Applecider 2 Season 1 Episode 13 "Demon was here"

Pricey walked down the street, Pricey's mind was playing back his rape as boys that were aged 15 and older mocked him about it openly on the streets he walked.


Narrator: "WARNING, some of the things said are things that were posted in comment sections in real life. Sympathy, etc."


A bunch of pedophiles and rapists decided to comment on Pricey's situation...


A 20-year-old man named Ace looked at Pricey and said "Would I have like to have been that boy?? Yeah, maybe..." Laughing.


A woman that was 14 named Tina saw him and said "This, what that child is facing... Mentally disturbed."


A 20-year-old man named Ross says "Being a male and being sexually assaulted is hard. I wish it was talked about more, it's so isolating. It never leaves me."


A man named Fred says "Society has a disgusting view towards male rape. It is seen as a joke, and victims are laughed off as weak. People would be shamed for laughing at a female rape victim, rightfully so, so why not treat male victims with the same respect?"


More decided to come on the scene...

A woman named Maybe2243 said about Pricey's rapist and him "That girl deserves a box of chocolate for being such a good woman..."


Another woman named Reeda says "Maybe, he asked her to do it? Like, convinced her to do it?"


A man cried yelling "My kids and mom and who knows else went through it while a group of males and females watched and even assisted in the raped and this was in the USA, not a foreign country!"


A mom of 5 named Sherry said "Rape is rape no matter who does that. She should be punished." In disgust.


A woman that was 13-years-old named Jessica Parzanese walked to Pricey and told him "I feel that I must respond, I'm sorry this happened to you, and You are clearly very strong, and power to you. Things are so distorted because instead of recognizing the situation for what it is which is sexual assault, we chalk it up to something like "men can't be assaulted," because they always want sex. My boyfriend is a musician and recently after he played a set a drunk woman grabbed his back end, then stumbled over to proceed to lift his shirt while she grabbed his... Other parts..."




A 14-year-old boy named Brian is performing with his girlfriend on stage with her parents watching, then two other women, a 50-year-old named Rye and an 18-year-old girl named Apple were drinking together.


After he played the song "Smells Like Teen Spirit," which was supposed to sound like the Trailer song for the gallows, they thought they made up the sound of the song and cover it on their own.


The song continues, however, in the background after they've finished playing, it is a soundtrack, it is another a dark sounding version.


Brian puts up his guitar as the girls, Rye and Apple walk over, backhand slap drunk, they go on set and Rye grabs Brian's butt, causing the audience to laugh, not know how old Brian was, even though he looked so young...


Apple pulled his shirt up as one hand held his... "Other PARTS."

Jessica was in shock, watching this happen as her parents and other audience members laugh.


Jessica pushed the women off of him and pulled Brian away from them, Brian had been in shock, he was angry and confused.


Present Day...


Jessica Parzanese is tearing up while saying "I was in shock watching this happen. Had this been a female musician and roles were reversed, we all know what would happen, The guy gets..."


She sniffled, Then choked up saying "...Guy gets beat up, banned from the venue, legal issues. Hoping when we can begin to see this is not a gender thing and we can begin to tackle the real problem. It is never okay to touch someone without their permission. Sexual bonds are always to be shared between consenting people, violating anyone's body and soul is wrong and I think self-respect along with respect for others needs to be taught better in schools."


Pricey had the look of complete shock that someone other than his friends understood his feelings, he nodded to her and then passionately hugged her tightly.


Pricey knew that he was being treated badly because he was a boy and knew it was wrong by the feelings he had.

A horrible man nearby said "The age of consent is 14 in my old country. We don't baby our children here. If a 15-year-old or younger where you live isn't responsible enough to consent to sex then you're failing them as a society."


Another horrible man named Bruce Kain said:

"Unfortunately for her, I think the kid she was attracted to had other interests? Usually, in situations like this, the relationship gets discovered because the kid brags about it to his friends, in this instance, seems like he confided to one of the teachers at school, I feel sorry for her. She's lost everything because of bad choices and wrong decisions but sexual and physical attraction is a powerful drug, able to override all sensible and logical decision making, no doubt this sort of scenario has played out hundreds of times before, ran its course, and then finished with no real harm to either party, this time it wasn't to be."


