Chapter 23

Margret leaves with an obvious look on her face. We were again in the same room. Awkward silence. Is she mad? Even she's nice, she has a limit too. Where was I? The money! Yes! I should give her the money! I take out the stack from the pocket and put it on her hand. Shit, is it a dangerous move?'umm, why are you giving me this?' she gives me a confused smile.

'this is the money I owed you.'

'thanks.' she replies and takes the cash. Again the awkward silence. Ugh, it's killing me! "keep goin' the conversation on, loser!" My brain barks. Yes, sir! Doing it, sir!

'I'm sorry I got angry.' She glanced up when my voice sounded. I continued, 'I hate being complimented it's because-' I stop in my words. I nearly snitched on myself. 'that's a story for another time. But im sorry for getting mad at you. I could never get mad at you because nobody could get mad at you at all.' I finished my part please say something you're awfully quiet and my insides don't feel so good. And did I just compliment her? No, that was a fact. seriously who would get mad at a cinnamon roll?

'it's okay. Even friendly people have their limits. You can yell at me if you want to.' Just to clear things I added. please yell at me. Is she going to be scary when she yells at me?

'im not going to yell at you. I just got confused that why you got mad. If someone gets mad at you, it is partly your fault. And yelling at you would seem extreme.' Scarlett assured.

'why are you an angel? I questioned. She grinned a little and replied, 'I heard that a lot. You are an angel scarlet. I'm not one'

'they are saying the truth, you know. And stop degrading yourself. It makes you seem like an easy target for bullying.'

'people don't bully me.' I was going to reply, but Margret beat me to it.

'are you both done with your make-up session? Cause I'm panicking in here!' Margret yells from outside. And she seemed terrified by her voice. We left her for a long time by her own.

'we should... help her.' I glimpse at her for her reaction.

'yes we should.' Scarlett agrees

'I hope she didn't burn the place down.' I grumble, hoping the idiot outside doesn't hear me. Scarlett grunts and giggles. Her giggles are so cute, unlike my horse like laughing. We get out of the storage room. When we both come out I feel the coldness outside. It was so hot in there! Air conditioner I Love You!

We see two burly guys entering. one of them was a mini giant and one was a werewolf. My instincts say they are the scouts my brother sent. Good thing I never came out of my house, they wouldn't recognize me. If I hide my aura, they won't find im immortal. 'hello sirs, what would you like?' I ask nicely. If they do something funny in front of mortals, I have to do something very umm inappropriate.

'we would like the girl.' they have the guts to do something like that directly?! bitches you've messed with the strongest witch and the wife of the strongest vampire! We'll show you what's a grand aunt! Yes, I ship these two!

'umm me?' I point at me looking puzzled.' sorry sirs im into women. I'm not available' I may have just come out to Scarlett, hope she doesn't feel im weird and I would hit on her.

'not you dyke! The girl in the middle!' the werewolf snarled.

'what did you just call her? dyke? Listen up, son of a bitch. This isn't some club where you can ask the owner a sex worker for your pleasure. This is a cafe and people eat food, not where people eat other people after succumbing to their lust. And if you want to be homophobic, please take a dip in the trash can.' Scarlett snapped before I could become a savage bitch and she. She- she-she cussed?!! She called him a son of a bitch??!!!! She used my sentence. I'm so proud!

The whole cafe roared with laughter. The immortals got angry and red because a mortal roasted them and they were the clowns. The mini giant spoke up 'listen up-' but I interrupted him.

'we can call you the police for harassing our staff. Please get out. Scarlett, that was good! ow my stomach hurts.' I panted and let out my aura to warn those people. I glared at them with my expression showing this vampire is in my care. If you try to do something funny, I won't hesitate to rip you two into pieces.

The duo sweat and leave the place. Scarlett was beaming with pride. I never knew she had a side like this. That was so good! I'm so proud. She accepts me. That was glorious!