"Today I couldn't meet the princess!!! Waaa!!! I dunno how she has put make up or how she looks now!"
Eve was throwing a tantrum in the maids appointed room.
"Uhhh!! Just sleep! It's not your fault. You will see her tomorrow right? Just get to bed!"
"Hmph! Fine..."
All the maids slept immediately after they had finished cleaning the hall.
"Yesterday was so much fun! Papa slept with me hehe~ it's the first time I saw him that way..."
Emilia was walking near the garden with Eve and Riana. Both of them were in charge of taking care of the princess from now on since they begged the king to do so.
Emilia was extremely happy by having them on her side since they were the ones who also fought on Emilia's side till the end just before she was executed.
She even remembered the time when she shared a cup of coffee with them when they revealed their true feelings to her about her well being and other things.
Even Emilia herself wanted them to come to her side as soon as possible and since now they were serving her she could properly execute her plans.
She kept on walking in the garden to find the second prince Daron who often visits the garden to look at the flowers and relax.
"Here... we will sit here..."
The princess tells with sparkling eyes on seeing which both the maids were extremely awed.
They were looking at her continuously and then said, "Ofcourse princess! Let's sit here..."
The princess sat down and both the maids kept on standing. She looked up and asked, "Why arent you both sitting here, sisters?"
"Awww she called us sisters!!!!"
Both of them had the same thoughts in their minds.
Eve immediately replied to Emilia, "I'm sorry but a commoner can't sit with Royalty..."
Emilia knew it very well what they were talking about but she feigned innocence. She acted as if she wasn't aware what royalty and commoners were.
"Royalty? Commoners? What is that? Just sit here sister..."
She looked like a pink teddy trying to ask for a favour from some stranger. Eve and Riana's hearts were moved and they obeyed her.
Both of them sat down and opened the basket in which they had brought some sandwiches and other snacks.
The breeze was blowing quite finely and everything was good. The pleasant smell of the flowers in the air filled the atmosphere with fragrance making the stay worthwhile.
Then suddenly Emilia opened the basket and started to eat and both Eve and Riana were watching her.
'Um nyom nyom'
She ate just like a cute rabbit and enjoyed the amazing taste.
Both of them kept on staring her as she ate as she looked cute but she felt as if she was pierced with staring arrows.
She suddenly looked at them and took out a piece of sandwich with her tiny little arms and told, "You both also eat with Emi... hehe~"
"I can't bear this cuteness anymore!!!", Eve shouted and it felt like her heart could burst any moment with happiness!
Riana followed her and said, "Ya...!!! Me too!"
All of them started eating since if they had rejected Emilia might have felt bad is what they thought so they too joined and hogged some sandwiches and other snacks.
Then suddenly for some reason Emilia felt sleepy! She tried to stop herself from sleeping but it was out of contro since she was in a small girl's body and due to the pleasant wind she had to fall asleep.
And then she finally slept on Eve's laps peacefully and it seemed as if she was having a wonderful dream.
But all this time Darno was staring at them with anger and jealousy! He couldn't believe his eyes the cuteness that Emilia has just shown! He wasn't able to talk with her or touch her during she was being cute and that's why he was jelous.
He was angry on seeing that two maids were sitting with a Royal just like that and not only this they were even munching on the food!
On seeing this he lost his cool and immediately marched like a lion towards them but after taking two steps he would hide again behind the bush thinking what would Emilia do if she sees him angry!
He didn't want to create any commotion nor did he want to let both the maids go so he waited until Emilia fell asleep or the maids were left alone and the moment that happened he made himself appear and came out of the bush.
"Both if you!!!!", he shouted.
"Mhmmm...", Emilia was sound asleep so she would have woken up if he would have shouted anymore.
So he immediately decreased his voice and started to whisper.
"Both if you... how dare you!!!"
Both the maids weren't able to understand what Darno tried to say since his language and expression both were off. On top of that he wasn't clearly audible to them so they couldn't hear anything.
They stared at eachother and asked, "Yes Master?"
"I am saying how dare you do this? How can you sit with a royal family member!!!?", he whispered.
Both of them were again confused since they couldn't hear yet again so they thought of just nodding their head.
"What the!!! Just nodding your head!!!?"
"Mhm.. wo.. wa...", Emilia was saying something while sleeping which no one was able to understand.
"Uhh!! I raised my voice again! I'll speak with them later..."
He just left all by himself. Even and Riana tried to stop him but he had vanished even before saying anything.
Both of them stared at themselves and then stood up immediately. Eve carried Emilia back to the palace to her chambers and laid her down comfortably on her soft luxurious bed.
After doing that she left. Riana too went and started cleaning the old clothes of the princess.
"Hehe~ mission complete...", the young princess Emilia said this while dreaming.