Doom, Exile And Strive

She was about flying to where Emilia stayed but her eyes caught a chef who just left the King chambers. 

It seemed as if he was ordered to get something for the King to eat. 

''Yes! I can have fun before going into exile tomorrow.'' Marline said to herseinto

She flew carefully behind the chef and followed him into the kitchen. 

The chef, seemed as the boss, as he ordered the other chefs to get to work. 

''Get to work everyone. We are to prepare a sumptuous meal for the royal king.'' 

Immediately all hands were on deck and they worked effectively to produce great results. 

The preparation took 2 hours and Marline could only watch in anger in her transformed state. 

''Gosh can't they go faster than this?'' She ranted before they finally finished preparing the dish. 

''Finally, these good for nothing chefs are done'' Marline said to herself. 

She flew to where they kept rice powder in front of the door.