Intimacy - Part 1

''My son, you have to be very careful about your love life. We are just commoners that got helped by the Royal princess, and it'll be best if we stay on our lanes and maintain a formal relationship with the  Royals.'' Bruno's mum advised. 

Bruno sat brooding over what his mum said to him, staring at her wearing a long face. 

''Bruno I know you love princess Emilia but do get over it. I have seen cases like this, things don't end up working out for most people. Only few people end up being together through hard fights of love. Just kill whatever it is that you have for her please. '' Bruno's mum buttressed her point. 

Deep down Bruno's mother wanted Emilia and her son together but it's hard for a commoner to be together with a Royal. He or she will be the tagged a gold digger. 

To make matters worse, they were living in the Palace and working for the Royals. There was no way her parents would want their only daughter to be with a low life like them.