
(A/N: For reference on Yuuki's character model just search up Satomi Rentaro. He just has longer hair.)

Shortly after I had made a full recovery I was summoned by the King for an official audience. I stood in front of a large mirror and looked at my reflection. My hair had reached my shoulders and my sharp brows only complimented my rather handsome face. My looks combined with my black vest with golden buttons with black slacks and boots, I made quite the sight.

"You should stop admiring yourself so much, you know?" A voice chirped from behind me.

I turned to see Lyra standing by the opened door with her hands behind her back. It must be time for the audience. I walked past Lyra and into the long hallway that led directly to the Kings throne room which is where I'll be meeting him on this oh so fine day.

I walked at an average pace with my hands in my pockets as I gazed absentmindedly at the various painting and portraits that lined the walls while Lyra walked a few paces behind me. I eventually reached the massive doors of the throne room and, after verifying my identity, the guards let me through. I stepped into a massive room with eight people on either side of the room. The left side had four males of varying races all looking like they had a plank shoved up their asses. One particular male stood out from the rest. He was a Demi-Human or more specifically a Leopard Man, and he had such an arrogant air surrounding him so much so that I almost pinched my nose together in disgust.

On the right side of the room were four females, after Lyra joined, with each even more beautiful than the last, well with the exception of Lyra, not that I'd say that in front of her and the King of course. Well.

I was interrupted from my thought when the King cleared his throat, causing the whole room to fall silent.

"Yuuki Silver, heir to the Silver Clan and branded an outcast. I welcome you to my castle. Before we move on to more...official matters, I'll ask you one question. What is it that you want?"

"Power for revenge, I want the power to kill who murdered my mother." I left out the whole murder plot for my Clan for good reasons.

"Haaa...you're just like your brother. Hell bent on revenge only to find that revenge leaves you even more empty then when you started. No matter, I will offer you this and it is your own choice to accept or not. I want to officially adopt you into the Royal Family and, although you will not become the heir to the throne from simply being the only male, you will have your chance to grow strong enough to take the throne if that is what you want. You will be provided food and shelter within the castle and you can even attend Northgate Academy if you so choose, but be warned that, if the professors find you lacking, they will not hesitate to throw you out. But I am sure you can find many thing to help you on your quest for power, young Silver."

My mind whirled when he mentioned that I have a brother, but what bothered me more was the fact that this old bastard wants to adopt me. Why? I'm just a commoner and he's the fucking king of a whole continent. Is this some kind of trick?

"May I make a slight revision to these 'terms' your Majesty?" I have to kiss a little ass to gain some kind of reputation, but if it was my choice I wouldn't be spouting shit like 'your Majesty'.

"What kind of revision, boy?"

"Just on the part where you officially adopt me. I just feel like that is too good to be true. I'm sorry if my lack of trust disturbs you your Majesty."

The King suddenly burst into a fit of laughter before straightening himself out. "You're a cautious one aren't you? Good. Is that all you had in mind?"

Now that he mentions it.

"Actually, I have a few more questions if you do not mind." The King nodded his head. "Will I have access to methods of training my magical abilities? And if so how much am I actually allowed to see and use? Also, will I be able to have a custom made suit of armor and a weapon for my chosen style of combat? I want to get a head start before it's too late."

"How dare you, a common street rat, demand such things from the King!?"

The same arrogant Demi-Human that I spotted earlier spoke his mind with a newfound vigor! Wait wrong description. Basically he's pissy because I'm getting more than he ever will. The King, however, took a deep breath. "Deval, watch your tongue. You're in the presence of, not only myself, but the respective rulers of the various cities within Ralithon!"

The Leopard Man flinched before he moved to stand back where he was before while glaring dagger at me. It was quite funny to me.

The rest of the meeting went along smoothly with little interruptions as the King and I listed off various things that we thought was suitable for the current subject. I was to attend Northgate Academy in the Fall while I had full access to the various books within the Library and I even had full access to the storage room, where many priceless artifacts and trinkets lay waiting for a new owner.

The only problem was that I was forbidden from any form of deeds that would cause harm to the Royal families reputation. That included no massacre of the Silver Clan. However, I can find loopholes if given enough time. When the audience with the King ended I decided to head to the library to see if I could find a few things on Magic Manipulation or Elemental Variations.

My official training will start in about a week so I have little time to get any real knowledge or practice with Magic, if I even have Magic. Focus dumbass, we got a job to do. I pinched my arm hard enough to bruise as I took a deep breath to clear my head of stray thoughts. It was just me and my ambitions right now.