A rude woman named Mahatma Coat said:

"As luck would have it, she picked on a gay kid..." Laughing.

Pricey cried and ran off.

Pricey ran to his house and unlocked his front door and locked it so nobody would rape him, again, he ran to his bedroom and searched around for scissors, he got some and went to the kitchen and cut his arms.


Syrus came home from work and saw him in the Kitchen slicing his wrists like bread, Syrus ran in there and pulled the knife away, accidentally cutting Pricey.


Pricey cried yelling "I'm a horrible person!" Syrus comforted him saying "This isn't the way, buddy, it's just doing more harm to yourself, this isn't the way!"


Syrus thought "Male rape is a common form of humiliation in 'certain' cultures. It's not about sex. It's about power. Those evil pieces of garbage raped my baby brother, I'm gonna kill that woman! The thing with this is that if he were a female he would likely be taken more seriously."


In a therapist's office, the therapist tells Pricey "I was sexually molested when I was 9 years old and I still can't find the courage to tell my parents because I am a boy. Even if this happened 8 years ago, my body still remembers. So whenever my parents compared me to other kids of how better I am, I think of wanting to vanish because they deserve a clean son." His therapist is a man. His name is Carl John.


Pricey says "I have been told 'Stop calling that rape."

After the session, a 23-year-old woman named Alice Roberts grabbed him and pulled him to her saying "Is it me or is this MY fantasy I had since I was 13... In your situation with that woman, I should be so lucky! Snitches get stitches! I would not say a word!"


Syrus actually pushed her away from him. Syrus yelled "THIS MAY HAVE BEEN YOUR FANTASY, BUT IT WASN'T MY BABY BROTHER'S, it was YOUR SICK FANTASY! AND HE WASN'T 15!"


Syrus deals a Stabbed in Neck to Alice Roberts with a knife, Then Alice, in an attempt to defend herself, Alice Roberts dealt a Thrown to THE Ground to Syrus.


Alice Roberts died!


Syrus did it 9in revenge, he grabbed Pricey and dragged him to his car, put Pricey in the Front Passenger Seat and then Syrus got in the car and drove off, Syrus was lucky that no one else was in that parking lot that day but Syrus, Alice and Pricey.


Pricey was sitting in a café as Syrus sat across the table from him, Pricey said "Some people were nice to me."


Syrus said, "I'm sorry for what I did to her."


Pricey said, "I'm sorry for getting mad about being raped." Because at the age Pricey was, he was indoctrinated by neighbors to feel bad about himself not liking the rape.


Syrus paused as he gasped in shock, something inside of him angrily and sadly BROKE, SYRUS punched his punch bottle over and slapped Pricey yelling: "YOU ARE NOT AT FAULT, YOU DON'T HAVE TO LIKE BEING RAPED!"


An EVIL man nearby named Red thought "Lol, what boy wouldn't want to be forced to have sex. What a wimpy world we live in." Then he told Pricey that out loud and left the Café.


Pricey asked Syrus "Then... Why does the world want me to like it?" Another terrible man named Robby in the café thought "This is garbage, now, I know he was cool with it, so, tell me, who really is mad? His daddy Complete- Son got it first! He should e happy he got it from a famous woman."


Pricey people were thinking these things about him, Pricey cried. Pricey thought that he was a wimp like others told him he was but in reality, he WASN'T, IT'S NATURAL TO NOT LIKE BEING RAPED. NO MATTER THE GENDER.


A woman said to Pricey out loud "That kid is not a victim." Then left the café.


Loads of women were laughing while loads of men began to mock Pricey, mostly rapists in the area they lived in.


Syrus took Pricey out of there but one of the men closed the door named Alex, Alex yells "Pricey is gay, let's give him some!" So, Syrus killed Alex by stabbing Alex in the stomach.


Syrus escaped with Pricey and drove him home. Pricey heard most of the Sodomite-like men and Gomarite-like women yell "WHAT A LUCKY BOY!" To him.


