The Revenge

''Darkest part of the forest!?'' The trio exclaimed. 

They all knew the darkest part of the forest was forbidden by the king for people to tread in. 

This seemed like a dilemma. 

They were between devil and the red sea. 

''Are you really sure about this Malia?'' Emilia asked. 

''Yes princess.'' Marline affirmed. 

''We should set out now that it's dark.'' Emilia suggested. 

''Oh… argh… my head hurts badly.'' Marline screamed. 

''Malia you have to rest now. Well we three can go without you.'' Emilia said as she covered Marline with the blanket and set out for the peach flower alongside, Night and Candy. 

''Mission accomplished.'' Marline said under her breath. 

She looked around the room and searched for an ink and paper. 

She found them lying in the cupboard and drafted out a letter. 

She flew out of the room with the paper neatly folded as a letter beneath her claws.