Marline Returns From Exile

The king patted her on the back and hugged her in return. 

"You don't have to cry anymore Emi. I won't leave you, your brothers and the Queen." The king said. 

"I love you papa." Emilia cried. 

"I love you too Emi. But wait a minute, where is this place? Where is the queen and why are we in this hut?" The king asked. 

Tears dropped from Emilia's eyes all over. 

"Mother nearly killed you with poisonous substances, she killed your elder brother and his wife, she killed the head court official and she planned to get me out of the picture also. So I had to devise a plan and escape here." Emilia explained. 

The king was shocked to hear of the horrible things that was done by his wife. 

"I thought Seria changed. How could she do all of that? And besides how did you carry me all the way from there to here, without being caught?" The king inquired. 

Emilia smiled and told him about her new found powers and the lady in white.