The Head Official Dies

"Oh my gracious god… I am so sorry… I did not mean to hurt you… believe me it was a mistake." Jade apologized. 

Bruno sniffed his nose and sat on the local bed. 

"It's okay. We all make mistakes. I forgive you but stop being too rough. I don't like rough ladies." Bruno replied. 

On hearing this she smiled and winked, while Bruno smiled back at her and also winked. 

"Errrmh… I have to go now. They might have been looking for me since I left. Just stay here and don't go anywhere. 

With that Jade set off for the palace. 

"Stop there Jade! Where are you coming from? We have all been searching for you in the palace for the past two days. What have you been up to? " The Queen asked rolling her eyes in a suspicious manner. 

Jade knew she needed to act fast and pretend so well, to avoid the Queen seeing through her and monitoring her every moves in and out of the palace.