The Reunion

"Dear young one, your father is in danger but you are not allowed to tamper with his fate. Tampering with his fate will change yours."

"Lay low as a dove and stay wise as a serpent. There are a lot you don't know but it is better you have no idea for now, lest you get hurt." The lady in white said to Emilia. 

"Please where is my father? Since he is in danger, let me rescue him." Emilia cried. 

"No! You can not help him. His fate depends on his destiny. You are not allowed to meddle with his fate. Stay strong for the battle ahead. " The lady in white said and disappeared. 

Emilia tried to stop her before she disappeared. 

'Where could father be and why would that strange lady ask me not to save royal father? 'Emilia thought to herself. 

Emilia woke up screaming out loud on top of her voice at the lady in white,asking her not to leave. 

"Pheew… it was all a dream."