Chapter 11

'eh?' I walk outside after hearing Scarlett. She woke up. Should I make food? Nope, let me go to her room instead. I walk in to her room, she looks confused. 'when did I fall asleep?' oh man, she looks so cute confused. 'um you slept when you cried.' in my arms. I didn't say that. 'why did I cry?'

'you cried because the grandma who gave you the room to rent had to go to her grandchildren.'

'which grandma? I don't remember any grandma.' Did cra- I mean D do a spell on her to forget everything? I guess she is very desperate to fade away then.

'umm nothing. don't mind me, I thought of my grandma.' I don't even have a grandma.

'are you hungry?'

'yes I am starving. You slept from like just after lunch and then you hit the bedpost. Then you started crying.' good job, Anna!

'I really cried for that? What would you like Anastasia?'

'call me Anna, Anastasia sounds too formal. Whatever you have in mind would be nice.'

'ok Anna'

Again she goes on talking about what she does at college, she can talk for a whole century and I'd be listening. A century is probably like a second for me. Maybe everyone would forget me and I'd fade away with her. When she goes, I can fade away out of existence too.

I know a place in the mortal world. There's a stream connected to a pond. We can just dip our feet and fingers at twilight, while lit under the moon and stars as we whisper our hidden thoughts and desires, and I can bring up running away together. Hopefully she'll agree.

'ta-da!' she places something that looked like a cake-bread. I put it in my mouth. My eyes widen. OH MAN HOLY SHIT! IT IS THE BOMB! This cake-bread literally tastes like heaven! If heaven did taste like that. Best day ever. Even though I got kicked out, some guy hit me with a bottle, I got to meet mortal grim reapers that dress in white and a place that reminded me of death, I met my first love and teacher as a grandma but the cake-bread made this day the best day ever!