Chapter 25

Third person POV

It was 8 in the evening. In the dark, you could see three outlines of two women and a teenager. Shining light on them, the short girl was wearing whatever she wore every day to school. The first tall woman was wearing a sweater-vest and pants. The second tall woman was wearing jeans and a blue sleeveless shirt. They were on the way to do a slumber thingy at Angie's place. According to the tall immortals, it meant something else.

'hey, Scarlett. Do me a favour.' Anna spoke up.

'what is the favour?' Her friend questioned.

'Stop carrying these many books! My arm and shoulder hurts by carrying them! Does your spine ever hurt or anything?!' Anna complained because of the weight of thing she carried. She had offered to take Scarlett's bag since she was lagging before. Angie was impatient and called her slow-poke. She argued back by calling her long legs. Anna came in between their argument and that's how despair came on her.

Scarlett was going to speak something, but Angie beat her to it. 'can you stop apologising for everything? Ugh! Can't you keep some books at your locker or something? That's the reason you're so short!' Margret argued.

'excuse me what! Tell stuff to the education system because my bag is heavy! They make the books heavy! I just carry them for my sake. And im not short! I'm average height for a girl my age! Y'all are just giants! Giant women! What did your mother give you to eat? Blood?!' She puffed her cheeks in anger.

Angie and the other giant burst out laughing. 'what so funny?' Scarlett asked with a confused look on her face. 'nothing.' Anna laughed with a red face. 'you are talking about giants? You haven't met our family then!' Angie kept laughing, holding her stomach.

'you two are weird giants. Your family must be even more weird.' Scarlett rolled her eyes. 'I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Oh man, that was a good joke.' Anna panted and picked up the heavy ass bag thrown in the corner by her while laughing. Angie recovered and shared a glimpse with her, meaning something. They kept walking towards the apartment door after climbing the stairs for 3 levels since the elevator wasn't working.

Anna and Angie looked normal while climbing exhausted Scarlett. Their mothers probably gave them a formula when they were kids that made them so tall and could climb the whole empire state building without taking breaks. She exasperated in her head. Even though it was three levels.

Anna and Angie's mouths perked a bit, reading their small friend's thoughts. A minor side effect of being a vampire. She really was exasperating. Their mothers gave them blood when they were kids. If they say that, she'll think its blood tofu or something like that their mom gave them.

They both were half-Asians and half-European. Having blood tofu was normal in their homes. She was wrong in one part, though. The blood was actually mortal blood. It belonged to criminals, thank you, not innocent mortals. They are not some crazy monster.

Scarlett took a key from her pocket. `'Hey! When did you get my key?' Margret frowned.

'when you both were laughing you butt off, you threw the key somewhere in the corner. I had to retrieve it unlike some giants!' Scarlett glared at them as if it was their fault.

'it's not our fault for being tall. You just attract tall people more than an average person.' Anna teased her. Scarlett was being a small ball of angry energy and Anna found it adorable. It made her want to tease her a bit more.

Scarlett puffed her cheeks and looked away from her giant friends. She opened the door and went in first. She scrunched her nose in distaste seeing the condition of her apartment.

'ugh! when was the last time you cleaned this place?'

'I don't know? Last week or something?'

'and you made it so disgusting in a week?! My mother would give me "the punishment" for keeping my room this messy. Ugh! And it smells too! What died here? A rat or a dog?' Anna complained with a sizeable amount of disgust in her voice.

Margret looked offended of how they were criticizing her apartment, she could pay the whole rent by herself. That was an impressive feat for her. How dare her immortal buddy act as if it's unusual? Her room was more messy than hell itself! Also, there's a little mission they had to do together.