The Tunnel

The conversation went on and on but Queen Seria wasn't contributing to the discussion. 

She had a lot on her mind and was acting uncomfortable and weird. 

''Seria are you okay? You haven't touched your food since. What's the problem?''

With a practiced fluidness, Queen Seria smiled smoothly and placed her hands on the king's.

"I am fine, my king. I was just overwhelmed with the allergy episode." Queen Seria smiled, making sure her face conveyed as much concern as possible. "I will go speak with Ronald immediately."

She gracefully stood up from her seat and turned to the Earl and Countess of Duxin. "I am sincerely sorry about the peanuts. Be rest assured that it will never happen again."

"Thank you, your Highness," the Earl replied good naturedly. The Countess nodded her response and smiled. 

Queen Seria wove her way through the crowd and found her way to the kitchen.