An Angel

"P-princess?" She asked with a shocked expression and a trembling tone.

Alex nodded his head.

Eve was left puzzled and she stood and walked out of the chamber as per Alex's order as he wanted to rest now.

At the maids's building where all the maids live together Eve arrived by still having a puzzled expression on her face.

She kept on thinking, "What did his highness mean by thanking the young princess?"

It was indeed weird as she didn't knew for waht she was supposed to thank the princess for.

She was restless hence she decided to do some more work so she immediately went back to the palace to clean some things and wash some places to divert her mind initially from this confusion when she suddenly saw Riana.

"Eh? Riana, you are still here? It's late right now, you should probably go and sleep..."

Riana was already exhausted after working for an entire day. She immediately said, "Well, I too would like to go and take rest but I need to be here as the princess might be hungry anytime soon..."

"Oh!? Princess?"

Eve started thinking again deeply about the need of thanking the princess.

It was clearly seen in her face that she was thinking something which was troubling her quite a bit so Riana asked her, "What happened Eve? You are troubled by something?"

To this Eve denied immediately,"No... not at all. I'm juT tired too..."

Riana started to suspect Eve as this might have not been the case.

She immediately asked again, "Eve tell the truth. Is something wrong? Are you worrialright d about of someone else also tries to rape you like that mad cruel king?"

"Ehhh!!!? How did you hear about this?"

"Well, it all started thanks to baby princess, if it wasn't for her then his majesty might have not come to save you..."

Now Eve was even more confused than before.

Even Riana was mentioning that it was all thanks to the princess that she was safe but what exactly the princess had done, it was still a mystery to Eve.

"Well I have been told that it was the baby princess who saved me but what did she do exactly?"

Riana laughed for a few seconds then she immediately told with a gentle smile, "Of the princess ha don't cried then his majesty might have not come that way, and thanks to him coming that way he could hear your scream and hence he broke the door open and rescued you. So it's actually the princess who saved you isn't it?"

Now slowly yet steadily Eve was able to understand the situation.

"Now I get it, so because the baby princess cried out loud, his majesty was passing new the chambers of the king, and thus he saved me... indeed it's all thanks to baby princess..."

Riana was laughing quite loudly even during the night and thanks to that the sound was echoing.

"Sigh... I'll go to the princess's room and will feed here while thanking her. You can go and rest, don't over work yourself..."

Riana hesitates for a bit and then thought that it would really be better if Eve were to go as she was experienced and better at these stuffs.

Also she was tired and could have made a mistake that might have hurt the little princess.

"Very well then, here is the bottle of milk, I have made it like warm. For now I'll go, bye."

Riana Leaves after waving her hands and then Eve departs towards the princess's Room.

It is usually adviced for young kids and babies to sleep with their parents or someone elderly as they could take good care even during night, however the little baby princess didn't have someone to do that.

The man who rescued her was indeed the king of the empire who was 26 years old. He had married at the age of 18 to Seria Lurian from Lurian family who gave birth to two children in total. The eldest prince who was named as Julian and the second prince who was named as Darno.

The eldest prince was just 7 years old and the second prince was 6. Now amidst them a little baby was introduced who was onmy 1-5 days old.

It would have been intriguing to see their reactions however the empress forbade this from happening as she cherished her children the most.

She didn't want some outsider to take shares from her children and thus didn't want her to get the parental and motherly love. Hence she denied from letting the princess to sleep with her.

'Tap tap tap'

Eve walks towards the baby princess's chamber and then opens the door quietly and enters it.

She went close to the princess who was sleeping on a large and extravagant bed peacefully.

"The princess... looks like an angel who has descended upon us to bring us happiness."

She smiled while poking the princess's chubby cheeks.

"Uhh, but the princess is already fast asleep, now how will I feed her?"

She thought about it for a second and then immediately decided to stay by her side.

"Okay, let me stay here today until tomorrow sunrise, if princess is hungry she will eventually wake up and start crying and at the time I will feed her."

She did make a decision however she was not satisfied by it as she could barely watch the princess sleep in hunger.

She slowly caresses her and gently oats her head while singing a lullaby when suddenly the princess wakes up.

"Oh no! I woke her up, oh god, princess please don't cry..."



Then she suddenly stared at the princess who was smiling instead of laughing. It was as if she understood Eve and didn't cry.

"Phew... she didn't cry..." is what Eve thought.

Then she gently placed her warm hands on her forehead and said, "Princess, baby angel, you might be hungry, here food for you."

She gently put the bottle with milk on her mouth and she drank peacefully.

After that she fell asleep almost immediately after burping.

"Good night princess, may you really be an angel who will light the dark heart of his majesty..."

She kisses her forehead and stood there watching the moon from the window in the gentle breeze.