'Maybe this is a compensation to me from the gods up high. They exist after all. I must have been so foolish to doubt their existence.' Bruno thought to himself.
The royal doctor came in to the room where he laid with the King of Syrak.
"How do you feel right now?" The king asked, peering right into Bruno eyes.
In a long while, Bruno felt true love again after he lost his mother.
"I am getting better your majesty. Thank you for your sincere love and care towards me. I am indebted to you and I don't even know how to repay you." Bruno thanked the King of Syrak, with tears welled up in his eyes.
The King parted his hairs neatly and smiled at him widely before responding.
"If you want to pay me back, that is not a problem. You can pay me back by staying here and be of great help to me, Syrak and her people." The King said to Bruno.
Bruno smiled and stayed mute.