This made the Cheif Executive Officer Balu shocked. Yes, Balu is the CEO of this company.