Chapter 2

I may have overreacted a bit in the last chapter. (nO sHiT sHeRlOcK!) Okay, calm down girl. This is nothing. You have roasted the whole kingdom during the banquet because people called you a dyke, lesbo blah blah blah all the words offensive for lesbians. These cockroaches!

Ok, who the hell am I? A gay princess of the immortal world, who has fainted into the mortal world. My witch side is more dominant than the rest of my sides, and a witch can like teleport anywhere when her feelings are not being controlled by her.

Bruh, what the fuck?

I panicked and I'm not teleported somewhere and you are telling me I'm stuck here forever!?? URGH! Okay, I'm in the mortal realm. Which country? I don't know. What the hell is the time? It looks like it's going to be..... IT'S MORNING ALREADY?!!! WTF!!? It looks like it's about to be six in the morning. And I have landed in a street. Should I keep walking? Yes, this place looks a bit shady. Good idea to walk around for a while.

I keep walking like forever. (bruh it been 20 minutes) Should I find some library or those cafes that open very early? Does something like that exist? I'm very hungry. I didn't even touch my food yesterday. MOM! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO START THE TOPIC! YOU COULD'VE SAID LIKE AFTER DINNER!? WHY! TT. Should I like-oh look those box thingies mortals travel in! Hey does everyone wakes up right now? Right at 6 something? Meh, whatever. I step away from the box thing, what was it called though? Car? Yeah, that's what it's called! Dad told us he will get them this year!

Wait, do I have my phone? Or shoes? I look down and see bunny slippers. Yay! I'm looking like some person going on a walk who forgot to wear their shoes. At least I'm not barefoot. I feel my pocket. Yes, my phone is there! Phew! I remember something I should've done before. 'Charged the phone dumbass?' my brain goes. I try to unlock it and see umm 20 percent battery. OK! I tap on my dad's number. I'm so intelligent! How is it going to connect? I'm so intelligent! Wow!

Yes, we do have the technology that the mortals are created, mortals are much better than immortals. They are more open-minded and accepting. I hate being immortal! I seriously hate people sometimes. Lol, not sometimes every day! Why do I feel like somethings behind me? Meh. Keep walking.

Why is everything getting blurry? Oh man, my head hurts. Now, who the fucking hell just hit my head!? I don't know what happened but I'm very sure I hit the ground. BAM! Did mom and dad find me? Where they things following me? They did that sometimes when I was like 100, hitting your head and then kidnapping us into our rooms. Imagine the king and queen doing that. The people are going to be like what the hell? They crazy or somethin'?

Maybe it must not be mom and dad then. They don't just hit me and leave. Lol, some dude is going to think I'm some drunk who just passed out. Meh, at least get me to the healer, I might be bleeding. I ain't going to die tho. LOL! This how I'm going to live my life now! Lying on the ground, bleeding.

(Ya ya, we get it, you're ImMoRtAl! Get lost dumbass! No you are not going to live your life like this!)