
'I can't believe what I'm seeing...I put my all into that how, how is he still standing damnit!' I cursed as I looked into the Demon's eyes, an unveiled arrogance shining deep within his black orbs. "Now, you have two more may begin!" He said with an infuriating smile.

I felt the insignia on my arm begin to burn like a brand on my skin as I pumped more of its power into my body. My vision blurred momentarily and it felt like my head was splitting apart, but I continued to absorb the energy. Lightning crackled around me as I released a deafening roar and slammed my fist into that bastards smug jaw, effectively clamping his mouth shut.

He spit out a small glob of blood and raised in brow in slight surprise "Wow, you actually made it sting...I guess I'll reward you by gracing you with my name. I am Vairen Geundmeir, the son of Kalixstro Geundmeir." The Demon bowed before holding his arms out wide once again, this time a curious look in his eyes.

I felt my mana surround the insignia's energy and begin to form and take shape as I formed a massive claymore of lightning and blood. I swung with all of my might and the claymore crashed into Vairen's chest, a bright light enveloping the surrounding area and blinding me momentarily. When my vision cleared up I saw a massive burn that covered the whole right side of the Demon's chest and stomach, blood dripping down his side. He locked eyes with me and released such an immense killing intent that left me stunned and brought me to my knees.

The Demon began to gather mana from the surrounding, an eerie red glow surrounding him as he began to laugh like a maniac. "Hehe...ahaha...ahahahahahaha! Yes, YES! More, show me more of your power boy!" I snapped out of my daze and dodged to the side, barely dodging a blast of black fire.

I flipped and landed on my feet only to see the Demon's smiling face in front of me, his fist slamming into my stomach. I crashed against several trees and coughed up a mouthful of blood as I watched the cocky bastard slowly walk up to me with a smirk. I heard a roar and the duo of Kyrm and Verm appeared behind the Demon, the former clad in black fire while the latter wielded a spear of pure lightning.

Kyrm's fire collided with the Demon's and was devoured before it could even get close to him, while Verm stabbed forward with his spear, the Demon barely dodged and grabbed Verm by the back of his neck before kneeing him in the stomach, causing him to spit a mouthful of blood onto the Demon's black boots. The Demon's mouth curled into a snarl as he grabbed Verm by the hair and spat in his face "You little bastard, these were expensive! I'm gonna have some fun torturing you after this!" and cocked his fist back, ready to pummel Verm's face in.

I cycled mana through my body and dashed in front of Verm, just barely stopping the Demon's full force punch. However, the force of the impact sent me and Verm both flying back a few meters before Kabuto caught us with his Wind Magic. We were surrounded by the rest of the group, Kyrm and Adam taking the lead as Kabuto enhanced their speed with his magic and Rin produced an Illusion to, hopefully, slow the Demon down. Senaris rushed over and quickly healed us, much to my surprise, before turning back and creating slabs of ice underneath Vairen's feet. He angered quickly and, with a vein bulging from his forehead, shouted "Piss off you annoying bugs!" before a massive pillar of black fire shot out from underneath him, blowing Kyrm and Adam backwards.

It felt like the Demon's presence had increased more than ten fold as he rapidly drew in the surrounding mana. Verm slowed the time around Vairen, increasing the time we had to form a plan or interrupt the Demon, while Lyra tried to bind the latter with her shadow magic. A large snake-like shadow bolted towards Vairen and attempted to wrap around him, but he managed to break Verm's Time Seal and, quite literally, grab the shadow and yank Lyra toward him. He grabbed her by the neck and lifted her off the ground, smiling at me while doing so.

I felt my rage boil over but, before I could even take a step forward or speak a single word, I felt a massive pressure weigh down my body as the mana in the air began to swarm Kabuto as he released a blood-chilling yell and bolted toward Vairen.



He's too strong, no matter what we try he just comes out unscathed with a smile on his face, hell even Yuuki was only able to injure him by using most of his mana in one attack. I just stood and watched as Verm, Kyrm, and even Adam took the front lines and tried their all only to be brushed off like they were mere bugs. The surrounding air stagnated and a familiar voice called out from behind me "Do you want the power to defeat him?"

A figure dressed in a white, flowing robe with frays running down the edge and its face concealed by a hood that seemed to have an infinite darkness within. The figure waved its scythe over its head and a small white gem appeared in front of me. "If you desire the power to win so much, then take that and infuse your mana into it." the figure said with its characteristic wispy voice.

"Why are you trying to help me? I'd rather you give this 'power' to Yuuki or someone stronger than would be useless for me to gain any power..." I mumbled.