Syrus rammed the car into the café, it couldn't go through the wall, then he drove off, away from the café.


Pricey cries saying "I'm not a victim!" Syrus yells "You are!"

As Syrus brought him inside, a rapist male yells "I did have something like this happen to me in the early to mid-80s, I at least had the ability and the manners to KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT ABOUT IT !!!! But that was a different time, and these boys that aren't raised to be men these days are being raised to be sissies !!!!"


A 20-year-old man who was raped by a woman in his youth yells "Real men report pedophiles and rapists!"


Micheal Johnson:

"I bet she don't get a day!"


Micheal Johnson:

"He didn't say no, he's lying!"


A rapist named Micheal Johnson yells

"What the heck, did he tell?! That ain't rape, I bet u ask him and he says naw!"


Pricey felt ashamed and mortified like he was being hit in the chest a hundred times.


"All for telling," he thought it was all because he told.

The people who were like "He wasn't raped!" Were mostly pedophiles and serial rapists.


A rapist male yelled "That statement makes no sense- He doesn't have enough intelligence at 15 to know if he wants to have sex, but intelligent enough to tattle tale on himself?????? Also, I don't understand how this stuff gets out. Until I met my wife at 29, I had sex with girls my own age to 40 years old since I'm 16-17 and people never knew my business."


Tell if someone raped you, most people are not rapists and are not going to judge you, so please, please. Tell so nobody else gets raped in real life.


These were comments taken from the comment section of the video "Former NFL Cheerleader Charged With Raping 15-Year-Old" Post by ABC News on YouTube.


A white pedophile man named Youno yells to his friends "That woman who raped him gets 50 years in prison? I don't think so!"


A lot of people didn't want to believe in Pricey's pain. A man named Rob who was a rapist of 6 people, mostly men, asked his brother named Roan who wasn't a rapist and hated all kinds of pedophilia "How traumatized was he? If at all..." Then Roan got shocked, then says "If at all? what do you mean?"


Rob yells "You think a boy can be raped?! HE LOVED IT!" Roan yells "You are insane, nobody wants to be forced into sex, man, that's why they were forced, they didn't want it in the first place, are you off your knockers?!"


A man that was raped at ten by 7 women yelled "I'm sick and tired of people making the excuses of 'insecurities of aging,' 'her mental state more according to the kid,' what is the matter with society... That's why we have sexual predators all over the world destroying the life of minors."

A black man named Eric Johnson said "That's terrible! She should never have given alcohol to a minor."


A teenage girl at the age of 14 named Stephie said "Luring a minor in your house and then having sex with him. That's rape, send her to prison."


Syrus had hidden Pricey in the basement, Pricey couldn't hear the words.


A 50-year-old man with 5 kids he did rape named Keith Morrow yells to Pricey while Pricey is in his house "If I had been 15 and this woman said 'keep this quiet,' I never would have told a soul. No amount of bragging would have ruined this for me, It would have been our secret forever."

An evil rapist named John Averick said "Who was raping anybody? Had inappropriate sex, Yes. But we are calling a lotta stuff 'Rape,' now. That's a freaking strong word to just throw around here. This country is getting scary!"


A rape victim named Tabby Kat cries out amongst the terrifying people around her, trying to justify their lusts, "Though this case is absolutely horrific, I appreciate how it says "raped" in the title of the news report rather than 'seduced' or had sex with.' rape is rape, no matter the gender of the victim or assaulter. however, describing her as 'beautiful' throughout this is incredibly horrible and offensive. she is not beautiful. there is nothing beautiful about a woman who sexually violated a child. she is a monster. regardless, I hope this woman is brought to justice and the boy gets the healing he deserves."


This is most likely the kind of thing men can go through, not all men, and hopefully, men don't have this much hatred going at them, but honestly, as a society, we need to change. Little boys should not be told that they should be happy that they got sex at five, a lot of the horrible things these rapists and stuff said were things people really said.


Luckily, a lot of the nice comments and good things people said were from real people, too.