A New Beginning

''Who is she? I'll go to the mortal world and cause her pains. I won't kill her immediately.'' Jade vowed. 

On seeing how fierce Jade was because of her mind, it is was perfect for Marline. 

She would definitely have an accomplice this time around. 

Marline explained to her on how to locate her mum's killer, in the mortal world. 

After hearing all the informations she needed, she prepare few of her things and gave Marline concotions. 

With that, she set out for the journey into the mortal world… 


The rays of the sun from outside, sneaked through the window and made Emilia's face it's place of rest. 

Emilia opened her eyes slowly and yawned without covering her mouth 

''Ohh… it's morning!''

She slipped into the bathroom and had a neat bath and also washed up. 

After bathing, she wore one of her best dresses. She needed to look beautiful and nothing more.