chapter 4

Holy shit, my head hurts. My vision goes from blurry to uh...normal? Why is the room white? Is this...heaven? Just by someone hitting my head, I died? Well, I always wanted to die. I was so done with everyone's drama. Thanks, god! You are very kind!

I look around and see...things that mortals use for healing? Well, some people atleast took me to the healer. Thanks, no thanks, mortals! The whole room is just white. Do they even know colors? I already hate this place. (bruh me too, hospitals remind me of death)

I hear the door opening, and a girl enters. I suppose she was the one who bought me here in this white room. 'You are awake!' She says like she's relieved I'm awake. Wait, she is speaking the same language as me. Then the country I'm in must be the USA or U.K. Maybe in some other country that speaks English very well.

The girl comes back with more people dressed in white. I hate white even more! They look as if they are dressed to kill me. I have to throw everything out white in ma chambre when I find a shitty way to get to the immortal realm.

They kept asking me shitty questions as if interrogating me for a crime. I just kept saying, "I don't know." for every question they asked me. Except for 'what's your name?', 'Anastasia.' I replied.

'Who's the mor-i mean girl who bought me here?'

'I don't know. How about you ask her by yourself?' One of the dudes dressed in white said probably sarcastically. The girl on his right glared at him to shut up. She sent me an apologetic smile. Damn girl, this guy is your boss or somethin'? I didn't say anything about what he said. The dressed-in-white grim reapers leave the room while I'm just chilling on the bed.

The door opens again. This guy is getting on my nerves! 'ugh! Now what, bro! I didn't steal your-oh, it's you. The girl who saved me from dying. Hello.'

'Hi, I'm Scarlet. What's your name?' WTH? Is she thinking of me as some preschooler or elementary student? We do have schools in the immortal realm. I don't want to answer her, but her eyes...shit.

'I'm Anastasia. Thank you for saving me.' Even tho she is attractive, with short dark hair, doe-like eyes, dark skin, about 5'5 (cute height). Sigh, I must've healed while I was just face-first chilling on the ground.

'So you're half-European?' she questioned. How did she even guess my...race?

'How did you get that?'

'Your name is Anastasia. Anastasia is a greek name. So you're probably European. Your eyes are grey, and most Europeans have grey eyes. Your face is Asian. So you are probably Anglo-Asian. Sorry for offending you.'

Damn, she just ain't cute she is smart! Ok people! My Asian name is Ming Yue. My dad's European, and my mom's Chinese. 'Wow. You're smart!' Did I say that out loud?

'Thank you.' She blushed. Kinda cute. 'Do you want me to call your parents?' Bruh, I'm stuck here, and I can't teleport home. My parents are not even bothering to find me. And stop asking me questions that are meant for kids! I guess I'm kicked out of the house then. Let's just make a lie then!

'Nah! Don't. I ran away' accidentally. She looked at me as if I've sinned. GURL! Sloth and gluttony are my all-time sins. This is a sin to you? LOL. You must be an angel then. Sin-free! But those angels are very stupid, makes me wanna throw them in hell. I've met them, very annoying people. At least demons go like do whatever the fuck you want I don't care.

'Why? Did you argue with each other? I shouldn't have anything like that.'

'It's complicated. I don't even know what happened. But I felt like running away for a while.'

'Are you ok tho?' Some mortals are so considerate. I like her already.