I immersed myself in countless hours of studying and practiced different methods of training my inner magic reserves. In my world, all sentient life is born with a sphere, called a Mana Core, that harnesses your internal mana reserves to then use for thing like regenerating a wound, delaying fatigue, and even things like sleep become useless once you train you core to higher levels.

Meditating and absorbing mana from the atmosphere are the quickest and most efficient ways to train a mana core. But after countless hours of meditation and trying to do whatever the fuck these books told me to do in order to 'see' my mana core, I came up empty handed.

Wiping the sweat off my brow and muttering a string of curses, I sat up from my sitting position and turned back to the desk I had made my own only to see Lyra leaning over and inspecting all of the notes I had taken. I'll have to admit though, she did look pretty nice with her soaking wet hair clinging to her fair skin and with shorts that were too short for even most female adventurers. I looked down at the light blue robe I was wearing and couldn't help but stifle a laugh, causing Lyra to glance at me with a worried look.

"Why the hell are you staring at me like that, creep."

Lyra whipped her head back around and stuttered "I-I'm not staring you idiot! It's just...I've never heard you laugh before. It's kind of nice seeing you so relaxed..."

"Woah, who are you? Where's Lyra?" I put my hand over my forehead and acted like I was looking for someone when Lyra walked over and crushed my precious toes with her heel.

"Gorilla woman..." I muttered

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing! Nothing at all!" Sheesh, women are scary.

"So, why are you studying so hard? So you want to be an adventurer or something?" Lyra's seemingly innocent question made me think a little faster than normal. "Yeah, my mothers wish was for me to be the strongest and most influential Adventurer out of all the Continents. She wanted me to be free from fate and live a happy life, but she's dead now, and so am I." My last few words came out as a whisper so quiet that not even a Demi-Human would be able to hear.

Lyra's face contorted into an expression of guilt. "I'm sorry, if only I-"

"If you what? If you were there? If anything you would probably have been killed along with my mother."

"I'm sorry. It's a touchy subject. I'll be going to bed now." I silently walked over to the desk and turned the lantern off before I walked towards the library door and back to my room. I laid there for what felt like hours just staring at the roof, reminiscing about the good times I had with my mother, and at the orphanage.

A knock at my door woke me from my sleep. I didn't notice I nodded off. I went to open the door but my reflection stopped me. My eyes were red and puffy while tear streaks stained my face. I hurriedly wiped away all the snot and excess tears before calling out "Who is it?"

When no one answered me I went to open the door but, before I cold open it, a voice whispered into my ear. "Boo." I instinctually spun on my heels and used my momentum for a backhand but my attack was stopped short. And to make it worse the person who blocked it only used their pinky finger...

I jumped back into a defensive posture before a beautiful woman with long ,curly dark brown hair, sharp brows, and fiery red eyes ignited a small ball of orange-red fire, that looked more like a solar flare, on the tip of her index finger, lighting up a small portion of my room.

"Who the hell are you?" My voice was steady, but I felt a lingering threat in the back of my mind, warning me not to engage in a battle with this woman.

"My, and here I thought that you would be a little genius who knew everything. Disappointing."

And she just vanished like she never existed. The adrenaline pumping though my veins slowly drained away, leaving me feeling weak and lightheaded.

I woke up to the sun shining through the windows. It was just barely sunrise but it didn't matter to me. I felt fine. I had come across the King later on in the day when he was taking a stroll outside so we had a little conversation.

"Your Majesty, if you may, I have a few questions."

He simply chuckled and motioned for me to take a seat under a nearby tree.

I asked him if there were any devices to measure a persons magical abilities and or elemental affinity. He told me that there were such thing but they were usually only found at the Guild or in the big Academies. However, being a King has its perks and naturally with me getting some of those benefits as well.

The various elements one could manipulate were too numerous to count, but the core elements were fire, earth, water, and wind each with their own sub-element that one can control if they have the right amount of control over their respective element. Usually a person is born with one element but there are exceptions to this, although rare.

I was taken to a hidden chamber within the Vault, a place where most of the rare Artifacts and such lay, and before me was a small stone room with a single wooden table with a small crystal orb sitting atop a golden pedestal. The King stepped into the room and explained.

"This crystal will glow a certain color and from that color we will be able to see what element you have an affinity for. All you have to do is place your hand on the crystal, nothing more and nothing less." He then moved and placed his hand on the crystal. The room was bathed in a soft green light, signaling that he had a strong wind element affinity.

He motioned for me to step up to the crystal and I did so, and upon placing my hand on the crystal I was met with a confusing sight.

Nothing happened...