"Ahaha...ahahahahaha! Kabuto! You are the one who can defeat this enemy, this is your time to show off in front of everyone...especially L-" I held my hand up to stop the perverted spirit, or whatever the hell it was, from continuing, something I should have done the first time he contacted me...

"Look, I don't desire power or anything like that...I just want to like a normal and happy life with everyone...that's all." I said, my confidence wavering. Will I truly be able to stand at Yuuki's side and be able to bear his burdens?

The figure gave a loud 'hmph!' before revealing a pure white, bony finger and pointing behind me. I furrowed my brows in confusion and looked behind me to see Lyra getting strangled by the Demon; the time stopped as he grasped her neck and lifter her off the ground. I whipped my head back toward the figure and yelled "Do something, you gotta hurry! Hurry up and give Yuuki power already!"

"If you don't get strong enough to kill that Demon, then that girl will surely die. You are the only on with wind magic after all, and we both know that it is significantly more useful when applied to the caster..." The figure said seriously. I was at a loss, I didn't know what to do. I know I'm weak, but everyone else is strong, they're the only ones who can save Lyra...

"Weak...I don't know why I contacted you in the first place. You lack resolve, even as the one you love is dying..." The figure began to slowly turn darker until its form began to turn humanoid and slowly get bigger and bigger. The 'transformation' ended and what stood before me was the Demon holding Lyra by her throat, the latter screaming at me to help while kicking at the Demon's arm.

"Did you know that I was actually you enemy all along, Kabuto? Well no matter, I'll deal with you after I kill your friends...maybe you can join me for some tea after I get rid of those nuisances, hm?" The bastard disappeared before saying "Yoohoo! I'm behind youuu!"

I turned around and saw the Demon with its smug grin staring back at me, slowly squeezing Lyra neck. A murderous glint flashed through my eyes as I grabbed the small gem and immediately felt an influx of power rise within me as I yelled out and dashed toward the bastard that dares to harm my friends...

I arrived behind the Demon and conjured a spiraling wind around my right hand before stabbing it into Vairen's left arm, making him grunt in pain before dropping Lyra. He spun around and tried to grab me by the throat, but I was already above him with my hands above my head before slamming them down on his head, a massive dust cloud erupting from the impact. I wasn't done yet, I created 12 massive blades of air that hummed as they rapidly spun around before throwing them toward where Vairen had landed in the dust cloud. A sharp cry confirmed a hit.

As the cloud settled I saw a massive pool of blood, followed by an angry looking Vairen clutching the stump of his left arm. "You bastard! I'll fucking kill you for this!" He yelled, his eyes filled with rage. I snorted and conjured a massive vortex behind me. A sudden pain racked my body, causing me to double over as I was subjected to a coughing fit. I wiped a stray line of blood from my mouth and looked up to see Vairen's fist hurtling toward my face before I was sent flying into the ground.

The Demon stood over me with a sadistic grin on his face as he outlined his right index finger with black flames, slowly inching his finger closer and closer to my eyes. The Demon suddenly started to convulse before falling backward onto the ground. Yuuki appeared in my vision and crouched over me, inspecting the state I was in before saying "You did a good job, Kabuto, now rest. I'll take care of everyone...promise..." I felt my eyes grow heavy before I fell unconscious. The last thing I remember seeing was Yuuki looking back at Vairen with a bone chilling bloodlust in his eyes.



An all-encompassing rage flowed through my body as I looked at the Demon who tried to rob me of my purpose. I promised to protect my family and I will not go back on that promise now. An intense bloodlust radiated off of my body as I gathered the blood on the ground, and then from the nearby villages, and then from Lagdriosa...

A massive ball of blood formed overhead and blocked the sun from view as it shifted and bubbled madly, waiting for the command to kill. I spread the blood out and infused it with lightning as I split the ball into many different pieces, each resembling a different type of weapon. hundreds of different weapons made of blood and lightning formed above Vairen, who visibly paled when he saw the extent of my power. "W-Wait, we can talk this out! I can give you money, power, hell I can even give you women if you like! I'll do anything if you let me go!" Vairen pleaded, but his words fell on deaf ears as I extended my hand upward before letting it fall down, the weapons following after. I watched as Vairen was skewered by a multitude of weapons before his body was torn apart; a massive pile of blood and gore was all that was left of the Demon.

I fell to my knee and began to breath heavily, a pain slowly covering my chest. I stood back up and looked out over the cliff to take in the sight of Lagdriosa burning once more. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before telling Senaris to heal Kabuto. We were going to be heading down to Lagdriosa shortly. At least that was the plan before I heard a voice come from above me.

"Oh, my dear Yuuki! You beat Vairen, how splendid! Would you care to tango with me for a bit, hmm?"