
In the last chapter we saw...

"Owiiii, it hurt again!"

But this time she held her tears and didn't cry. She then stood up again and decided to go towards the left since the front and the right side had somethings.

But as soon as she had just begun to walk, someone opened to door and shouted, "Mom, I'm back!!!"

The door was wide open and now everything was visible in sight. Emilia had looked towards the door and found nothing but a man standing as the only thing visible to her was the shadow.

The bright light hurt her eyes so she immediately withdrew her gazes and turned towards the left when she found HER sitting on a chair and looking at Emilia.


"S... s..."

She wasn't able to say anything! It was as if she had lost her voice!!

And now...

She was cowering in fear as she stared at her eyes. All she could think of was how to apologize but she didn't have the courage to do so.

Also she was a kid in appearance so her body functioned in the same manner as that of a little kid. Even though she could think like that if a mature lady, she couldn't execute anything if her body didn't coordinate with her.

"What should I do? My voice is stuck! It's like my throat has dried up..."

All she could do was close her eyes and cower. She was trembling in fear due to the eyes that were watching her from the dark.

The one who was sitting on the chair was none other than the QUEEN herself. She utterly hated Emilia since he wast of the royal blood and was leeching off the property that should otherwise would have been Julian and Darno's.

Emilia also didn't want to meet her since she knew it very well that the queen hated her a lot! Even in the past life the queen used to favour the princes over her and even sided with the other person during her execution.

It was clear that coming to her room meant death or execution which would happen quite earlier than expected. But now that she had already entered there was no use thinking about all those things. She understood this immediately and started to think of a way to get away from the queen safely.

She looked towards the other side where Darno was standing who had just entered and thanks tot that she thought she wouldn't be slapped or killed by the queen.

After all a mother doesn't want her child to see bad things that's why she was in a bit of relief due to Darno's presence.

"Um, I'll be back later..."

He immediately closed the door and left. This ended the last day of hope which Emilia had. Now she was completely sure that she would be killed or executed for trespassing her property when suddenly she felt her body to become light.


She looked at the ground which was going away from her.

"What is happening?", she thought.

But when she looked carefully, it was not that the ground had moved, it was in fact that she was being lifted away from the ground.

She turned her head a bit and took a look as to how it happened and found that it was none other than the queen who lifted her using her hands while grabbing her clothes.

She carried her towards the bed and made her sit on bed. Then she immediately lit the candles due to which everything because visible clearly.

"Now it's better...", the queen said.

This was the first time Emilia heard the queen speak after such a long time. She had almost forgotten her voice. Even if those were only a few words and no matter how arrogant they were, for some reason it made her heart waver.

She felt a sudden warmth in her heart which was suffering from bitter cold.

Emilia was blinking eyes while looking at her which made her look fluffy and cute.

The Queen slowly moved her hands towards her and touched her soft cheeks.

For a moment Emilia had withdrawn herself but for some reason she too felt delighted when she was being touched in her cheeks.

"Good, you are not as bad as I thought..."


Emilia was surprised. She kept on staring at her.

"Did she just compliment me?", she was thinking of this one thing in her tiny brains.

In the past life she had tried numerous times to impress her and be praised after working hard but was never praised by her. In fact the queen would always scold her for being immature or other things.

For some reason Emilia couldn't hold herself and tears started coming down of her eyes.

The Queen glanced at Emilia and said, "Oh my, are you crying?"

She took out a ounce of cloth and whipped her tears away.

Emilia's Heart that was like that of a lioness was suddenly weakened at her sight.


She cried loudly and the queen immediately picked her and hugged her. She patted her back and kept on saying to calm down.

The Queen herself failed to understand what she was doing since all she did was hate her but now all of a sudden she was liking her. In fact she was confused at her act of carrying her and patting her like she used to do with Darno or Julian.

"It's fine... don't cry..."

She looked at her eyes and smiled at Emilia.

Only Emilia and a few other maids knew how hard she had worked to just get a small glance of the queen's smile. However, she was able to see the smile only once and that was his before her execution when she met with HER!

After all SHE was the real reason for her execution.

Emilia finally saw her smile in this new life and finally said the word that she was holding onto till now.
