chapter 16

Scarlett's POV

Anna told me she got hired already and Angie is actually... Margret? she's an old friend of hers and they talked for like an hour or two while I was making two yellow butter cakes and a pound cake. Margret? Sounds like those old posh names, but she ain't posh at all. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but they were so loud, Anna being loud. A miracle.

Even tho I just met Anna, I learnt a lot about her. She hates; the sun, people who are rude, cold weather, rain, she likes; food, dark colors, and girls in clothes and she isn't like the dumb giggly blondes stereotype. Stereotypes, my biggest enemy. I guess she's bi, pan or gay. It's not that I don't like LGBT, it's okay for me. But if some guy hit on her, they would be shook that she's gay, bi or pan. She is so beautiful! Grey eyes on an Asian face, Asians are so pretty and grey eyes are beautiful! I would love to see something like that! Sometimes I wonder if she is a model, a singer or an actress.

We both leave after Margret or Angie closed the cafe. The rain stopped, and it was about 11. I rarely even walk in this time, it gets terrifying. I don't even know why I chose that place. I guess it's because it was very cheap and near to my school. When I get into a college, I'll stay at the dorms. Anna would repair the relationship with her family. And we would go our separate ways. The thought made me a little sad. I look up at her; she is so tall. She can be a Victoria's secret model. All Victoria's secret models are tall as 5'9 or taller than 5'9. I wonder what it feels to be up there?

'stop staring at me.'she says, leaving me off guard. I look down, embarrassed and red. Was I staring for that long?

'sorry.' I apologize.

'are you wondering how it is up here?' my eyes widen. What is she? A mind-reader? She smirks a bit with a teasing gleam in her eyes, as if knowing what I'm thinking. And that smirk! It's illegal to smirk in-front of me! Oh no, Anna! You are getting sued! Even if someone smirked a little in front of me, ugh!

'if you want to know, you can ask me. If you think being tall is a blessing, it is sometimes and the other times it's not. Believe me, it isn't.' she shrugs and walks towards the place. It's dark, no light, and how can she see in the dark?!

'I know you're confused as I am. I have wonderful vision, unlike you!'

'don't tease me long legs!' I yell at her as I try to catch up with her. Before, she wasn't able to catch up with me because I was running. Oh, how the tables have turned!

'how is it up there?' I giggle.

'its cloudy and windy up here.' she answered and paused for a few seconds.

'do you want to feel how it is up here?' she added.

'oh please do that!' I teased her. How is she going to even take me up there? Princess carry? Yes, she did. She took me in her arms effortlessly, as if I weighed nothing. I squeaked, put my arms around her neck and probably blushed. Good thing there's no-one around and it's dark. Or I will be a blushing tomato. She keeps walking towards the apartment. She entered through the broken door and the floor creaked beneath her feet. Fear creeped up my body. Are we going to fall down?

'you can put me down now.' I stammered.

'how's it up here?' she spoke.

'its nice put me down now, please.'I trembled, and she ignored my sentence full of fear and climbed up the stairs. 'please put me down! We both can fall down through the stairs.'

'Nah!' she kept waking towards the door. When she reached the door, she put me down on the floor. 'im never going to ask you what's up there.'

'yah I know'

I unlock the door, and I enter first to on the lights. She keeps the bag of clothes on the couch and mutters something about how this place gets electricity while the entire building is going to fall down in a few seconds. I suppress my laughter because she didn't know the electricity was coming from the other building. And it was my fault.

'why's everything funny to you?' she questioned with a WTH are you face.

'what are you, a mind-reader?'

'what if I am?' she says with hooded eyes and a little smirk. Why does she have to do that? Stop!

'can you stop doing that?' I say with puppy eyes. No matter what, the puppy eyes have the best effect on people.

'stop doing what?' she plays dumb and not affected!

'fine you win!' I say with a scrunched up angry puppy face.

'yay! so what's for dinner? Is it going to be the same thing you made yesterday?'

'I'm your personal chef now?'

'if you want me to burn down the entire kitchen, then sure, I can do that.'

'no! You are not doing that! Not my favourite place! And yes, the same thing we had yesterday!' I say and run into the kitchen.

'yay!' I hear her before she goes into the bedroom carrying the clothes.